Blizzard and PEPE

Basically Blizzard is on a witch hunt for pepe, they've removed him from the Overwatch chat and asked pro players to remove it from their twitter account...

>From what I understand, Blizzard reached out to SF Shock management to ask that sinatra take down his birthday tweet because it had a pepe in it, which Blizzard is trying to crackdown on in regards to being potentially offensive.

I really don't get this move at all from a business prospective. The people who buy Blizzard games are the FeelsBadMan, FeelsGoodMan pepe enthusiasts, so why go after the symbol that represents the gaming community?
I don't want my imagination to get the better of me, but I'm sure all the artists, coders, developers etc. are hard at work trying to make a profit (which is good and makings fucking sense!). I guess I want to ask, rather than assume: who makes these decisions? Like someone is getting paid to ban pepe... how fulfilling a life they must have (I too would like to get paid to do nothing, its practically welfare).

I'm also worried that if they ban pepe, whats next? and what the end game is.

I wonder if any blizzard employees reside here...

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Other urls found in this thread:

its way more entertaining to watch companies take political stances. i hope they do it more

Blizzard is a company that took their most iconic Diablo character, voiced by a white man, fired the white man (basically by making it impossible for him to work with them) and hired a black man to voice said character who became black for whatever reason.

They still make the best waifus I forgive them.

I need d.VA in my life

>playing modern videogames
>caring about blizzard after 2007
what's wrong with you?

agreed there. But I just don't get the logic... to the point of frustration. Is it creating chaos for the sake of chaos. Or is it some bitch boy wanting to get some roastie's flaps? I thought business need to focus on profit rather than lil' pepe and politics (is pepe even political? they're banning a joke...)

I guess I want to understand it from their prospective because I'm clueless

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Checked. Uninstalling SC2 right now.

Agree with you there.

I'm more frustrated with the banning of pepe. I haven't played any of their games since... the lich king i guess.

It's the motivation behind the action; that's what I'm curious about.

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You're wrong

Ohhhhh, that I didn't know. Like what is the fucking point?

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Pepe is for neo nazi retards. Pepe go bye bye. No encourage Pepe cucks.

Who? I played DII in the Stone Age but haven’t followed it

>Basically Blizzard is on a witch hunt for pepe
You should've realized that by the paid honeypot fag that kept spamming soe with dumb questions about stupid shit.

Pepe is the strongest egregore in the world, can't be killed even if we wanted to.

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DESU, the black guy does a better voice for Tyrael.

Also, the white guy had been voicing Malfurion Stormrage up until 2016, so it's not like they fired him outright.

That evidently is not true since I enjoy pepes and satirical humor.... you must have 'Rick and Morty' level of IQ

>left open minded
>don't understand satire or comedy

Amy Schumer seems like your kind of comedy

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This is Tyrael now.

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Don't these retards realize that this kind of policies have ALWAYS the opposte effect of what they want?

excuse my ignroance. wass is das?

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EXACTLY, that is whats so frustrating about it. and fucking confusing

I mean he's just toasted from falling from heaven and landing face first

well, there it is

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They don't look like fallen angels....

>Shut it down

global rule 13, newfag

degenerate video game fags btfo, motherfucking check'd

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That's like the most cucked Blizzard game. Compared to, for example, HotS, the teams seem like they are a different company.

I mean, don't they work in the same building? when do the policies in OW get introduced in HOTS?

Good job Blizz....I'll start playing again.

All of those stupid frog images are posted by idiots who spread lies and fake news here on Sup Forums and are also worthless cockgoblins on Overwatch.

Now if we can only get rid of the cucked traitors here on Sup Forums we can start Making America Great Again

alright sour puss


to be fair he always had a black face

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HotS makes Blizz somewhere in a $5-10 a year range. It's Blizz's least popular game by far, and that's saying something considering D3 was and is a dumpster fire.

That being said the general chat in HotS is pretty funny and seems pretty /ourchat/. Too bad the game is trash.

I'm getting deja vu, didn't this already happen a few months ago?

i found out about it yesterday. what happened a few months ago?

I remember hearing about blizzard wanting to ban Pepe from their various platforms for months now, unless I'm remembering wrong/going crazy

>in regards to being potentially offensive.

oh no, the horror.

>what if she says no? I shouldn't ask her out then

This is the thinking of a beta faggot.

It makes more, considering I recently bought gems for 20 euro.
>Too bad the game is trash
It's actually quite okay for a moba, it's not the best game ever, but I still play it after almost 3 years with few breaks here and there. It's the best current Blizzard game imo.

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same happend to me in dual universe.

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That was Hasbro/Wotc and Magic the cuckening.

Hyperbole. Still makes nothing compared to the other Blizz games.

>It's actually quite okay for a moba

Worse of the big name ones by far. LoL and DotA crush it in player base, competitive scene, casual players, etc.

All that being said I still play it too. It's nice to see the mash up of blizz IPs.

The most played doesn't mean the best. It's usually better to have a smaller playerbase, look at what happened to WoW during WotLK. Also, if it was more popular, it would be as cucked as overwatch, due to how current Blizzard tries to "please everyone".

funny how those "everyone" all happen to be rabid sjws

I don’t get why Pepe is so offensive now despite him existing for years before now. Once normies get hold of something its all over.

The normans have had Pepe since years before this though


League >>> Overwatch