Fuck UK
Fuck USA
Fuck Russia
Fuck China
Fuck UK
Fuck USA
Fuck Russia
Fuck China
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck EU
Fuck off, Putinbot.
>the EU Angela, hand it over!
fuck EU,it's for faggots.
It would have been nice if you cunts wouldn't have invited the entire Middle East because of your cucked war guilt. Fucking eternal kraut.
Uhm, sweetie...Italy and the Balkans let them all in, we just cleaned up the mess, as usual.
It's what we do. Germany is the only adult in the room.
eat shit
more like 1805
This desu. Moving to France in a couple of months to be a part of Europe.
>eat shit
No thanks, I don't like British cuisine.
Come home, white man
Fuck Germany.
You ruin whatever you touch.
I. Opening Address to the Peace Congress (Paris, August 21, 1849)
A DAY WILL COME when your arms will fall even from your hands! A day will come when war will seem as absurd and impossible between Paris and London, between Petersburg and Berlin, between Vienna and Turin, as it would be impossible and would seem absurd today between Rouen and Amiens, between Boston and Philadelphia. A day will come when you France, you Russia, you Italy, you England, you Germany, you all, nations of the continent, without losing your distinct qualities and your glorious individuality, will be merged closely within a superior unit and you will form the European brotherhood, just as Normandy, Brittany, Burgundy, Lorraine, Alsace, all our provinces are merged together in France. A day will come when the only fields of battle will be markets opening up to trade and minds opening up to ideas. A day will come when the bullets and the bombs will be replaced by votes, by the universal suffrage of the peoples, by the venerable arbitration of a great sovereign senate which will be to Europe what this parliament is to England, what this diet is to Germany, what this legislative assembly is to France. A day will come when we will display cannon in museums just as we display instruments of torture today, and are amazed that such things could ever have been possible.
Fuck off, slavnigger, only real Europeans are invited.
The EU has so much potential. It's not "FUck the EU".... It's "FUCK THE EURO!". There's no thing as 'ONE SIZE FITS ALL".
america should have nuked germoney instead of Japan
Fuck off you lying piece of kraut shit. You initiated this. Betraying our people again. Fuck you and fuck the whores that breed you.
Good. Send our folks back home so we can finally split of from your socialist BS.
>Send our folks back home
Yeah, please take those welfare niggers back.
Fuck the EU
Fuck the 4th Reich
And finally
Fuck you Kraut
sounds disgusting
Freude, schöner Götterfunken,
Tochter aus Elysium,
wir betreten feuertrunken,
Himmlische, dein Heiligtum.
Deine Zauber binden wieder,
was die Mode streng geteilt,
alle Menschen werden Brüder,
wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt.
Seid umschlungen Millionen!
Seid umschlungen Millionen!
Diesen Kuß der ganzen Welt.
Brüder überm Sternenzelt
muß ein lieber Vater wohnen.
>Serbia will join the EU
please God don't let this happen
>EU appreciation
>OP is a kraut
Hab's nicht gewusst again Hans? Piece of hun scum.
Was ist des Deutschen Vaterland?
Ist's Preußenland, ist's Schwabenland?
Ist's, wo am Rhein die Rebe blüht?
Ist's, wo am Belt die Möve zieht?
5 O nein! nein! nein!
Sein Vaterland muß größer sein.
Was ist des Deutschen Vaterland?
Ist's Baierland, ist's Steierland?
Ist's, wo des Marsen Rind sich streckt?
10 Ist's, wo der Märker Eisen reckt?
O nein! nein! nein!
Sein Vaterland muß größer sein.
Was ist des Deutschen Vaterland?
Ist's Pommerland, Westfalenland?
15 Ist's, wo der Sand der Dünen weht?
Ist's, wo die Donau brausend geht?
O nein! nein! nein!
Sein Vaterland muß größer sein.
Was ist des Deutschen Vaterland?
20 So nenne mir das große Land!
Ist's Land der Schweitzer? ist's Tirol?
Das Land und Volk gefiel mir wohl;
Doch nein! nein! nein!
Sein Vaterland muß größer sein.
25 Was ist des Deutschen Vaterland?
So nenne mir das große Land!
Gewiß, es ist das Oesterreich,
An Ehren und an Siegen reich?
