We need to stop Circumcision. Once it is stopped our society will improve. Please drop redpills on Circumcision here. Please drop ideas and ways we can help end the mutilation of our little bros.
If we get Circumcision banned, people will no longer be able to hurt boys legally, and any groups that harm boys would leave or be less likely to live there.
Circumcision and the desert religions that require it should not be tolerated. Though I suppose an adult should be able to have the procedure, if they really want.
Anthony Walker
If porn did not exist, circumision is a good idea because it prevents accidentally stimulating the organ during foreskin cleaning. This is good because it would in theory prevent an early masturbation habit from occurring.
However, with porn and lasciviousness, circumision is of negative value. It will take longer to climax, leading to more sexual imagery being burned into your mind, making you become sex obsessed. The subconscious will think only about that primal reward and nothing else. Your mind will become distracted and filled with nothing, becoming but a slave to muh dick.
Jordan Martinez
I am talking about doing this to children. If a grown 18 year old wants to, go ahead. If you do it your son, you should be gutted and skinned alive.
Luis Jackson
Whatever way you need to rationalize what was done to you, I guess. Completely false though.
For some reason the retarded Mutts defend and practice circumcision (while calling themselves Christian). So as long as the beyond retarded Anglo-Mutt protestant majority of Muttstate keep regurgitate kike propaganda, like this retard, little can be done Lets hope that the based catholic Latinos will stop the kike practice when they inevitably become majority. Trying to convince r/the_Donald idiots that havent even bothered to search how the practice even started (Yes it was blatant Jewish propaganda and its the easiest redpill to shallow) is hopeless.
I am burger and I know. Latinos are puppets at the end of the day. But if we can get all of the civilized countries to ban it, our societies will heal.
U.S.A. leads the way, if you want to ban it, you have to start in there. Thats why the kikes started the propaganda in the 1900s that circumcision is the closest thing to panacea. So focus on Muttstate and catholics in particular, you can spead the word of Martin Luther in protestants as well (He really really despised kikes), but my personal feel is that at this point protestant Americans have Somali levels of intellect. >Latino catholics are based Its a practice dated in Semitic paganism, an evolution of the old barbaric practice of child sacrifice that was really common in Semitic paganism. Stop coming with theories out of your ass. How kiked can you be really? >Muh slaves
Carson Powell
Read more my dude. The use of Circumcision of peoples and animals for property goes back to the foundations of civilization. You may be right on the more recent end but Circumcision goes back to pre-neolithic times to denote captured and subjugated live property, IE People and Animals.
>U.S.A. leads the way True but a smaller country banning it would be easier to do and would bring it into the forefront of conversation.
Latino Catholics aren't based. Some are plenty aren't and would vote for fucking Stalin if he was democrat promising Daca and gibbs.
Kayden Kelly
Circumcized German with Turkish parents here, can confirm the following: Do you sometimes wonder why Middle Easterners, especially Turks, are easy to tempt and insecure?
It's because of circumcision. Masturbating without a foreskin (and all the nerve endings that came with the ridged band) is not very pleasurable and orgasms are incredibly weak. The Turkish population is literally sexually frustrated, list any arguments about how the foreskin is removed for hygiene reasons or how it can cause inflammations, we are living oranisms and therfore our number one goal is to reproduce.
Therfore, the shape of our (healthy) genitals are never to be altered, as it can cause complications in the mechanisms including reproduction.
Question to you How can someone prove or even assume that circumcision was practiced 15.000 ago, when there is obviously no written evidence, there is no art to depict the act and ofc no human tissue preserved to justify it The answer is obvious in my opinion but lets hear yours You know Germans do the same kind of shit, for example they claim their language is 5.000 years old or something and they have 0 evidence or even indications, yet is (((official history)))
Are you stupid? The reason why it became popular beginning during the early 1900s when Kellogg popularized it as a way to prevent masturbation. This wasn't me rationalizing my circumcision but the rationale for why it was a good idea at the time. If you kept on reading my post, idiot, you would have realized it was an argument AGAINST circumcision in this day and age because people are going to masturbate regardless. circumcision only makes it take longer, which is BAD because you will have pornographic and sexual imagery permanently burned into your brain. the longer your sessions, the more ruined your mind becomes.
Nolan Cruz
Idiot, I wans't defending it. I said it's even worse in this day and age.
Zachary Miller
Gavin Carter
This is false. Being uncut nakes me an odd man out in most places.
Ethan Ortiz
F Sausage Flap. Sorry to hear bro.
