Last thread got cucked by the mods.
English only please.
NORWEGIAN THREAD - English edition
Listhaug for Sandberg. Keks.
Fuck Hareide, he is Norway's largest imamsleiker (imamlicker)
Who else donated to doctors without borders?
I donated 2000 kr, we are the resistance. We are the majority, fuck Listhaug
>English only
beklager, dere har meldt dere ut.
Top kek, funding illegal people smugglers who subvert and do everything in their power to make your people go extinct.
Whats been happening? i never read Norwegian news
Also, English link regarding Listhaug
Why would a government shutdown automatically mean that a bunch of no borders lefties would get into power?
Wouldn't you just hold another election if your government collapsed?
>when rodt is talking about itself as if it was the majority
Bought some high cocao cholcolate and enjoyed it knowing the cocao industry in africa is pure slavery.
>Wouldn't you just hold another election if your government collapsed?
Not possible in Norway, the next election is in 2021 no matter what.
Rodt proposed a "mistillitsforslag", meaning that if the majority of parties went behind the proposal then our prime minister would be forced to either remove her from office or step down with her government. The party KrF, a part of the current coalition in power, had the last say and had power to decide whether or not the proposal went through. Before it could go through Listhaug resigned, to not risk the entire coalition.
Sorry if that was choppy, I'm an engineering student not a politics student.
Mistillitsforslag is "vote of no confidence" for future reference
Try if you want the news without the politically correct bullshit.
godhet seirer alltid!!
it's temporary
Norwegian News just bores my mind, im more interested in geo-politics
Godhetstyranner og snillister er feige landsforrædere. is fake News
Yesterday nrk debate was great
Eivind Trædal totally won
Hes always looks so sleepy, it must all be so tiresome.
Fair enough. Hope you don't live in a city though. Brazil in 20 years
the polls says otherwise hanrei
If this continues a government with only FrP and H will be possible.
Dagsnytt18 was a glorious shitshow yesterday. Everyone should see that episode
Kristiansand, its a dead end here
>Same picture as last thread
Dra til helvete, pakk.
Same ID too, I should note.
Are you trolling or are you genuinely retarded?
Listhaug posted this facebook post
AP got triggered and the rest is history.
>showing how only 3 of 5 million in Norway are norwegians is somehow bad
Progressiveparty-voter in a nutshell.
>Eivind Trædal totally won
How many layers of irony are you on?
Drop the memeflag.
>implying there are 2 million non-norwegians in Norway
What the fuck are you smoking? Even with Swedish/Lithuanian/Polish immigrants the number isn't that high.
Obs, my fault.
Are you retarded?
Even if the birthrate in 1980 was low, the birthrate in the 60s was exceptionally high, meaning that a proportionally larger portion of the population in the 1980s were young (people born during the baby boom of the 60s were in their 20s in the 80s), thus the population was growing even if the overall birth rate was lower.
Furthermore, the birthrate started to rise in 1987, and averaged about 1.9 throughout the 90s and 00s, reaching a peak of 2.0 around 2010.
>Listhaug tried to make a thrup level comment, and got shut down, before norwegian politics turned into whatever america is doing-
>the left acted emotionally and tried to shut her down
>listhaug was right in saying its a very low requirment for someone losing their jobb
>Listhaug cried and claimed that free speach is somehow being protected from criticism or counterspeach
That is the reason for this whole shitshow? I don't even see it as controversial.
Yeah, it's crazy.
Do you not manage to read?3,7million ethnic norwegians in 1980 with a well documentet replacement rate of 1,7 - dropping from that year onwards.
>Where did the other million come from?
>How does population grow from 4 to 5 when replacement rate is below 2?
>How does ethnic norwegians not drop from 3,7million to 3million over 40 years when replacement rate for ethnic norwegians dropped from 1,7 to 1?
>Do you not understand basic math?
>Do you believe your politicians?
>Do you believe the Goldman Sachs owned norwegian Press?
