Glumpf is finished
Glumpf is finished
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Channel 4 has a lot of content made for black people and liberals. What do you expect?
How when the voting machines arent online? Generally interested how it was done
Channel 4 is liberal, anti-white trash who can't possibly cover anything outside of their worthless microcosm of a leftist echo-chamber. Fuck them.
I have a “what do you mean the media is biased?” relative and evidentally msnbc was reporting that the machines actually were connected to the internet. “Russians influencing social media” is at least plausable but apparanty they keep pushing “muh hackers”.
When are these idiots going to stop pointing fingers and realise that the reason Trump won was largely due to their own failings?
Anyone who actually believes in hacking is a retard.
Hacking is not a real concept.
Literally until the gallows. I doubt even then.
Bazingumpf's tyranny is coming to an end...
lmfao they're taking down the ZUCC. Didn't FB stock just get dumped super hard too?
When OKeefe does it, it's unethical out of context entrapment. When some faggot liberals do it, its journalism
We had a couple days after the election with news panels reflecting on what they did wrong, but then they just sort of moved on to 'BUT RUSSIA' and doubled down. It was fucking hilarious.
Why do these people think data analytics are illegal?
So people don't use computers to gain unauthorized access to data in a system?
>No human! I have brought you interconnectedness and the power of a global network! Why do you turn on me!?
wtf i love veritas videos
Youve become the liberals that cries impeach nobody fucking cares what u say anymore fuck off
How could the good members of gay robot website be so insensitive that they would post such anti-semetic remarks and conspiracy theories.
I'm litterally shaking.
>OK, so THE RUSSIANS, in cooperation with FACEBOOK, under direct orders from MARK ZUCKERBERG, stole the election for Drumpf...
At least CA use actual hookers instead of the lazy dems just having their secretary claim Trump raped them.
Journalists need hanging.
>dat freedomget
Because the modern left defines itself by its 'muh intellectualism' and Trumps victory made them all look like retards.
The whole muh Russia narrative lets them say to themselves 'no, it's not that I'm an out of touch moron, it's that the election was sabotaged!'.
Wow drumpf used targeted facebook ads. I no longer support him. Impeachment when?
No. They use social engineering to do it.
Do the corporate neoliberals already see him as a threat?
project veritas redux. what's the problem.
I dont recall CNN or NYT taking any real pain as a result of their bullshit. I dont expect much to come of this either.
Omg i cant believe Bannon and white people did this!!!!!!
So mad right now!!!!! Only responidble people of color and Jews should be allowed to make propaganda! Whites arent responsible enough!
Goddamn the number of people in here who are totally clueless about what C4 has shown CA of doing is just retarded.
>CA openly admit to honey trapping and entrapment in foreign elections - breaking many laws in the UK.
>CA was started by Mercer and Bannon... one of Trump's biggest donors.
>Kushner FUCKING EMPLOYED CA to work on the Trump campaign.
If you guys can somehow spin this and not bad for Trump... well fucking played. Maximum delusion.
Who knows what it means w.r.t. Russia, maybe nothing. But regardless this is even more shit stains all over the Trump campaign.
when the manchurian mulatto does it, it's genius... when trump does the same thing it's a scandal..... NO ONE CARES!
So, Trumps Team beat the Libtards at their own game once again. Sour grapes! Suck it up losers. MAGA! Not illegal to buy data. Fuckbook has some questions to answer though.
Question: Why is this only coming out now, just when the whole Russia connection is starting to fizzle?
>CA openly admit to honey trapping and entrapment in foreign elections
Won't stand up
The faggot running the trap ont eh CA was asking him about illegal shit
So the CA guy played along
Everyone in rich people sales does that
>Sure Mr. Rich
>We can do X
>You want Y?
>We can do Y
>Sign on the dotted line
>OK your check cleared
>Actually Mr. Rich
>X and Y is illegal
>but what we can do with your non refundable payment is...
t. - a sales fag that sells to rich folks
You dense mother fucker. How is it not illegal to buy stolen fucking data?
fis is bhe end bfor bfonald brumpf
Everybody knows we won the election for Trump.
They're just doubling-down. While smart and critical-thinking people (heh heh, like us) can see that Trump won from a combination of him having a good strategy and the Democrats being out-of-touch with the populace, their worldview is that GLUMPF IS A MORON HOW COULD WE LET THIS HAPPEN!?!?
Instead of admitting their short-sightedness like a more rational person (who changes his "reality filter" when his predictions don't come true*), they just keep insisting that no, Glumpf really is a total idiot and that he must've won some other way. Just like how they think he just stumbled into his financial empire because he did get a big donation from his father.
