Why don't normies see that we are the good guys? A homogeneous western society is as close to a utopia as you can get. I don't fucking get it. Are they this blind to the evils of the world? Chinese enslave themselves, torture animals and seemingly lack literally any empathy. Africans kill their own wildlife and have never created a functional society EVER, Muslims have shown over and over again to be terrible spiteful people. The list goes on.
There are obviously horrible things about these people, and it's well known that these things occur, but normies CANNOT see a fucking correlation and they WANT these people to freely enter a great society that took hundreds of years to establish.
Am I taking crazy pills or are the right just objectively correct?
Why don't normies see that we are the good guys? A homogeneous western society is as close to a utopia as you can get...
Normie don't rely onb logic or facts, but on social consensus.
Democracy was a mistake. It allows the lemmings to decide when they should obviously observe like the soulless automatons they are.
>Normie don't rely onb logic or facts, but on social consensus.
>Democracy was a mistake. It allows the lemmings to decide when they should obviously observe like the soulless automatons they are.
Is anything I said wrong? The occidental world is in a state of total chaos because the "popular will" is constantly changing to the whims of the normies and the medias behind them.
Some people just don't have what it takes to be implicated at all in the democratic process, making its universality questionnable.
>The occidental world is in a state of total chaos because the "popular will" is constantly changing to the whims of the normies and the medias behind them.
>Some people just don't have what it takes to be implicated at all in the democratic process, making its universality questionnable.
Stop shitposting you faggot
>I'll repeat all he said in greentext t make him look stupid even thought he's right
Like children, they insist on learning the hard way, and boy are they gonna learn.
Normies do whatever is most socially expedient of them to do at any given time they're not the ones who bring about social change
Bump it's important
yes OP of course you are right
this whole "are we in a bizarro world" question is due to the gaslighting.
>my intentions are good
>commies, nazis , every other dead ideology outthere
wew humanity
Because the jew doesnt want us to live in utopia. Because they fear the strength of homogeneous white nations
Ask yourself: who is it that are feeding normies the anti-white, white-guilt nonsense, and demonizing anyone who advocates for white ethnostates
This is Sup Forums 101 and you honestly shouldve learned or realized this yourself in your first week here
> A homogeneous western society
> western
fuck you euromutt
Normies can't think out of the box. All they see is what they are told.
They just repeat what ever they hear.
Thinking is hard
> torture animals
> kill their own wildlife
I am sensing that what you understand as "Western" values haven't historically been Western values. Rather you probably are a Milo fan boy "conservative".
I'll have to agree with you on that
won't we just kill eachother for resources even with the jews gone?
Western implies white faggot. We arent talking avout west africans.
>Why don't normies see that we are the good guys?
Too many are brainwashed
normies are minority-aligned
when you're minority-aligned you see how "badly" whites have treated other peoples (even though it is exactly the opposite). You also see the worst of white culture (or, more likely, the total absence of it). So therefore normies have been brainwashed to instantly fear the words "white [nationalism, ethnostate, supremacy]" even though those have been basic concepts in every culture in human history.
Meanwhile for someone who is white-aligned you only see the best of the white race, such as high art, classical music, neoclassical and art deco architecture, Christianity's wholesomeness, etc. On the bright side, once you DO see that you can never go back.
Im pretty sure white people are the only race/culture that has animal cruelty laws and treats their pets as part of their human family.
Althpugh historically lots of medieval western civilizations had cockfights and even bear fights so its kind of a mixed bag.
You serbs probably will. Gentle northern europeans would live in peace, provided we don't have problems with drugs or degeneracy
>northern european
>amerimutt flag
My fellow Reddit bro, let me tell you why normies hate us. It's because of shitposting and memes.
What does it matter which pill you take? In the end you're still going to suffer.
Normies need it safe so everything has to stay the way they are now because the internets is telling them that's how it should be.
It's okay to be cucked since you still get something out of it.
There's nothing more that has to be adressed I think.
>treats their pets as part of their human family.
I wish people didn't do this. It's not a good thing.
NPCs only do what they're programmed to do.
The white race is the most diverse of any race already. Other races are just black hair brown eyes.
You know, I've been thinking about this, and I'm actually pretty sure we're not the good guys. We're the bad guys, who happen to have a goal that's good. I mean we can say that we're fighting to preserve our race, our culture, our history, our future, and to an extent it's true; that is our goal, and it's necessary. But even if it wasn't necessary, we'd still be willing to fight.
We're the kind of people who'd be willing to attack if it there was nothing on the line. We're the ones who would stack niggers in slave ships, who would glut China with opium, who would prod the red Indians along the Trail of Tears with the muzzles of our rifles, who would turn on the vent in the gas chambers. The reason we reached this point before any of the normies is because we're the motherfuckers who are just inclined to do that kind of shit. The world needs us now, but even if it didn't, we'd still be here.
Make no mistake, Sup Forums, we are the baddies. The fact that we're needed doesn't speak to our redemption, it speaks to how desperately fucked it the world's become that the baddies are needed.
Well, for one, normies cannot think for themselves, it's pretty fucking evident, and two, we use Nazi iconography, which the media has declared "EVIL AND WRONG" for over sixty years. One Catalonian Cockmongling Forum isn't going to break that fucking insane level of conditioning over night.