A facebook post isn't controversial according to us, of course, but Gahr Store and the dirty commie Moxnes completely pounced on it and blew it up into a national crisis, probably to divert the Norwegian public's attention away from the Giske scandal in AP.
22 July movie was released the same day as Listhaug posted that pic.
I am not joking, this was actually used as an argument
don't forget that it diverted the attention away from AP accepting ACER
That went through? Fuck. I was hoping our politicians would have an ounce of common sense for once.
She also fucked herself by apologising
>3,7million ethnic norwegians in 1980 with a well documentet replacement rate of 1,7
Except the people in 1960 had a birthrate of 3.0, meaning the young, birthgiving population of the 80s were 50% higher than the average. If you have a young population that is 1.5 times larger than the average having 1.72 children, then the population still increases.
>dropping from that year onwards.
It increased from 1987, averaging 1.9 through the 90s and 00s.
This. Things are far vorse than most of you think. To bad people are in denial
>Are you retarded?
For you
>Even if the birthrate in 1980 was low, the birthrate in the 60s was exceptionally high, meaning that a proportionally larger portion of the population in the 1980s were young (people born during the baby boom of the 60s were in their 20s in the 80s), thus the population was growing even if the overall birth rate was lower.
Birthrate was 1,7 and dropping. What you're saying has no relevance. With a total birthrate of below 2, the population does not grow, age of population is literally not a factor.
>Furthermore, the birthrate started to rise in 1987, and averaged about 1.9 throughout the 90s and 00s, reaching a peak of 2.0 around 2010.
So newly arrived new-norwegians had more kids who needed loans from banks. Congratulations, you figured it out.
How's the life in Norway right now? How does a young man doing here? What are your biggest complains about about your actual status? What are your fears regarding the nearest future of you and your relatives?
I'm curious, because comparing to Poland, your country is portrayed as white wakanda.
What's the point of concern trolling though? What's the point of REPEATING that we're literally on the edge of an absolute world-ending cataclysm?
Is it going to wake up the general populace of Scandinavia? No. Is it going to annoy people on Sup Forums? Yes.
Don't come here
Life in Norway is good, don't listen to the cataclysmic concern trolls.
We have our problems just like every other European nation, we're not a land of milk and honey but we are certainly above average.
>With a total birthrate of below 2, the population does not grow, age of population is literally not a factor.
I can tell that you failed highschool math.
You are retarded. You cant create more people by creating less. And what fuckin average are you refering too?
Reminder. This facebook post almost got the current government including the PM in Norway to resign.
No jobs where i live, cant move because i gotta take care of my parents, im permafucked for the next 5-10 years so i tend to stay inside and slowly drink myself to death
Holy fucking shit, what is up with so many of you saying that everything is shit and we're LITERALLY (tm) on the edge of a social nuclear holocaust?
Fuck off out of Sup Forums and go outside for a change. We are extremely privileged in this country compared to so many other places.
Take a statistics class, you fucking imbecile.
A leftist party (Bright Future) pulled a similar thing last year where they basically demanded for there to be an election because of a "breach of trust" (some allegations about our prime minister trying to hush up the pardoning of a pedophile), The 5 or so percent they put towards the coalition would be enough to cause a government shutdown if they left. This was about 2 months before the election began and right after Bright Future's announcement, various media outlets and leftist politicians began harrowing the prime minister and his party (the Independent Party) with accusations about being defenders of pedophiles and what not.
Thus we held an election and all the left-wing parties were sure that they had claimed victory because of how much they had smeared the prime minister and his party (the Independent Party). Election day rolls up and lo and behold, the Independent Party still has roughly the same amount of votes as it did during the last elections. A new coalition was formed (regrettably with a very left-wing party, but whatever) and the government administration remained center-right like it had been before
Do you think the same kind of thing would happen in Norway if, instead of making this justice minister resign, you had held another election? Or is the general populace die-hard left-wing?
>step down with her government
Would this automatically mean that KrF would get into power? Or is it simply because KrF had the last say in the matter that they would have then been able to take over if a government shutdown had happened?
Go kill yourself Quisling
No, since KrF is part of the coalition it would mean that they would go down with the ship aswell.