>*a side-note: I just did a NCAA basketball tournament bracket in which all four of my Final Four got eliminated within the first week. Instead of blaming the refs or ESPN for being misleading, I conceded that my picks just got out-played and that I wasn't as informed about the teams this year as I should've been. That's what more rational people do when reality doesn't meet our predictions.
Am I the only one who called liberals chemtrail-tier retards 2 years ago as an insult, only to realize it's not really an insult as much as a description now...
Is it stolen? I'm pretty sure most social media sites TOS states that they can pretty much do whatever they want with users data. That may change after this, but the law is not retroactive so it's perfectly legal.
If you actually watch the whole report C4 shows that these meetings happened in JANUARY... but they had correspondence all the way into MARCH asking about impending partnerships. But you might be right, it will probably not be sufficient to do anything against Nix and co..
But that's not even going to be the point. UK authorities are coming after CA for for the illegally obtained Facebook data on FIFTY MILLION AMERICANS.
They have requested a warrant for CA offices and coupled with the testimony of Chris Wylie I have no doubt the UK will prosecute.
So the British are continuing to meddle in our politics. They're going to feel awfully alone now that they're alienating both the US and the EU.
Maybe China will save them.
This. Fake news. Sage.
By definition hacking is you accessing data you aren't supposed to be on, whether you come to that point by social engineering, someone forgetting to log out or by bugs and exploits.
It was her turn!! Hahaha I bet you're feeling the Bern now Trumpets
Bloddy LARPers
The main demographic change in this election was that the smart, smug people (basically us) where on Trump side, and leftists would rather be tortured to death than face the fact most of them are mediocre, low-diplomed retards.
So their defeat despite having more money, more media support AND the popular vote absolutely has to be explained by an outside factor.
The other hypothesis being that they are, overall, not very well educated people, with modest cognitive ability and access to information.
C4 is nothing but Marxist shit. David Abrahams owned the channel until very recently, they're the kind of people who think all whites should die. They make that crude game show which is basically a slave auction on TV.
Hahaha, these people are such faggots. Imagine thinking you alone won an election for someone. Imagine thinking you control the minds of the majority of 310 million americans. Imagine being that brazen and narcissistic.
Heres a video to explain the left to you.
Lol, you're about to get a rude awakening m8. Enjoy your next month or so of being on hold trying to deal with the identity theft.
Its basically the flip side of why hilltards are so assblasted. "We control the flow of information, how can we lose?"
were taking drumpf down for real this time
>the UK will prosecute
Prosecute what? Something they themselves are guilty of and set a legal precedent just to get drumphf? Also remember this was connected to Steve bannon. The guy who was fired and disgraced. I'm sure this isn't politically motivated suicide.
>trump runs effective, cost effective campaign
>Hillary runs terrible billion dollar failure campaign
>no reeeeeee
niggers of the bird world.
Why is believing Alex Jones a joke but we have to take shit like this seriously?
UK is really out of control at the moment. Wouldn't surprise me if this was a psyop to smear Trump (again) on false accusations (remember MI6 being involved in that too). Globalists are evidently exerting their full control of UK to bring about another world war, Trump smearing being the constant.
>Implying the Donald knew about the inner workings of a company he didn't know about until he ran for office
Weren’t they speaking hyperbolically?
>facebook sells data for years no one says shit
>facebook sells data to a group that is pro trump
>now its an issue
Leftists truly are too stupid to let live
Keep trying sweetie
>illegally obtained Facebook data
There was none
That's the joke
It's all legal
Everything was legal
Corporations have been doing this for 20+ years now
>Why do I have an ad for cat sweaters?
>How does Google know I have a cat and live in Shitfuckitscoldistan?
Obama did it in 2008 and 2012
Did Alex Jones get 7x reddit gold?
Heh... didn't think so, kiddo...
Wow, what is the new targeted advertising thing? Surely, thats illegal because DDDRRRYUUUMMMPPPPFFFTTTT
Shareblue is an illegal workaround of FEC campaign funding laws.
>buy stolen fucking data?
Find somebody on this board who believes AJ
It’s targeted ads ass wipe which is what Facebook literally does.. it sells our data for targeted ads
Like wtf are you crying about?
The Democratic Party busses in illegals to vote... nigger this is a no big deal to liberals and conservatives alike apparently, but targeted ads for trump voters? OMFG it was her turn.
umm sweety everyone knows that everyone who leans even slightly to the right blindly believes everything that Alex Jones and Fox News says and that they all believe the Bible is literally true and don't believe in science or evolution or the teachings of Richard Dawkins.
No questions like that goy
Alot of people believe
What happened to muh Russia? Is this the replacement narrative?
protip, mbti datamining threads here were conducted by CA and they shill relentlessly here.