Who's to blame /pol ?
Teen suicides up 70+ percent over a decade
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empty meaningless emotion-based culture, and this is great news, as the weak will kill themselves and the strong will thrive.
lack of future prospects
also it's your fault
>also it's your fault
CIAniggers and the world elite for imposing restrictive economic circumstances on the majority of the world's people. The Jewish media for fucking up their minds.
50% of that 70% are homosexuals so that's a good thing.
>Decrease fatherhood and religious upbringing
>Surprised moral degeneracy is up to the point suicide rates almost double.
75% blacks don't have dads. 40% of Hispanics don't have dads. 25% of whites don't have dads. Only demographic that hasn't hit double digits is Asians and Muslims because their cultures don't bend to the welfare meme.
Until the issue of moral decline and fatherlessness is sloved, this will continue.
not having a father is probably the worst thing that can happen to a boy.
Our culture of consumerism is not worth opting into. It doesn't surprise me when young people see the raw deal and opt out.
>as the weak will kill themselves and the strong will thrive.
Gee it is almost as if the advancement of civilisation didnt help much our primitive brains
Drop the UTM tagging, Moshe.
>as the weak will kill themselves and the strong will thrive.
Stop being retarded. Western culture is built on equal opportunity. Every man should have a chance at building a family and career so they will work towards improving society. A handful of "strong people" will not be able to maintain society.
>Who's to blame /pol ?
Your people.
If you kill yourself you win.
I get really jelly every time I see an Israel flag because it'll get so many (you)s regardless of the post
Not having a loving parental unit is the worst thing period.
Even divorced families are horrible.
My father had me, but he had to work an insane amount to pick up the slack, less time spent with daddy. Obviously shows as i'm not a total pussy, but i'm calling him at every little thing because he didn't have time to teach me and now i'm 28 with a house and don't know how to be a fucking man.
Not having a mother I can tell you, the lack of parental love and mentoring in general is painful.
>A handful of "strong people" will not be able to maintain society.
what is every civilization ever since the dawn of time?
You have three options. Be crafty (intelligence/charisma), be strong(endurance), be skilled (dex).
As long as you're one of those three you'd make it in life. Society doesn't have to exist as you know it faggot.
I would of loved to have grown up on a farm with my dad learning to survive.
Social media is the cause
>what is every civilization ever since the dawn of time?
The opposite of what you're describing. Civilization is explicitly the result of people other than the strongest to contribute to society.
>I would of loved to have grown up on a farm with my dad learning to survive.
Good for you. Your survivalist fantasies aren't civilization or society.
the kikes
jews, government, schools, fags, and parents most of all
>says it isn't a civilization
>is literally a civilization
"the society, culture, and way of life of a particular area"
So you're telling me a town of forty people with their own internal bartering system. Laws. Traditions. Is not a civilization?
Well my friend you're just fucking retarded then.
Because every group of people that successfully established a town or way of live in the last 8 thousand years was a civilization.
You really think Eskimos had room for the weak?
What about the tribes of the Americas?
Nomadic Mongols?
Huh it's almost like you have no idea what you're talking about.
Because all of those civilizations were based off the tribe needing to be strong.
Weakness equated to death.
What you're thinking about is politics.
We can not maintain our current politics with only the strong. And yes we can't, but you're acting like that's a bad thing.
Change always happens newfag.
What do you see as the most successful society to have ever existed? Did your might makes right philosophy dominate this society?
If anyone actually wishes to see the scope of the problem just visit r9k
>Who's to blame /pol ?
>So you're telling me a town of forty people with their own internal bartering system. Laws. Traditions. Is not a civilization?
No. It's not.
>A civilization or civilisation (see English spelling differences) is any complex society characterized by urban development, social stratification imposed by a cultural elite, symbolic systems of communication (for example, writing systems), and a perceived separation from and domination over the natural environment
>muh tribals needed to be strong
We're not tribals living in mudhuts and yurts, are we? Why are you talking about nomadic societies as if they were our representations? Do you think the Eskimos, long-dead American tribes and Mongols as a positive example for what we should strive for?
>You really think Eskimos had room for the weak?
