One Piece

Was this the biggest asspull of all?

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No, the fact that you're still alive

Pretty sure the biggest asspull was the TS itself. Kuma sending each SH to an island that magically is perfect for their asspull powerups still makes no sense, and probably be excused to something like "son of Dragon" which is yet another asspull.

Anyone got that fan chapter where the admirals storm WCI?

Kuma sent them to islands that fit their skills on purpose. He wanted to help them.

Can we all agree that by running away Luffy basically jobbed to Katakuri? He bit off more than he could chew, took a hostage like he's the villain and ran away like the little bitch that he is.

>1-2 years

Kuma with his super enhanced brain calculated that their chances of success in finding One Piece were high and decided that it was worth to throw his life away to help.

And it was pretty much stated that he was an undercover revolutionary.

At least that's how it went in my head.

Dragon expects great things of Luffy and Kuma is his friend.

is this bait or do you actually read this fast?
can never tell with One Piece shitposters

No it wasn't. It was established the arc before that Kuma knew Dragon.

What if Luffy is actually Roger's son? Garp could have switched Ace and Luffy's identity to protect him.

So, does Oda know about Robin's futanari doujins?

>Kuma sending each SH to an island that magically is perfect for their asspull powerups still makes no sense
Are you aware that Kuma had the power to choose where to send them? I don't understand where you think that's an asspull. His power isn't really an asspull compared to what we've seen in that universe either.

Well maybe not Smoothie but Sanji needs a win from SOMEWHERE in this arc, beyond cooking the perfect cake for Big Mom. Hopefully Daifuku for bitch-slapping his actual wife

think he'll do it again?

>Don't worry, Grandson, I'll make sure you don't fall onto this lava pit, I'll just have you fall into these spiked floors to protect you

If you were in One Piece world, what would you become (realistically)? What would you do?

I'd join the Marines and eventually work my way up to Captain rank

I'd be a farmer somewhere on East Blue

Stay in east blue.

I'd go to Amazon Lilly to inseminate all their citizens.

Yeah but come on, Katakuri is way too powerfull for current Luffy...

Unless I lucked on a good DF, I'd probably just stay on my island and try not to anger a CD if they ever happen to visit.

Biggest asspull was 'o my rubber body' during the Sky Island arc.

Kuma did that on purpose as he was a Revolutionary mole at the time

I appreciated the last thread, there was a fair bit of Hancock talk, but it also wasn't only shipping. How many more years before she shows up again in the story proper?

Literally the entire arc and Enel’s character was built up to this exact moment which is one of the best moments in the entire series.

Fak u

I'd just live as a sheriff on Cocoyashi married to this beauty.

So it's been an asspull since the beginning of the series?

Foreshadowed in Logue Town.

he's a pirate user. they don't fight fair and don't give a single shit about running away when things go south

who do you think wrote them

I'd probably work under Buggy. I want the pirate life, the fun and the adventure but I also want to keep the danger to a minimum.

Excellent taste


It didn't change the outcome of the fight, so no. By which I mean, it was a joke based on the 3 swords vs. 4 swords technique, and without it the fight could have been just like any other Zoro fight. Oda wasn't avoiding anything by doing it.

I'd spend my entire life arming up for a World Noble slaughter.

What good would that even do you tho

Literally had an enemy designed that Luffy was completely immune to. Yes, that was one of the best moments in the series even though the fight itself was stupid.

Yo IcyMera, you here? RIP

He's probably an ancom larper

I become even more infamous than Fisher Tiger.

Life for regular people in the One Piece world is kind of shitty everywhere? I guess Water 7, since aside from the tidal wave thing (which the town seems designed to withstand and people are well prepared for) it seems like a pretty nice place to live with a fair degree of its own autonomy from the WG since the ship-builders are so good they get to call the shots

It was one of the best moments, doesn't change the fact it was an asspull.

Would try to get the suke-suke no mi to watch girls naked.

Enel’s entire character was planned around this. It’s not an asspull if it’s one of the only reasons his character exists

Luffy was completely immune to Enel despite creating enough heat to burn Luffy alive.

I'd try to be Pirate King then get raped by bigger and stronger pirates, end up as a slave sold to the CD's and then escape after Fisher Tiger saved me only to then get taken in by the Revo's and made to fight the system even though now my ambitions are broken and I just wanna go home

Sounds like an exciting life you got there

realistically you'd do what you do now, nothing important, and live your life without really causing trouble
are you fighting evil now? are you roaming the world free? what makes you think you would act differently in another world, especially in a world where there are magical pirates that can knock you out by looking at you

I forget, which member of the Strawhat Grand Fleet is Sup Forums's favorite?


