Alternative for Sweden fundraising

pls gibe money, America.

in all seriousness, are international fundraisers for party politics sketchy or illigitimate? Can they be seen as colluding with outside forces?

"— Donald Trump was right when, during a joint press conference with the Swedish Prime Minister, he said that, “Immigration has certainly caused problems in Sweden.”

— Alternative for Sweden is an up-and-comer in Swedish politics and so it is only natural that we finance our election campaign in new innovative ways. Meanwhile, the state-funded establishment parties collect billions of taxpayers’ money each year in a rigged system that effectively aims to exclude new political parties.

— This international fundraising campaign is a call to action for patriots all over the world to help us save our beloved country from the brink of complete chaos. I feel confident that people all over the world will contribute to our campaign and help enable our entry into the Swedish parliament in September 2018."

Attached: download (6).jpg (300x168, 6K)

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Bump for saving Sweden.

thanks man

AfS is controlled opposition

Attached: download (7).jpg (211x239, 7K)

There is an islamic party in Sweden called JaSin that wants to run for government in 2018
There is a gypsy party formed in Malmö aswell
There is countless infiltration by islamists in most (if not all) of the centre/left parties

How will AfS change things?

they'll steal votes from SD while not passing the parliament latch, effectively nullifying those votes

wow, you're worse than a NMR shills calling AfS "controlled opposition"

you're an SD cuck, oh boy ,this keeps getting better

You need guns, not gibs.

Explain how he is wrong
I read that ~66% of SD voters want more harder rules for migration into Sweden so where do you think Afs votes are coming from?
They most likely will cannibalize SD and this will only lead to a higher % for the others

>They most likely will cannibalize SD
And the problem is..? SD has given up its own voterbase in order to pander to the middle.

it really does not matter whatsoever.
they need more than 1% for ballots, and SD will get blocked anyway, and now they are an "anti-racist" establishment party - wont even talk about repatriation

Sounds like a spin off of our AfD
Theyre already doing a good job in german parliament, the other parties are scurrying around like scared weasels everytime AfD does something
Heil Höcke
Uncuck europe

Attached: cRmLyA1.png (600x1601, 624K)

>And the problem is..?
Well do you want something to change or do you want S to stay in power along with miljöpartiet?

AfS wont make it over 4%, no way so at best it steals votes from SD and weakens the party (thus stenghtening the parties on the left) so wer can have more glorious immigration

You need to make a compromise to gain power, SD is compromising some things in order to gain power to implement its strategy

How would you otherwise do it exactly?

SD also pushes people out of the party for merely mentioning that nearly all media in the country is owned by one family.

SD is just like establishment Republicans: Controlled opposition.

it wont weaken sd, it will only keep some potential careerist politicians outside a nice cozy salary.


So less votes wont weaken SD?
Please explain that logic mate

a84Jwh3w is probably underage

To all the retarded shills and people getting confused about whether this will split SD and fuck 'em up or not.

First of, 4% of the votes is the limit in order to get into the riksdag. At 1% you will have ballot pay for, printed and distributed to all polling locations. At 2.5% your party start getting taxpayers money.

Now how big of a difference does it make if SD gets 20% or 17.5%? Or hell in the worst case scenario AfS get 3.999% and SD get 26% instead of 30%? Litterly nothing. NO party will cooperate with SD, Moderaterna (Conservatives) has again said that they will not cooperate with SD.

Now how big of a difference does it make to AfS if they get alteast 2.5%? Massive...
And all of this without mentioning the backstabbing SD did to their youth party and what they are currently doing against AfS. SD needs to learn that they can't fuck over their core voters who has had no other party to vote for.

because SD is a USELESS party
get it through your skull

sorry, i don't care for the opinions of school children

>because SD is a USELESS party
De vill kontrollera migrationen till Sverige och kontrollera anhörighet genom DNA, de gör satsningar inom sjukvård så vad exakt är deras dåliga sida?

Kör denna till er båda
Det finns partier inom riksdagen just nu som säger sig vara SDs motsatser och vägrar samarbeta med dem oavsett vad (Centern har sagt detta och med tanke på Sharia domen i Solna är det väldigt sant) så en förlust på några % för SD kan vara förödande

Om de övriga inte kan bilda regering utan SD ökar det SDs makt och de måste då backa för att lämna plats åt dem
Om SD ligger still är det möjligt att S flyttar sig mot mitten och vill bilda regering med några från högersidan, samtal om detta pågår nu och titta på blocken. S bär båda de övriga två rätt ordentligt.

Att inför valet börja kannibalisera SD är helt fel väg att gå, det kan man göra efter valet när SD har blivit ännu mer mainstream och positionerna kan flyttas fram och bli ännu hårdare för 2022.

det här är en shilltråd

OP har redan skapat en ny tråd då denna inte gick som han ville


Basically the problem is that we now got 3 feasable nationalist parties competing for the vote

A lot stigmatized than that, but sure they are turning into a mainstream party.

>3 feasable nationalist
SD, AfS and?


I wouldnt call them a feasable alternative
They are the most hated party in Sweden and that title rightfully belongs to either MP or F!

lmao. the Sup Forums circlejerk party. gl fgt

The swedish Trump?

Attached: E5D92E47-7C6D-4C1D-B638-5578D8E05C52.jpg (1536x2048, 545K)

Yeah, that will never happen.
Choose one

Kasselstrand is the politician that can turn this country around. He's focused on winning and not cucking like SD.

Attached: kacks.jpg (1199x799, 157K)

I agree, they're not

Sure! Support trumpstein is bad thing to a political party .