Yes. Of course they did. Women and children are weak, there is room for them. Men can be weak as well so long as they work.
its easy to see why.. For anyone who was even quasi redpilled, or atleast recognized that there was something inherently wrong with society and its values, in the late 90's/early 00's had it pretty rough. As a young lad it was hard to navigate the bullshit when you see that something is wrong and everyone is calling you crazy or wierd for thinking so and your school teachers are disciplining you for questioning things.
I am very glad but also saddened that I was in high school 20 years ago and not during the past 10. I bet ya the young lads with a brain in their head that got through that shit without an heroing are going to grow up to be philosophers of the highest caliber.
I hope you don't think you are "strong" or something.
>less than 50% of teens identify as straight
>teen suicides up 70%
It's a mental illness.
>i'm being retarded on purpose
3, 4, and 6.
a : a relatively high level of cultural and technological development; specifically : the stage of cultural development at which writing and the keeping of written records is attained
b : the culture characteristic of a particular time or place
Stop being retarded on purpose, god damn.
A civilization is any group of people that have
>begun the transformation into a society
>has reached a certain technological threshold
It's in the fucking Webster dictionary you stupid shit.
Honestly no, that wasn't really the argument at all user.
The Eurofag was just making a very silly claim that a "might makes right" civilization would not be possible.
When it has existed probably countless times in human history on our way to the current year.
Take The Crow nation of The Americas.
A rather militaristic nation of nomadic tribes.
Very rough living, only the strong and resourceful were respected.
Had writing, had history, had art and music.
Could not afford to care for the weak.
They were successful for hundreds of years to say the least. Though they had evolved somewhat from another tribe.
The fact was, yes a civilization could spring back up if we moved to some apocalyptic scenario where being resourceful or powerful was the law of the land.
The American frontier timeframes are another example. Very rough, the weak rarely survived. Trade routes were still managed and civilization still blossomed in small towns.
they had a chance, They had a chance to emerge from the fire with a character hardened through the flames of social breakdown. They lost the struggle. No shame unto them, really, growing up in this level of social/moral decay is fucking nightmare mode.
Uhhhhhhhh..... you forgot to mention that 90% of "redpilled" people aren't so because they wanted to be but because society forced them to become redpilled by excluding them or not allowing them to have something they want e.g losers like Eliot Rodger who was actually woke on the thot problem but made a jackass of himself... still woke tho so are many of the future shooters or suicidals here on Sup Forums who think themselves as "the last bastion of societal/civilizational sanity" but are in reality considered excrement by society for some reason and in some form
True non-conformists are rare as diamonds. Everyone is just a parrot for despair and hatred that's spawned from their own experiences with "reality" that's imposed by society.
60% of the people who spam edgy racist stuff do it to vent. The "ideologies" they adopted are for venting, not upholding. They really care about the state of society. It's more about "How can we help ourselves ascend in society by helping society in our own way?"
I'm not going to argue semantics with you, so I'll just assume you admit you were wrong since you didn't bother talking about the things I did.
Don't bother replying, I'm closing the thread.
As for the most successful society?
As far as cultural boom without adding longevity.
The Dutch settlements in The Americas were incredibly successful.
It paved the way for what would become the colonies years in advance.
At that time there was no doctor, no law, no resources to fall back on.
If you tripped and broke your leg you were most likely dead.
Still extremely successful.
If you add in longevity to the mix.
I'd probably argue English or Chinese.
Depends on the dynasty and yes some of them did have might makes right attitudes.
Once again depending on which particular dynasty we are talking about.
>i'm gonna still be retarded on purpose even though I was proven wrong.
Selfishness on all sides
most teens are retards.
suicide culls the weak.
this should be encouraged.
Loneliness due to meaningless relationships, zero sense of community, inadequacy due to the exposure to a way too big and way too interconnected world giving you the idea you'll never live your life to the fullest, absolutely no trust in the future hence no reason to look forward to build a family, a nihilism that permeates every aspect of existence and pushes people to indulge in destructive hedonism. Modern society basically, and i don't mean "modern" in a relative sense, the Internet opened the pandora's box and there's no turning back without a major ideological shift or a cataclysm such as the breaking down of the global power grid.