>Be me. >Burger in 20s >never looked too much into it >While with french friend, I see his cock. >OWO >whydoeshislooksodifferent.jpg >Talk to him about it and find he experiences sexual stimulation far more than Ido >Do research >ohgodwhythehellamIabrokenhalfmale.png >Want to stop circumcision.
I hope CRISPR will make it to where I can grow a new foreskin because if not I am just going to work to fight circumcision until I have the courage to livestream my suicide on here for you guys.
They are referring to the first part of your post The fact that you approve of circumcision with the specific condition that porn did not exist bothers the people who replied to you.
Also >This is good because it would in theory prevent an early masturbation habit from occurring. You are implying that general loss of pleasure during intercourse is a good tradeoff to prevent... early masturbation habits lol
I live in America. Most girls here have never seen an uncircumcised penis. One time, at a party, this girl attempted to go down on me. She put my uncircumcised dick in her mouth for about 3 seconds, before making a disgusted noise, and then vomiting all over my lap. She then proceeeded to run out and tell everyone at the party that there’s something wrong with my dick and that I just gave her an std.
Long story short, if you live in America, please circumcise your child.
John Smith
>Long story short, if you live in America, please circumcise your child.
Maybe the moral of the story is to not fuck women that had hundreds of cocks in their mouth and clean yourself before having sex?
I know circumcision is or was a thing over there, but why do so many Americans still support it, even when informed about the disadvantages?
Levi Ross
you're looking to cure the symptom, lets get to the root cause and remove the undue influence of religious fanatics from our society in general. all of them, name one thing any abrahemic religion has done for society that hasn't caused a shit storm in modern day. spoiler, you can't. muslims, jews and christians are all shit and have brought nothing but a plague of retards with a 'reason' to kill.
Jonathan Wright
I would literally kill to trade with you. If you don't want it, donate yours to me if that is a real thing...
>100% of the Jewish Community has penises >The Jewish community needs to be able to mutilate babies to survive. How can we prove other things? Obviously with guess work and materials tools leftover, mummified foreskins, mummies with no foreskin, cave paintings etc The oldest mummy known is 9000 years old, so we would have to examine mummified remains to fully get a picture
You are right to question it and are probably right but the cultures I mentioned did use it to denote property.
To be 100% with you, I stopped reading really early into because I thought you were doing the same shit all the other burgers say on the topic.
early masturbation habit = ruined potential in life. You will become sex obsessed and constantly feel the urge to evacuate, and if you follow through, you become tired and unmotivated to do anything else. the greatest men who ever lived didn't around masturbating and obsessing over sex all day. Intercourse is only a small part of life, and if you are approaching it hedonistically, you might as well inject heroin. the goal should be to rise above these instincts and place creative long term goals as your ambitions.
Levi Martin
>but why do so many Americans still support it Either cope for having it done on them or Jewish shills shilling for circumcision
Andrew Carter
Aaron Cruz
>early masturbation habit = ruined potential in life. How about you back this up?
Isaac Carter
This I would gladly be forced to sit to piss like a faggot if my penis was uncut as a result. Fuck American women, my mom is one and the reason my penis is mutilated. Because Americans believe their (((doctors))) Yeah you're wrong though, it is way easier to get most people against circumcision. Seriously it is easy to win an argument when the other person is literally wanting to abuse children. I see you are not an ant as well. This
Did you have a bad experience with a girl who literally had 100 cocks in her mouth? This sounds a lot like projection
Levi Hernandez
>Most girls here This whole post is a lie. I am most girls.
Camden Roberts
You are not in America..
Daniel Robinson
there is a reason why so many burgers are retarded now. The combination of pornography, circumcision and sexual revolution culture has ruined their minds. Consider that 30-60 minutes every day is spent in dissolute sessions of pornography use. the circumcision makes them override the natural end to this, prolonging the session much longer than what otherwise would be permitted by nature. that much sexual content ruins the mind and makes it distracted. the subconscious is polluted and all free thoughts of the day. after years and years of this, all that is going through their mind is sex and porn and that's it. with this much sexual rubbish peculating in the mind, it becomes feminized. this is why so many men leak pre-ejaculate with any arousal at all, much like a woman "gets wet". the mind saturated with this much sexual stimulation regresses, and the primitive instinctual centers soon take control and the frontal lobes atrophy. this is why so many are pretty much zombies.
Josiah Howard
You are not most girls
Lucas Ward
The circumcision causes brain damage meme is clearly just gaslighting, and clever gas lighting too because it's easy to assume a jew would never say that.
obsessing about it and claiming its mutilation is an old homo cause that has more gay men in it than a community choir.
Oliver Harris
Are you an actual crazy person?
Thomas King
Christ himself literally said circumcision wasn't necessary anymore. You can't defend this shit if you are Christian.
