ENOUGH. It's time to have a serious talk about these mass shootings. Why won't conservative just admit that this is the new normal in America? They have no interest in providing finding for mental health, controlling guns, or paying more taxes into public school to protect students. Just be honest. You don't care that your fellow Americans are being massacred. This is the pure selfishness of American conservativism on full display. Why are you even here when you hate everyone in this country so much?
ENOUGH. It's time to have a serious talk about these mass shootings...
Other urls found in this thread:
>funding for mental health
Gets stolen by all the black administrators
>controlling guns
Read the constitution
>paying more taxes to protect students
Money gets stolen by administrators. Also it’s not my job to protect anyone, you should protect yourself
Guns are a right, trucks are not.
The amount of people killed by guns are insignificant in number compared to anything else, including cars, pools, knives, hammers, and fists.
>"well what can you do"
Treat mental health better without so many harmful, mind-altering medications?
Put more security guards in gun-free zones so that they aren't soft targets?
Do away with gun-free zones so that normal citizens who carry guns can defend themselves and others?
Oh wait! Liberals already deemed those unacceptable because they actually just want to ban guns, violating our Constitution.
I'm fine with all of those. Conservatards don't want to pay for any of it.
You leave, we’ll stay
School shootings didn't start until kids started getting in trouble for fighting back against bullying. The schools created the culture themselves.
We didnt have school shootings like this until after columbine. They were an incredibly rare occurance before the late 90s
>country gets browner
>standards plummet
>laws get worse
>more violence occurs
Not related at all surely
I hope OP gets shot
>To solve gun violence, allow students to fight each other like 3rd world shitholers.
>This is the pure selfishness of American conservativism on full display.
Fucking true.
Yeah white bois its our turn now. Give up them guns. Well take real good care of you.
Oh and also:
>all I wanna say is that (((they))) don't really care about us
>A white woman standing up for shit skins
While I agree with some of the sentiments you mention, there's one point of contention you need to reconcile...
You mention no conservative interest in gun control, yet a liberal Congressman just recently advocated for using the second amendment to overthrow Trump. So does this mean the second amendment should still be repealed, is the second amendment only ok when the left finds it useful for them, or does this mean "we just want to be the only ones armed" ?
I will take the dangers and responsibilities of liberty over the would-be chains that leftists would have me in, especially since it is those same people who see fit to punish me for the actions of someone else as well as advocate for the use of violence to achieve their goal.
In short, Fuck off.
Why did this not happen before columbine? FFS in the 50s shooting was part of the curriculum.
False flags pushing gun control
We’re all being played
if you ban white guys, then the trains won't run on time.
Honestly I would limit semi auto rifles to private use bar demonstrations
I just woke up.
Somebody fill me in on the latest happening.
Do not reply.
And food won't be served
guy shot a girl then himself in maryland, yet the shills , trolls are going out in force anyway.
Driving is a privilege not a right. Now fuck off.
Okay thx user.
>Brown guy kills exclusively non-muslim people in the name of his God and gets praised by his peers
>White guy kills a bunch of random people for no clear reason and gets demonized by everyone
When you force capable men to live in a society with out solidarity they begin to resent everyone around them and see people as lower than animals. They fantasize about population control and castration of criminals. imagine creating a safe world for their children.
the state has turned its back on us. it no longer protects our interests or our values, breaking the social contract.
>Taking guns away from adults will stop school children from murdering one another at school
What is this person reverencing
>Muh gun grab
When will this strawman end? The only one who has suggested this is unironically Trump.
Remember new friends.
What's the context of that congressman's statement?
Well, what do you know
33 results, all american, 9 OPs. Since november 2nd, and popping up whenever a school shooting is sniffed by Sup Forums, not every time there's one
But hey, it's probably nothing, right? Must be a coincidence
>white guy kills 59
when did that happen? is she referring to breivik? that actually lead to change in gun law.
Nigga nobody did nuthin when that brown fuck shot up the faggot club baka
The Vegas unsolved mystery
>6,340,929 redoots and 569,136,766 upvotes
>When will this strawman end?
When was it ever a strawman?
Jews aren't white people.
>white guy kills 59 with guns
>70 year old "multimillionaire" with no wife or children, professional gamble with Filipino girlfriend who traveled to mosques in the middle east.
yea he represents "white" guys. fucking kikes
More Jews.
Adam Lanza another Jew.
Look at how many systematic failures there were in the Parkland shooting. Between the school, sheriffs and other departments and organizations, the students were failed by them and all the laws associated with the situation. And you want to blame conservatives for not wanting MORE of this? It's not about more, it's about accountability and effectiveness.
>What can you do?
Ban leftists.
Shauna doesn't seem like the kind of person who's opinions you should take seriously.
Putting up a street barricade doesn't jeopardize anybody's constitutional rights.
So the only way you'll be able to love your fellow countrymen is to have the ultimate safe space (i.e. white ethnostate with small government and Christian sharia law)? Even in this "utpoia" people still have differing opinions. Inequality can still occur. Racism and classism can still occur. The far right's obsession with "wiping the slate clean" and starting over is so fucking misguided. If you can't solve your differences with liberals here, the same problems will arising in your ethnostate.
fuck off kike shill
Nigger flags are always retarded.
Unironically yes.
If you aren’t going to actually protect the kids you better let them protect themselves. Otherwise you create a situation where the bullied person finds themselves completely isolated with no good way to stop the abuse. School becomes a hell they are forced to attend every day. This system is creating human time bombs.
>Read the constitution
Well regulated militia sounds to me like you should have sensible regulations on guns.
You know whats funny?
Not your picture.
Low intelligence of author, as he cant prioritize, and dont get it, that problems in picture are tiny and westerners would love to have only those.
Meanwhile they have niggers.
Entire different magnitude of a problem, dont you think?