>It's a mental illness.
A collective mental illness.
How can people be free if they're never really free and are only lead to believe they are?
Even the criminal can pull his own strings and see them lead back to the same government he/she think's he/she's playing
The problem is not abusing rights like freedom of speech, expression or even too much freedom in general. It's about having something that's called "liberty" but in reality is another chain in itself, painted like that
Today love only goes so far. Because everyones definition of love has been kiked to hell and back. Love isnt about always being nice and tip toeing around feelings. Love is about much more than merely joy/happiness. If you love your son you will give him a life that will make him happy and put in the time to give him your wisdom. And, as well as that, to love your son is also to promise him that if he messes up he is going to catch your boot up his ass. Your son is supposed to learn on his own from new mistakes, not ones that you once made or that you know to be mistakes. And anything to the contrary of that is what leads to societal breakdown. Just as your son is your fruit, so too is your knowledge and wisdom, and yet how many fathers allow their son's to consume the fruit of another, strange tree?
Gee wonder if it has anything to do with the degenerate parents
this. if you kill yourself you cant even smoke weed and play video games and fap tomorrow
Gee, it's almost as if our efforts of purposely rebelling against our human nature and natural selection for the sake of "progress" were doomed to backfire
kys retard
Well that's why I blamed my mother.
My father worked to provide for me.
When I was younger I was often more angst ridden by this, but as an adult I can say he did the best he could for a single father.
However she should have never put him in that position.
She should have helped provide for me.
Or lowered his overall stress so that at the end of the day he would of had the energy for me.
She did neither so really a failed unit is a failed unit.
Single mothers are worst though I will still admit.
The work, the stress, the not mentoring your child and add in that holier than thou "I'm a single mom I can do it all ;)))" attitude.
It's clearly destructive. However in reference to my original post. Both are still harmful.
I tell people to kill themselves all the time. Really helps thin the potential retard population.
Thanks Obama!
All of those people were about to get run over.
Honestly if you are still poor in 2018 you aren't going anywhere or getting shit. Might as well get in the ditch instead of doing the same thing soowly kicking and screaming for 15 manchild years.
While success is subjective, your examples of successful societies seem to be settlements or hunter-gatherer societies. Do you see the next step in societal evolution as a return to the hunter-gatherer model? Are you using the success of might makes right in these settlements and hunter-gatherer societies as a pretext for how a might makes right society with longevity could plausibly come to exist?
For your examples with longevity, do you see the English and Chinese as might makes right societies during their most successful periods/dynasties? If so, why aren't they any more?
It will be the opposite most likely, these people who could become "philosophers" are actually being ostracized and finding them selves completely isolated from a society which thrives on the latest fads.
The current american zeitgeist will see a new generation of yuppies in the 80s mold emerging provided trump keeps the economy strong, which he very well may be able to do.
These other potential philosophers/writers will never get published, not just because of the zeitgeist... but because as a collective whole, society does not want it. People want easy to digest stuff and they just want to hear their own versions of the truth reaffirmed( look at jordan peterson vs establishment)... no one cares when Jordan yields to the fact things and people can go wrong... its all about his zingers.
Also most people just want distraction, Avengers infinity war just set records for pre sale tickets alone.
So these outsider people who see thru the material, they find them selves isolated and they gradually come to understand, its better to buy in because there will be no next great thinker. Look at ecelebs... are they great thinks who speak like academics or are they chasing low hanging fruit.
All of us are wasting our time on here and other like minded websites, nothing is changing and there will not be a Renaissance.
Also most of us are not educated enough to have opinions, it takes years and years of serious education to understand why things are the way they are. We can form a logical narrative blaming people or idealogies, but there are much more moving parts.
A good example is advertising that is explained in the bbc doc... The Century of Self. It poses the question... was Edward Bernays evil and social engineering people into consumerism, or did he just exploit a vulnerability that always existed in peoples insecurities?
unironically your kind
Jews of course.
On a serious note, I think antidepressants are often the cause of increased despair and suicidal ideation.
