What exactly is "black culture"?

What are it's main values? Does it even exist? Chinese culture is about academics, firm social hierarchy, familial loyalty and collective thinking. White culture is about technological innovation, science, democracy the protestant work ethic and individual rights.

What do blacks stand for?

Serious answers only, please. No meme jokes.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>No meme answers
Where do you think you are?

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Shoop-anons: you know what to do.

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S'bout muh mafuckin dick

Aids and rape

twerking, da club, smoking blunts and committing crimes to support their culture. so i guess prison and welfare is their culture.

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Did niggers invent rape or did they steal that too?

>what do black stand for?

Look in fashion and music, you might see some influences there.

Unless you think Beastie Boys invented hip hop . . . hip hop pretty much invented the use for partial rhyming in music, beyond use of samples, which if you think is minor in music, you prove me wrong by just being retarded.

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>black people
Topping crime stats all over the world isn't a culture

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Seriously, though, what empires did they have? What were the major capitals? What systems of governance did they use? How did they economic systems work? How complex was their job specialization? How many strata existed in their social structures? What were their great works of literature, art, architecture and music? What are some of the more iconic examples of the African cultural canon? Help me understand, /pol.

I didn't even get to your post, I agree with the pic 110%.

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>hip hop pretty much invented the use for partial rhyming in music

What is partial rhyming? Is that better than rhyming?


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The Irish invented hip hop

>The decade 2005-2015
Leaving black people in charge of classifying information.

Nigger culture 101; tight pussy, loose shoes, and a warm place to shit.

There isn't one. Well, it sort of depends. African cultures obviously exist. And an African American "culture" exists, hover horrifically modern or awful you might think it is. African heritage and history aren't any less valid than any other.
However the notion that the USA should have to pander to said culture is lunacy. African culture is a foreign culture, and the black american owes their freedom to the white American. It wasn't always a case of Europeans stealing people for slaves, quite often African chieftans and leaders would sell slaves to the Europeans.
The USA has not only given the black american the right to exist, it has given the black american the right to be an American.
The Black American rejects the White American state because it feels that it does not belong or that it is sidelined, when in reality where it not for the eventual compassion within the White American the Black American would remain an inanimate object or tool.

There are many African Nations and peoples, all of whom have a fascinating history.
I'd start with Mali and Ethiopia user. The "muh mud huts" meme is just that; a meme. Sure, they weren't half as good as Europe in the long run but to disregard an entire continent's history is a bit shit.

as opposed to perfect rhyming, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfect_and_imperfect_rhymes

Now THAT is the money shot!

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The beastie boys were Jews

>I'd start with Mali and Ethiopia user

What's there? Who are their Shakespeares, Beethovens, Aristotles and Bacons? I know that they didn't quite achieve what the ancient Greeks and and the Renaissance thinkers achieved, but I'd like to know: who was their very best? I want to read up on them.

I’ve heard this before

they probably still are too.

So they produced an inferior version? Is that really an "invention"?

Except for one

Fashion isn't science, it's what black culture is about. I mean blues and jazz music was from blacks, but even then it was adopted a lot by whites, but black couldn't own royalties on the music when white people stole the songs till 67'

Mansa Miss. Rich enough to cause gold inflation.

That’s about it.

Blacks didn't invent rap, it was the white British. Look up 'Skeltonic verses'

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>Blacks didn't invent rap, it was the white British.
one more thing for britain hate threads

The use in mainstream music is major. Before only perfect rhymes could be used, so obviously it opened up the vernacular for more complex lyrical messages, which if you look at the DEEPEST songs pre-80s it talks about issues pretty abstractly.

Hip-hop from it's very inception has been used to communicate heavy ideas until biggie made rap popular.


So fuck the idiots that think that niggers haven't contributed anything. Fashion. Unless you're the fedora tipping that thinks the suit and galoshes is the pinnacle of fashion.

The difference of BLM and Alt-Right is that BLM isn't asking for the systematic removal of other cultures. White Pride wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for the 'GO BACK TO YOUR OWN COUNTRY' part.

Loving yourself doesn't including beating up someone for not being you.

Again, the use to imperfect rhymes is what Hip-Hop did to lyrical part, Skeltonic verse uses perfect rhymes.

I don't think you understand what hip-hop is.