O nein! nein! nein!
30 Sein Vaterland muß größer sein.
Was ist des Deutschen Vaterland?
So nenne mir das große Land!
So weit die deutsche Zunge klingt
Und Gott im Himmel Lieder singt,
35 Das soll es sein!
Das, wackrer Deutscher, nenne dein!
Das ist des Deutschen Vaterland,
Wo Eide schwört der Druck der Hand,
Wo Treue hell vom Auge blitzt
40 Und Liebe warm im Herzen sitzt –
Das soll es sein!
Das, wackrer Deutscher, nenne dein!
Das ist des Deutschen Vaterland,
Wo Zorn vertilgt den wälschen Tand,
45 Wo jeder Franzmann heißet Feind,
Wo jeder Deutsche heißet Freund –
Das soll es sein!
Das ganze Deutschland soll es sein!
Das ganze Deutschland soll es sein!
50 O Gott vom Himmel sieh' darein,
Und gieb uns rechten deutschen Muth,
Daß wir es lieben treu und gut.
Das soll es sein!
Das ganze Deutschland soll es sein!
Croats and other Slavs are the only people that do actual work in Germany.
The ones collecting welfare are the Bosnian muslims.
>Croats and other Slavs
Slavniggers are as bad as Turks when it comes to being eternal welfare niggers.
Niggers OUT
Europeans IN
Fuck EU
Fuck the kraut
fuck european union, fuck germany, fuck merkel
>putinbots on proxies
Sad. This is why getting an education is important, kids. It's so you don't have sacrifice your dignity by working €1/h jobs for Putin.
you are a retard
Send more EUgibs or fuck off
>without losing your distinct qualities and your glorious individuality
just lol, how can anyone be this naive?
>libtard putinbot meme
Fuck off Hans, I'm 100% Dutch and will hate on you fucking degenerate evil cunts for free, all day.
in the end somebody who stands above teh EU and their national states initiated that.
Even Merkel is just (imo) executing agency.
Look at this vid alone and tell me that it's single individual politicians who are to blame.
Probaly these politicions are just puppets or actors that are needed to give the people an illusion of control (with elections and politicians who have a name and a face instead of faceless men in the dark)
I love Riga
>just lol, how can anyone be this naive?
Dead England lose its identity when it formed a union with Scotland and Wales?
No, you refuse to brush your teeth to this day.
>god damn immigrants taking our welfare checks
Welfare nigger detected.
>It wasn't the Germans again
Yes it was you yellow dog meme flag kraut cunt.
Why do Germans always have to ruin Europe?
They did pretty good in 31-44.
Then we (america+USSR) ruined Europe.
No, seriously, it's a criminally underrated city. I don't know if you even want more tourists, but I spent an entire weekend there last year and loved every second of it.
>Lorraine, Alsace, all our provinces are merged together in France.
So rich coming from German
There is literally nothing wrong with accepting artificial, symbolic borders within the EU superstate.
Cleaned up by letting them stay and encouraging more of them to flood into Europe and by paying them to outbreed Germans? Fucking hell "Germany", and they say you don't know how to do comedy!
Wasn't Germany and Russia allies what happened there?
>Fucking hell "Germany", and they say you don't know how to do comedy!
German humor is underrated.
>eu superstate
>your entire GDP is a fraction of poo in the loo pajeets
Daily reminder to kill yourself you literal bavarian faggot.
Where is Australia and south Africa?
Oh look it'seems the German cocktail sucking fucking asshole piece fucking worthless Soros Europe is great poster.
Go fucking hang yourself with a European union flag you bigoted biased corrupted fucking piece shit.
Your more worthless then Merkel eggs you asshole munching fag of Cocks covered in shit
>your entire GDP is a fraction of poo in the loo pajeets
Shartmerican cuckducation.
SJW detected.
would you pleae ackniówledge the evidence
And do you see any Western European country stopping Merkel?
>United Nations projections indicate that over the next 50 years, the populations of virtually all countries of Europe as well as Japan will face population decline and population ageing. The new challenges of declining and ageing populations will require comprehensive reassessments of many established policies and programmes, including those relating to international migration.