Also we live in a pretty fucked up world, satanic to the core.
the Fin was right
Drumpf. They do it because they understand their wh*te girls will be inseminated by black bulls and that they deserve this for being white. Sage
Half the teens I know are doping themselves with meaningless sex and drugs, the other half are lamenting that they can't have it better thanks to the culture around them and how they are all fucked in the long run.
Many people I know, traditionalists specially, have given up on children or family. Family, for it is to risky nowadays. Children, because their generation it's going to have even worse than ours, so to put them on this painful world would be too much for a parent to bear. It's depressing down here, brothers
To simplify all of this really easily user.
Because all societies change, this is the simplest answer. It's part of being a apex creature both in survival and reproduction.
We are incredibly adaptable and our needs change to meet what will help us survive.
To get it out of the way let's talk about the longevity portion of your question.
Take China, i'm not going to pretend to know which dynasty off the top of my head so bare with me and please take what I say with some leeway.
At one point China had become so large that it was reverting back in nature and society. More and more nomadic tribes were popping up. More and more dukes (equivalent) were popping up and the actual cultural aspects of China were slipping because of these great divides.
One man used a might makes right approach and forcefully took over, war lasted for years and continued on for some time. He became the Emperor of the unified China (at this point it was probably the most powerful nation on the planet) and they kept the militaristic aspects for nearly the entire dynasty.
It made China strong and their empire expanded pretty much to the point it was now, though some places it expanded farther.
Societies change and with this power gave a time for peace and tranquility in China's heartland.
This evolved the society.
It also greatly weakened it.
So yes it was incredibly successful.
I will start a new post for the hunter gatherer logic you mentioned and link it to both post.
>western culture is built on equal opportunity
Yet right now, there's no equal opportunity between the genders because men get discriminated from baby on to taxpayer age, and it happens to be men who kill themselves more often and more successfully.
It's weeding out the strong before they have a chance to develop that strength, and it's cultivating weakness.
Sorry for the errors in my post, I should double-check more often. Hopefully it's still possible to understand
>the white suicide rate is way higher than any other group
Yeah that checks out
Yeah, baby
Social media poisoning their minds being bombarded with rich good looking people with thousands of friends
Meanwhile reality is crushingly disappointing lack of job prospects shit education shit everything.
Western society on a massive down turn atm
Now onto the hunter gatherer aspects.
This is pure speculation at this point, but I really do see these type of people as being successful. Among the most successful despite their limited achievements.
In my previous post I mentioned us being an apex creature.
Well of course we learned in intro biology that all creatures have a population limit, controlled by logistical growth (factors of land, resources, predators, prey, vegetation, and water) determine all of this.
Regardless of what anyone says, it is factual due to our apex nature that we will one day hit the upper limit. It is impossible not to due to our omnivore status. We will keep taking up more resources until either food demands can not be met or fresh water (which is actually a non-renewable resource) vanishes.
When this happens there will be a great change the likes that have never been seen on this planet.
Some places have had famines yes, but never have billions of people moved from country to country trying to take as many resources as possible to ensure their bloodlines survival.
A very specific type of individual will have to be met, a niche just like any animal.
Due to the extreme weather conditions I would say mountain living will be said niche.
I live in the mountains, father grew up on a farm beside the mountains, uncle still lives here. It is not easy living trying to live off the land up here and Appalachia is not even the worst kind of mountain range.
It's the kind of place the average person couldn't survive. That thousands of normies couldn't just try to make a new town somewhere and start over. Prey would die off too fast, hunting would be impossible.
However a might makes right society could survive.
I honestly don't like this term though, let's change it to a resourceful and tough society could survive.
We would effectively turn into hunter/gatherers.
I'm not stating someone rule with an iron fist, which is what Fin probably suspected I was talking about.
You, probably
>Nothing of Value was Lost
I'm talking about a world where odds are if something goes wrong you're dead.
Society will eventually move this direction again. The Niche civilizations across the world will likely survive the onslaught of horrible things the future holds. Why? because they were made to survive. There is no way you can drop off hundreds of thousands of people in the Alaskan frontier and suspect them to survive, but a few will.
It will give the word a chance to hopefully balance out again. Because in the end it isn't about one society or another surviving. It's about humanity surviving.