>what do blacks stand for
>serious answers

I coun't no less than $580 worth of Nike gear there, likely double that, but I can tell by the security door behind this beautiful female head of household family, they are living in high density low income housing.


> why makes it you to a racist if you're white and you have similar opinion?

hypocrisy not less or more

rap is about rhythm not rhyming the same sound over and over again. that's a really white way to look at the music. It's like saying that any music with acoustic guitar is country music.

>Mansa Musa
1. His culture was not African; he was a Muslim.
2. His sole claim to fame was wealth, but there's no exact (or even an imprecise) number on that. We just have examples of his spending habits. The only thing he did of note was build some mosques and libraries and one university, which obviously didn't do much to spur the establishment of an actual civilization in Mali.
3. His wealth is anecdotal and subject to embellishment. Aside from pic related, there exists no physical evidence that this guy ever bought or investing in anything - a bit suspicious, don't you think, for the wealthiest man in world history?

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I’m no expert, but from an outsiders perspective it seems that oppression and victimisation is a major part of black “culture”
Look at blues or hip hop music, or anything related to negros in film or tv. It’s all about being a sad and depressed person struggling, so they sell drugs or steal which results in them killing each other, which leads to more cries of “victim”

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>White Pride wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for the 'GO BACK TO YOUR OWN COUNTRY' part.
Because blacks, given the chance, would never commit ethnic cleansing

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Except antifa violently lady out against those who don’t share their values so I wouldn’t really take your word for it

You also turn a blind eye to non-white racism

>So fuck the idiots that think that niggers haven't contributed anything. Fashion.

They just wear sports jerseys and running shoes and baseball hats - all of which were invented by white people. There is not a single garment of clothing that they invented. And wearing baggy pants on the street because that's what they had to wear in prison (which was the white warden's choice) is not an invention at all.

You beat me to it!!

Blacks can't perfect anything.

>Loving yourself doesn't including beating up someone for not being you.
I would argue that loving yourself comes with the imperative of removing what is a threat to yourself.

>talking about BLM
Was talking about Black Pride vs White Pride. Black Pride isn't about making an ethnostate. White Pride is.

>rap is about rhythm not rhyming the same sound over and over again.
But rhythm is present in all music. It's the very basis of music. There's no proof that blacks invented that. For all we know (and it would be a bit surprising if it were otherwise), Neanderthals were rhythmically banging sticks together 60,000 years ago. That's literally who you're comparing modern blacks to. That's the zenith of their cultural contribution.

Are you retarded? Black pride movements are ethnically cleansing SA as we speak

antifa is a facebook group, they're not even an offcial organization like BLM. You might as well be blaming Anonymous for the same shit, because they could be from Sup Forums.

Quick, someone shop a white man over that sheboon and repost it.


>Black Pride isn't about making an ethnostate
Black pride comes in many variations and yes, that includes the establishing of an ethnostate.

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it's a meme

>Owns a business
>Only web presence is police records and a facebook account

Look, I love uncle Adolf as much as the next goy, but for effective memes we need to drop the 88.

Thank you based meme flag shill for your input

kill yourself

It’s an umbrella term for militant revolutionary communists, anti-fascist movements, anti-racism movements, pro-refugee initatives and so forth, as I am sure you are aware

American Nigs have no culture every cultural marker that would define them as different from us was directly stolen from poor whites

then choose someone and do it yourself :^)

Rap,Jazz,Blues etc. And that's an awful lot of chinese shilling. You forgot to mention that they find the devil's number to be "lucky." I'm guessing you forgot that one kike scum

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Stealing and flexing.

this, there is literally nothing wrong wiyh self-defense genocide

Northern europeans invented hip hop dumbass en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flyting

In art, if no one cares, it's not important. Genres are really bullshit, because it's not like it's a living creature that you can tell it's genetic linkage.

Hip-hop started the popularity that modern music is on, and the roots of it has carried forward into rap and other music from there. There's no way to really prove it, other than it's POPULARITY.

People did imperfect rhymes, sampling, social messages, dance music, and indie labels before, but all of that together is what hip hop was about that became supremely popular, and because of white owned music labels, became uniquely black. It's not even like they were trying to make it black culture, it was almost forced on them. I mean even Rapper's Delight one of the first hit hip hop songs talks about race and diversity and acceptance.


While it was not the first single to feature rapping, it is generally considered to be the song that first popularized hip-hop in the United States and around the world.