I never considered this.
Related thread
Again, don't listen to the shills. They have no idea how privileged we still are in Norway because they probably hardly ever step outside.
That's right, keep gulping it down. Why bother with the future for our children when we can go skiing and relax with a beer after looking at nature
So who then would be left to form a government that would supposedly want to open your borders as the user in my first post implied?
Does the current coalition just so happen to be right-wing while almost every other party in Norway (ergo the parties that would take over in the event of a government collapse) is left-wing? I don't quite get it.
Don't even dare to assume what I care about.
The Scandinavian people are what I hold most precious, and we aren't going to go in the right direction if we start fucking shouting "lügenpresse!" at the Scandinavian governments.
I love my people and you can never take that away from me, no matter how much you twist my arguments.
Picrel is Frida Josefine Pettersen.
You are way stupiderbthan you think. Sure people live longer which increase the poppulation too. We all know that. Still doesent change tha fact that scandinavians are becomming fewer and fewer. I barely see swedes where i live anymore. Where did they go?
>we still are
And that's the key. It doesn't matter how good life is in Norway today. You have to consider the consequences of today's politics 20-30 years down the line. We're only surviving because we're still primarily Norwegian, and half of our immigrant population is white. For the time being, that is enough to sustain Norway, despite the SJWs and immigrants. However, as our population dwindles, the immigrants increase and the left-wing media strangles the life out of our culture, our country is eventually going to buckle under the pressure.
We don't fight for the present. We fight for the future.
Rodt/SV/MDG/AP. All the leftist parties, all of them are open borders except MAYBE AP, given their recent statements.
Especially Rodt and SV can go fuck off, they could be deported to Siberia for all I care. Both hidden communists.
redpill me on ACER someone please
H/FrP are the only ones that are real right-wing, KrF/Venstre/Senterpartiet are all centrist and the rest are left.
Your women are total sluts. Can confirm. You guys aren’t that beautiful either. I was better looking 95% of the time.
Disappointed desu. Shit country. Only good thing about it is the cheap blonde pussy for American men and the landscape.
the post was also made the day after AP voted against taking passports from extremists. Fucking retarded
I can't think of a more obvious attempt.
Why did most trolls stop trying? Shilling used to be an art form.
Yeah, I thought so.
Is it possible for a young Norwegian to manage a budget while having a child? Can a young family sustain with only one parent working?
I have a small business, I make wooden doors and staircases, I'm doing fairly well, but I can't be the only one that works. I have a son, but every time he's stick we have to have grandparents get involved cause my wife can't take off days. Oh, and the gov takes away like 60% of my earnings.
>Do you think the same kind of thing would happen in Norway if, instead of making this justice minister resign, you had held another election? Or is the general populace die-hard left-wing?
Norway is different from Iceland, you have a system, and a mentality atleast somewhat closer to direct democracy. Norwegians are much deeper into the sham that is called Indirect Democracy, or Partyocracy, where, amongst other things, the politicians are not held responsible to the people.
An example of indirect democracy in action is Norway voting two times to not join the EU, but still effectively doing it. Another, similar one, is the JewK voting for a hard BREXIT, but being stuck with delaying actions.
Lastly, when most countries have had a banking (((crisis))), the paid off politicians do nothing but bail out the bankers, while Iceland, where politicians are held responsible to a higher degree, dealt with the situation and jailed atleast some of the responsible bankers.
>implying you talked to a norwegian woman
social interactions arent a thing in norway bruh, also
>implying all women arent whores
Robert Johansson and Andre Tande are some handsome dudes though. No homo.
If you have a good job then sure it's possible to support a child with one job, but if you want to feed the cunt mother she's going to have to work also. But we have a very generous parental leave in norway, you can get 100% of your salary for 47 weeks or 80% for 57 weeks.
>Can a young family sustain with only one parent working?
Yes, if you're not too picky.
Hard working polish and lithuanian immigrants have historically been welcome and will continue to be welcome in Norway. More Europeans instead of shitskins is always a good thing.
