Bread & Circuses (General?)

I put this on /x/ yesterday, but you guys might like it more. I'm sure you all know what the phrase "bread and Circuses" refers to (pic related). So do y'all have evidence or examples of this in contemporary society?

Attached: BreadandCicuses.jpg (960x424, 464K)

Even before the concept of "GMO" existed, the merchants were blasting wheat with radiation to try to get more out of their grain commodity - increased amounts of Gliadin have made bread (chips, cakes, carbs in general) into a full-on opiate.
Tribalism was channeled into sports with teams and colors. Whites bought into this, which makes it very hard to care about white genocide.

Starchy products and football are things i like, I must admit. I'll also add that we can't sustain a population of 7 billion without GM super wheat, so they've got us by the balls

>examples of this in contemporary society?
Seriously? Nearly all professional sports are still used as mass distraction.

Bread and circuses was the Roman welfare state to keep the underclass from revolting. Arguments over fucking chariot teams almost toppled Byzantine emperor. And coincidentally Bismarck instituted the beginning of the modern welfare state exactly to keep the working class from revolting.

I just want to know other people's view on the issue. Sorry if you've got a problem with that...

Not that we should. Most of the population is rocketed by China and India, each nearing ~1.5 billion for ~3 billion, who hardly contribute to, protect, or support the pillars of civilization, or the enviroment. Populations everyone would be much better off without. Those who are capable to grow their own food should be fine off.

More examples:
Food pyramid (old with massive grain foundation, and new implying that you could ever exercise off your soda and candy habits)
subsidized corn
grain merchants doing all the advertising on TV aimed at kids

I still struggle with carbs but have managed to restrict it to the salty ones (which I'm sure have way too much sugar as well)
I recommend the book "Wheat Belly"

>a population of 7 billion

Remove Africa, China, and the third world and we are alright.

you can ask a question without looking like an ignorant retard in the process

>So do y'all have evidence or examples of this in contemporary society?
sure ebt, wage slavingness, it's a rule that says people will not rebel so long as they are entertained and their bellies are full

>passive aggressive apology

Attached: 6f4.png (960x720, 568K)

Massive replies bc I wanna make an effort to be concise

I'll definitely try and check out that book! I remember the old food pyramid, have you by any chance seen the episode of South Park about gluten?

That is a pretty dark concept, I can't imagine forsaking a good two-thirds of the population.

Obviously i can make the pro sports connection. I have an inkling that the concept can be applied to things other than professional sports. If you're not gonna contribute, just go.


Yes the Kardashian family and hollywood are examples of bread and circuses

probably going to watch that south park again soon.
It really irks me that the merchant class has managed to position intolerance of their poison as a "disorder" focused on the gluten part that some are more sensitive to, pushing aside the more dangerous protein that causes immune malfunction in EVERYONE - Gliadin

People would bake asbestos into bread (i think, or spread it onto sandwiches) to prove how safe it was. If it was done with something as dangerous as Asbestos, I'm horrified to think of what's being done with "normal" food.

Food should NOT be a commodity that they get to trade around the world and speculate on.
Chinese chicken (cooked only so far, I believe) can be sold in our stores WITHOUT labeling country of origin. DISGUSTING

I mean does country of origin matter? Most whole chickens I see in the store are either roasted (rotisserie chickens) or raw. Idk about cold cuts, but I don't think that food of foreign origin is exempt from American standards. Plus I doubt that Chinese chicken is used to pacify the population.

Keeping my own thread bumped

The entire internet is a circus, and nobody unwillingly goes hungry in the west.