Brody Sullivan
What are you talking about. I'm circumcised and work one out in a minute easy. It's just not all that much fun and basically results in orgasm satisfaction.
Literally everything else you mention is actually enjoying sex (OH NO HOW TERRIBLE) and leads to even worse things like ramming things up your ass just to wish you could have more fun on easymode like normal people.
Luke Ortiz
Crazy? Because I know for a fact that you are not most women? Call me what you will but you are a liar, that much is true.
Brayden Thompson
I cannot sit and pee, if I do this the piss splashes back at me on my thighs and balls. Even when you go to a urinal yout pee will splash all over the place and make a mist in the air. The only safe way I can pee is to stand like a foot from the urinal or to pee into a toilet. Forcing men to piss sitting down is fucking gay and the retards who though it up should fucking die. Oh and the worst thing is my dick tip can touch the fucking bowl when I sit and if they cleaned it with bleach I'll get a chemical burn on my fucking gland. Fuck any asshole who tells you to sit and piss.
Lincoln Morales
So you're saying that we need to weaponise the poofters? Using Jew tactics against them?
Lol no one wants to see your ugly ant eater fucks. I've talked about this with all my friends we all agree it's gross. I've walked out on a guy before when he whipped out his gross mole dick.
There's no real negatives to it so I don't see the problem.
Aaron Sullivan
Hold it down between your legs to pee first, and then pull it up and hold it between your thighs while you shit so it doesn't kiss the bowl. If you can't do this, you need to do your squats until you have nice inner thighs.
>Did you have a bad experience with a girl who literally had 100 cocks in her mouth? No, I haven't. I have concluded this because I imagined the woman that was about to give him a head was so used to circumcized cocks that the texture activated her gag reflex.
Christian Roberts
They support it because America is colonised by the Kikes. Liberate America now!
Christian Cook
When my son was born 4 months ago we both emailed and had a paper copy of our birth plan very clearly stating no circumcision. We were asked no less than 8 times before I snapped. I basically didn't sleep in the hospital and made every nurse aware that our son went nowhere without me.
Brayden Edwards
I see we're as ignorant as ever on this issue in 2018. Amazing how stupid people are. It destroys the penis. Every male who is circumcised is sexually crippled and must compensate for the rest of their lives. But go on with your horribly uninformed stance that violates the most basic human rights. It makes me feel good knowing my brain is working better than yours.
Daniel Gonzalez
I bet you aren't going to vaccinate either.
Luke Rivera
Oh I see the problem, you have poor reading comprehension. When I said most girls, I did mean most girls in America. Not to say most girls in in the whole world, and certainly not to say that I am most girls.
Owen Turner
Oh no that's good science. Circumcision is bad science.
Asher Wilson
>not surrendering to the jew means he's an idiot lmao
Lincoln Price
The hospital lost money because of you!
Cameron Price
You're a hopeless case, you drank the sexual revolution Kool-aid and think sexual activity is just harmless fun. You see nothing wrong with being sex obsessed because it brings enjoyment. just because something is enjoyable, doesn't mean it is beneficial to engage in.
Benjamin Sanchez
I was born after the sexual revolution. I see a harmless fap as something to enjoy like having a nice beer after a hard day's work. Not like a sex-obsessed pervert child molester like yourself.
Andrew Rivera
>We need to stop Circumcision. girls don't want to have sex with you if you're not circumcised
why stop it? are you crazy
no girl would suck all that skin, it's dirty
Jonathan Green
Check out a new documentary on the subject called American Circumcision. Don't watch of you want to keep your head in the sand.
Jonathan Bennett
Just because you can’t get laid doesn’t mean you have to pity trip everyone else. >inb4 I can get laid but choose not to
Robert Collins
>o Hahaha so ignorant!
Michael Long
>girls don't want to have sex with you if you're not circumcised
utter bullshit, you're trading something very real ie. nerve endings and extra mass where it really counts for something completely imaginary
>why stop it? are you crazy
Are you a jew? Scared about losing your camouflage?
>no girl would suck all that skin, it's dirty
Typical kike hasn't heard of hygiene
Jonathan Sanchez
>finland lol did you even have sex with a real woman yet? (penguins don't c ount)
Luke Perez
Surveys say unanimously that girls prefer uncut, sorry Chaim
Anthony Gonzalez
There's already so much anti circumcision material out there. Main problem is you'd have to get straight parents to listen to gay men about their boys and we're not there yet (or are we? things move fast now) If there's enough gay dads with kids I guess, of if we can signal the repressed.
Like I said, its already a big gay cause. Every bit of gay men's activism I've ever seen has had an anti circumcision component.