1. Baby 5
2. Barto
3. Cavendish
4. Whatever

Barto or Cavendish

Our world is done being explored user. In a way having the world all mapped out and available through books and the internet is a curse.
Also no one trustworthy hid a treasure at the end of the world.

fuck oda
nothing happen chapter

Because there are magical fruits out there that could give you broken abilities. I would definitely be looking for something like BM's fruit.

Barto and Cav are the only right answers.


Why did Oda waste a page in this irrelevant object? Will this be relevant someday?

Well, at least Mars' colonization is coming soon. Maybe you should apply.

It introduces the McGuffin that Enel uses to justify destroying Skypeia

>are you fighting evil now?

>are you roaming the world free?

Looks like there's no problem there kiddo

It can only mean one thing:
The one piece is in space.

Mars is already mapped out too user. We already know there's nothing there even though nobody ever walked on it.

inb4 moon theories

I'd probably be an explorer traveling with a group of researchers/archeologists in search of Devil Fruits to sell on the black market

It's going to happen, and it's a way to one up Skypeia. Who wants to be the most free man in the world, when you can be the most free in the solar system?

The biggest asspull was getting absolutely destroyed by the CP9 in Water 7, then the crew finds out that Robin didn't really betray them and suddenly they all have a massive power spike which leads to the defeat of all CP9 members.

It's literally and unironically Fairy Tail tier """writing""".
>inb4 rabid Odashills fanboys defending this
Save it.
I wonder if Cavendish is the one character Ishida identifies with the most. The casting fits so well it's almost eerie.

apart from the two obvious answers, last time i checked people also liked this dude

Pell surviving a nuke

I hope you meant Galaxy.

We Stargate now!

>What is CoA haki.

>characters fight at 100% power 100% of the time
Why are shonentards always stuck with this mindset?

>realistically you'd do what you do now

The thing is that what I do now isn't realistic in the One Piece world, so I think it's actually more realistic for me to be a pirate/Straw Hat than for me to live a normal life. I would want to see the world.

I stand corrected. Haki is the greatest asspull in Wan Piss

>oda wasted so much time on the dwarves and the riku family when he could have just given this guy a personality
I'm mad. We know next to nothing about Ideo and Blue Gilly too.

Oda, where's my friend Zoro?

>Another retard hackposter

1. The Aokiji fight proved they needed to get stronger, so it's not farfetched they trained off screen

2. Luffy and Zoro just rushed Lucci without thinking while he was in his Zoan form, which Luffy needs gear 2 to access

3. Kaku and Zoro were equal even back then. Zoro was just bewildered that he was an assassin.

Fucking retards.

Haki has been hinted a lot of times during pre-timeskip. Call it whatever you want, is not an asspull

eh, the cover story and his interactions with cavendish helped a little bit

Well done, user. That was perfect.

>"I literally have no idea what asspull means"
This is why you should be careful with meme words kids.

I'd be a mucisian on a pirate crew.

if you didn't see it coming a mile away then i have bad news for you.

CoC and CoO were definitely not asspulls.

But CoA, even if planned in the pre-skip definitely was slightly asspulled in some aspects.

What even constitutes an asspull? You see developments that fit the setting just fine being called asspulls all the time. And that applies to a lot of series, not just One Piece.

Surely that fits under the category of "I literally have no idea what asspull means". That applies to a lot of people.

The most recent asspull is when luffy was so fat from eating mochi, he just ran then became thin again. This all happened in a single page.

I always took the "10000000000 volt" stuff as hyperbole. As in Oda just calling it that as a way of letting the reader know how strong Enel's attacks are. Unless Enel literally is a living voltmeter due to his powers and knows his exact voltage output.

>something that has been happening for 20 fucking years

If he had CoA haki he would heve destroyed Crocodile by himself

That also happened in Whiskey Peak

So you think hesitation, focus and resolve making a difference is a childish concept and an asspull?

Mob bosses and terrorists arent any stronger than other people, the fact that they are willing to do more with less hesitation is what makes them dangerous

>He doesn't know that the interview was released 6 months late so Wano is still likely in early to mid 2018

I swear the number of months keep growing bigger every time I see one of theses posts.

When will Crocodile show up?

the interview was actually released pre time-skip

An asspull, or a deus ex machina, is a solution that comes at the last minute that essentially comes out of nowhere. Oda is pretty good at avoiding these, since he’ll add foreshadowing to explain how a last minute saved happen or at least take the time to set things up for their reveal later. Asura is the only asspull that I can think of and you can tell Oda regretted it because it hasn’t really been seen since it’s introduction.

A classic one is Itachi revealing Susano’o in the last leg of his fight with Sasuke. Up until now there’s been no indication that this even existed, and it’s so broken and overpowered it basically dominates every single fight involving a Sharingan for the rest of the series.