New societies will always come to pass and the problem with longevity in civilizations like the ones i'm talking about is usually more structured civilizations come in and say hey that's some pretty cool niche technology you've adapted. Maybe we can try it?
They take the technology for their own and use it to strengthen their own power.
However no one can live in the niche environment except the society that lives that way every day.
I highly recommend you look up any of the shows on the nature channels about people living up alone in Alaska.
Some rich kids do it and learn a serious price from time to time by not taking it seriously.
The ones who live there their entire lives have developed a balance between the old ways and the new ones.
Forming a new niche. That will one day be the future. When? I have no idea, just one day.
Not to rain on your parade, but the Qin dynasty that united China was very short lived (~15 years), which supports a theory of might makes right being successful--as a transient system. I'm not saying that a might makes right society with longevity is impossible, but it hasn't happened yet and isn't what I would consider to be the next step in societal evolution.
>I honestly don't like this term though, let's change it to a resourceful and tough society could survive.
Let's say we do evolve into a collection of population 40 resourceful and tough hunter-gatherer societies. Would we be successful enough to be able to resist if, say, modern locust hivemind China decided to invade?
And a small conclusion.
What makes these people so successful isn't their vast achievements.
It's the fact they simply lived and bred at all.
Sure Alexander The Great conquered the known world, but he had a vast army.
Would Alexander survive on his own if put up in a mountain somewhere though?
It doesn't seem like the achievements are the same, but I assure you. Just because less people know about that lonely old man in the wilderness doesn't mean the odds weren't more against him. That the fact he survive is little more than a miracle.
Humans find a way and yes, a new civilization will sprout always as long as a few of us survive and breed.
Hoping for your feedback.
Civilization is falling, degeneracy has overtaken the population st large. 95% of women are roasties, and obsess themselves over twitter drama and taking selfies.
All I want is a god damn hug from a woman that isn’t a vapid whore, to talk to and have some catharsis. Life is becoming far more cruel for us, and the cycle this time will only end with the collapse of civilization.
This is all true. However, teens now are in a totally unique situation than millennials. I don't remember being obsessed with how many Instagram likes I was getting in 5th grade. That shit will destroy a developing brain
Ahh thank you for correcting me, while that Dynasty was short lived. The overall power of China did last for many years didn't it?
I'm speed reading through right now, sorry I wasn't prepared to be typing all of this.
As far as I can see I find no contradictory statements in saying that China for the next 3-4 Dynasties was still vastly powerful and little matched it on the planet.
As for your second portion.
That's the nature of life man, all things will degrade and new things come into place. It's evolution at its very core. Yes China may be the ones to survive and they could come and wipe out all the niche persons we are discussing, but who can prepare for that?
What if they don't though, what if any number of scenarios happen and a small number of people living in some secluded area of the world become the next vikings?
Now as for the next step in societal evolution let me throw this at you.
You agree with the statement
>if our population keeps growing we will run out of resources
don't you?
What if in the nearby future we come to an equilibrium in farming where a modern man can completely fend for his family on 1 acre of land. Using modern technology such as hydro-plant growers, specialized water filtration units and things of this nature?
It seems like a step back to a more primitive time, but the advancement of technology has actually made the man in better balance with nature.
Would this be more akin to what you're looking for when you say societal evolution?
let me guess, 90+% are whites.
>this entire post
Is Leftism, which creates more suffering and stagnation than anything else on this planet. The world is supposed to be for the strong, the ones willing to fight and suffer. Give the meek an inch, and they'll take a mile.
Even Millennials born in 1985 and 1986 had the internet so it's the same thing.
nobody gave a shit though even if the thing existed
They had the internet but it was still before social media took off and fundamentally changed the way people aquited self worth. Developing and maintaining an online presence is just as natural to kids now as learning to ride a bike
>women being "liberated" and fucking anything that moves and eventually becoming a single mother and raising her son to be her emotional punching bag while she works and spends the rest of her time "trying to find the right man"
>being surprised boys are offing themselves
Basically this society is F U C K E D and we are headed for a collapse. What's worse is that it's gonna be the people against their own government which is why they're currently working their asses off trying to take guns away.