Sebastian Nelson
Mitosis. You can grow new skin to at least cover your glans and reverse keratinization. I got cut too and am about to start this process.
I was involved in some of that a few years back and there were a ton of fags and female foreskin fetishists. Intactivism as they call it will be the reason it's never outlawed. I tried so hard to convince those people that their fanatical form of "activism" was counter productive and it was apparent to any observers that a bunch of fags and married women were just salivating over foreskin. They decided I was a pro-circ troll.
Kevin Foster
Not allowing kike doctors to genitally mutilate my son means I'm an antivaxxer? Vaccines are hard science and circumcision is a Semitic slave mark.
Grayson Martinez
>I was born after the sexual revolution You're a product of it you moron, that's the entire point of mentioning it. It wasn't some arbitrary period just put out there. > I see a harmless fap as something to enjoy like having a nice beer after a hard day's work. A daily fap isn't harmless, neither is a daily beer. It shows that you are addicted to it and that it is the end result of pornography and sex eating away at your mind. for you to have the urge to masturbate, daily, is evidence that you are sex obsessed. daily masturbation causes more testosterone to be converted to dihydrotestosterone. this causes baldness and has a feminizing effect, like the the estrogen-mimickers in the hops of your daily beer. >other shit >projecting You can be 100% heterosexual, and have no fetishes and still be sex obsessed because of excessive indulgence in pornography, masturbation and recreational sex.
What the hell are you talking about? I'm the product of a normal happy traditional family whose parents fell for the boomer generation Jewish cultural maxism memes.
Fucking neck yourself already. You're an accessory after the crime.
Noah Sullivan
Despite how much they were attacked for "anti-semitism" I'd say no. There were actually a surprising amount of jews involved in that movement. I'm not sure why, outside of the blatant fetishism.
Michael Hernandez
Fuck, there have been many issues of circumcision in a day, right?
Aaron Jones
t. John Harvey Kellogg
Parker Smith
>whose parents fell for the boomer generation Jewish cultural maxism memes. Well, the apple obviously didn't fall far from the tree. You fell for the same meme yourself. You fell for the sexual revolution hook-line-and-sinker indicated by your simpleton analysis of it being "harmless fun".
Cameron Miller
Shut up. t. Jew
Luke Collins
KYS. Genital mutilation is immoral. Circumcision causes brain damage in newborns.
Lincoln Watson
And circumcision had no effect whatsoever on it. Probably made it worse by giving me a reason to be so fixated on my cock.
Josiah Edwards
Why not leave the choice to the man?
Wyatt Lewis
I never considered the fetishism... that's pretty disturbing. Maybe they were gatekeeping though?
>livestream my suicide on here for you guys. There are better ways to achieve a goal
Nicholas Myers
I said circumcision makes the effects of sexual excess EVEN WORSE in the first place, proving me right. your entire back and forth in the posts doesn't make sense, it makes no sense at all to arrive here, and shows that your comprehension and ability to form arguments is impaired. i would assume that you went to pornhub in the middle of this, vainly ejaculated, and forgot what the fuck you were going on about in the first place. this is what I am talking about. masturbation is NOT harmless. sexual excess makes people literally retarded like you, which is why pornography and promiscuity are promoted by them.
Isaiah Taylor
Nah, I went to /hm/ to study how to make myself cum hands free checkmate loser
Thomas Perez
this image is too real
Brody Fisher
Its really rampant, they dont even try to hide it. They make up these absurd claims about foreskin like it makes you a sex god. All the propaganda is from the point of view of the woman's pleasure and openly shits on cut males. It was pretty bad and being around that shit fucked with my head and sex life for awhile. It doesn't help that I didn't even know I was circumcised until I was like 22 years old.
Kayden Adams
If girls can get a abortion without parental consent then boys should be able to get a circumcision the same way.
Jackson Bell
I've been at this debate for a long time. It's important to remember when talking about this issue that bias is incredibly difficult to remove. In order to wake up like Neo does from the Matrix, you really have to listen to uncircumcised males, try to understand what the frenulum is, and look deep at the medical creed of "do no harm". Once you can see clearly, it isn't pleasant. The truth is not a bed of roses. But truth is truth. Circumcision is a human failure.
Blatant disinfo. AAP most certainly does recommend infant male circumcision. What they do not recommend is universal male circumcision, ie do it to everyone no matter what. Regardless of exceptions, ultimately you are allowed to make choices for your children that are wrong. You are allowed to make them vegan and not give them vaccinations. You can literally kill your children with your stupidity and society permits it, at least until we find out what you savages did and send you off to jail.