I'm talking about a specific instance, you fucking idiot.
Imagine this: You have a country of 100 people. Every person lives to 100, and the birthrate keeps the population stable at 2.
That means that each ten year age bracket has a population of 10.
Now imagine if one of those age brackets has a population of 15 instead, after having a birthrate of 3.0 for ten years (1960s). 20 years later (1980s) you've got 10-10-15-10-10-10-10-10-10-10, for a total of 105 people.
If the age bracket that has 15 people has an average birthrate of 1,72, which is below average, that means the result will be 12.9 people in that age bracket, which is higher than the average of 10.
The result is 12.9-10-10-15-10-10-10-10-10-10, for a total of 107.9 people.
How is this difficult to understand? If a previous generation has 50% more children, and the children from that generation has 16% fewer children, then the overall amount of children from the second generation is more than the average.
The problem a lot of people have is that they keep expecting us to reach "Swedish levels" or "German levels" or "French revels" or "British levels".
So they compare how the situation is there to us, and then think oh - we are doing so good, we're not like Sweden or France so it must be good.
We should compare our situation to ourselves. I lived for our three decades now and I've watched a steady decline.
The place where I grew up and my parents still live, where we never met any migrants or asylants is now slowly getting more and more Somalis and Afghans and Syrians.
Old houses are being bought up and turned into lodging for migrants.
In the past year their neighbourhood is being diversified.
Our situation is not Swedish, but it is getting worse and worse.
Schibsted owns most of the media, and the ones it doesn't own is sponsored by high up leftwing people. Radikal Portal, Agenda, Klassekampen, there are many of them.
And then you have people who are considered Right Wing like Kristin Clement who is not at all, and is the same as how most people in Norway are.
They love multiculturalism, most just have issues with Islam - but if we can remove Islam everyone is allowed to be Norwegian.
I love this guy!
>and the children from that generation has 16% fewer children,
I meant 14%.
>If I call it trolling ten maybe it won’t be real!
5’10” 185lbs 9% bodyfat jet black hair greying on the sides, dark brown eyes and a jawline so strong it could cut through diamond. >>>> your shit genes.
That’s why the women are so eager to breed out when they can. Have you ever wondered why your women have 20+ sex partners by what was it? 20? Hahahahaha!!!!
They would even settle so low as Arabs and niggers!
American women have 5x the standards as Nordic women. At least American women don’t go around talking bad about sex all day, that’s all yours did.
Perverted Nords
Reunion when??? Time to build a wall around Sweden
Give it a rest, you're stupid, the numbers in the picture checks out.
>But we have a very generous parental leave in norway, you can get 100% of your salary for 47 weeks or 80% for 57 weeks.
We have a similar thing, whole year on pension which is 80% of mother's average salary from the last 2years.
I'm old enough to remember the end of the 80s, and life has indeed changed drastically. In our middle school, we had something like 10 minorities out of a total of 500 students.
The only minorities you saw were shitskins who ran kebab shops.
Today, I can't go to the store without seeing niggers and muslims everywhere. I honestly don't think I ever saw a hijab before the year 2000.
You have to be a special kind of retard if you're too stupid to even troll properly.
Never, Denmark is a racist shithole. I would rather have a norway-swedish union than a Norway-denmark union
Why the fuck are there so many norwegian trolls in this thread?
Did you all get renewed confidence after Listhaug stepped down from her position? Fucking clowns.
Sure if it means we can bring Sweden into the union once their country is fixed.
Also, equal rule and representation this time, obviously.
Except I'm not trolling, you're just retarded.
I understand the cognitive dissonance is painful, and the fact your people is quite literally being murdered in front of your eyes is painful.
But it is a realization you have to accept.
>More Europeans instead of shitskins is always a good thing.
>Yes Master, morrre. Replacing the norwegian population with based italians and based englishmen will solve everything
You overplayed your hand there, muttboy, and it is astonishingly apparent why you spew so much filth. Now be a good boi and deport yourself, foreigner.
What’s it like being in a “perfect” country?