Because art is about popularity, not being FIRST. Hitler himself could have dropped the first rap album, but if only 12 people heard it, not important, not interesting.

Shouldn't the self-defense be proportional to the threat? I don't see anyone threatening genocide against whites, much less committing it. And don't give me the "but muh white wimmenz is dating blacks!" If the white women want to have brown babies, it's their right as individuals to do so. If that results in the disappearance of white people, then that was the white people's CHOICE. And that is not genocide. Mass suicide, maybe, but not genocide. And so you should leave brown people alone and be nice to them.

You say it's communist, but it stands for anti-fascists. You can say it's about anti-white, anti-trash can, femenism, it doesn't make it any true.

antifa is about anti-fascism. Obviously marxist, anti-racism, pro-refugee, and so forth are attracted to it. it's like saying Anonymous is child porn ring.

Perfect example of n*gger "culture"

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I agree. Segregation is the best solution for all.

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>Because art is about popularity

popularity is not about art, it's about commercial sales and technology which makes dissemination easier than at any other time in history. The Pet Rock was popular, as was Transformers 5, but who the fuck would want to take credit for that?

okay wh*te bois here's what black culture is: it means being a straight gangster first off, don't take shit from nobody, especially the wh*tes. secondly it means having a soul, you feel me? like make the best music an shit. lastly it means fucking bitches.


this is bait, fags

Can someone translate all this monkey speak?

I guess being a prostitute technically makes you a business owner.

>I don't see anyone threatening genocide against whites, much less committing it.

Good goy! It's definitely just whites feilding their own destruction, nobody else! I would NEVER commit genocide like Hitla!

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noice.. heil fuhrer

Black pride is 100% about making ethnocentric communities where whites have no influence.

everyone who has been here since past year already know this. This is a good newfag filter desu

Yea, take orders from your Jew over lords to be degenerates accomplish nothing and have the rest of the world see your race as no value so jews look better?

I think he means he wants to shoot people but needs to keep things smoothly running? Also bix nood.

Who cares what hip hop is? Just because idiot teenagers love something doesn't make it worth anything.

"It is OK to be White!"

Is not a racist statement!

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Advertising executive Gary Dahl and Michael Bay respectively.

I know you see it dumb and shameful, but as an artist, popularity is EVERYTHING. Being about exploit the work and monetize it something else, but that's what makes a successful artist.

I mean, I did up the Picard Song, but had no fucking way to monetize it. They did. They're successful artists.


Antifas is a child porn ring! The faggot admits it!

Blues and jazz was stolen from plantation owners. Niggers only know how to emulate what they experience.

It's an entire influence on fashion and music that is still going on to this day. It's not like it's diminishing or minor. It's pretty much the most significant thing to happen since name brand fashion like CoCo Chanel.

You might not realize it, but art is one of the most significant parts of humanity. We didn't send up our political views on a gold record into space.

antifa is a front for the inter-dimensional lizard people

>anonymous confirms antifa as lizard shill, uses facebook as proof.

>BLM isn't asking for the systematic removal of other cultures.
Bullshit, literally all they and other libtard groups talk about is "dismantling whiteness" and shaming any white people who don't immediately roll over in the face of their racist rhetoric. It's really no wonder some white people have started to fight back against it.

But niggers still made it popular, so that's what counts.

True African culture is what the Africans were before colonialization. So a lot of ooga booga tribal stuff and primitive living. It'd actually be interesting to learn about I think, but Africans prefer to claim more advanced cultures that weren't theirs, like Egypt, so it's considered racist to mention their true historical culture. I don't know why. Native Americans have no problem being proud of their ancestral traditions.

>I agree. Segregation is the best solution for all.

That is NOT what I am saying, you snarky bastard. FREEDOM FOR ALL is my mantra, including the freedom of white individuals to enrich their progeny with the blood of other races.


Why do people fall into the trap of replying to shills and sliding their own threads? Dumb.

And ! , I have a desire to kill people that challenge my street authority. gun to the head dead to a grave. But I have a need get by without jail. {your attention} I play with those devils 100% {rapper reference onnat # freebig dog shit got it on lock # real my nigger. No kkk raciest.

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>White culture is about technological innovation, science, democracy the protestant work ethic and individual rights.
First of all, most "white people" don't live in countries with Protestant majority. You mutts should stop trying to define what "white culture" is.