>Focusing on these two striking and critical population trends, the report considers replacement migration for eight low-fertility countries (France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and United States) and two regions (Europe and the European Union). Replacement migration refers to the international migration that a country would need to offset population decline and population ageing resulting from low fertility and mortality rates.
So they planned that since 2001.
While telling us to not have children because the planet is overpopulated
That's an Antifa Club.
BVB Dortmund and FC St Pauli are Antifa Clubs
the club from this pic doesn't allow AFD voters to be members kek
I cannot appreciate the EU while it is a crypto-communist organisation.
Well yes you are right of course that Merkel is a puppet - but the Germans keep voting her in and welcome her open door policy. They need to take responsibility for her, for once.
>the club from this pic doesn't allow AFD voters to be members kek
Bolshevism broke old alliances.
The Jewish influence on Bolshevism ensured those alliances remained shattered, even to this day.
It's too bad. An Ameri-Germanic alliance today would be a glorious state.
>but the Germans keep voting her in
I regret nothing.
Why is the European Union so based lads and why do lesser beings hate us so much?
Well as for now Riga is like Stockholm 20 years ago, more tourists would mean economic growth but it also would mean bad for city overall, tourists can be assholes some times.
Places like Kūldīga also are one of those gems that are worth protecting.
You forgot NZ also iceland is not in pic
>but the Germans keep voting her in and welcome her open door policy. They need to take responsibility for her, for once.
It's illegal to do otherwise.
Have you been to Estonia? Spent an entire week on Saaremaa last year and it was so beautiful.
You most be paid post here eu threads have fucking no life no job.
You post here every fucking day same bigoted biased pro Europe fucking dog shit everyday.
You then post anti Brxit threads like crying to your mum after being gang raped.
Your fucking looser your threads are full shit so are you.
Your worthless fucking cunt.
Go fucking die
>You then post anti Brxit threads
True :^)
>t.(((Merkel))) $hill
EU means nothing while you are a vassal super state of the United States.
Economically US is European rival and they aren't interested in your productivity. They even want to cut your cheap gas supply from Russia so they could sell you their much costly liquefied gas to get profit and make your goods cost more.
Join alliance with Russia if you want to be free.
Amen brother.
I agree with most of the things you advocate, yet despise you for being an obnoxious effeminate Bavarian socialist faggot. It's a weird kind of feel.
>get out of the fire an into our frying pan
No thanks, Rusky.
What? What fucking world do you live in?
Fuck the EU
It's okay to hate me, user. I probably love you tho
Haistakaa vittu koko vitun EUn paskat. Meiän maille tuutte laitteleen lakejanne ja alkaa pikkuhiljaa vituttamaan koko meininki.
Fuck off EU, we're sick of your authoritarian Ponzi scheme. Good on Greece for milking your stupid asses, not even mad anymore, debts have been paid with Golden Dawn.
>gercucks calling dissidents putinbots
Kjeh kjeh, no love lost for russians here Achmed. You really are leftist cucks, disregarding criticism and shifting blame. No wonder all of your women want to have a dirty nigher dick in them, those pavement apes are more man than you, and they barely qualify for being human if even that.
Take your shitty ideology and stick it up your ass, we laugh at you every day along with the rest of Europe with their heads out of their asses.
>No wonder all of your women want to have a dirty nigher dick in them
Not just the women :^)
Remove Norway from pic, we will never join the EU.
Also fuck the ACER , norwegian electricity belongs to Norway
Norge forst
>Fuck UK
>Fuck USA
>Fuck Russia
>Fuck China
fuck eu.
I told you that fucking worthless temporary effect brxit.
French population set drop 12% so will there economy.
German population set drop between 10 tof 17 million.
Europe is fucked with out migrants.
The uk is not.
Your a delluded communist fucking piece shit.
Park. So go fucking kill yourself after getting paid by Soros
>reddit spacing
Yeah, let me go ahead and take your input really seriously.
>Remove Norway from pic, we will never join the EU.
This, we will hopefully leave EEA soon.
Norge forst, for fedreland
more like: fuck YEAH, eu! stronzoboi!
>succ in ID
Great, now I have a boner.
>Europe is fucked with out migrants.
Cut this bull crap already kraut, Japan is doing fine without them, and automation is coming. Stop shilling for your own destruction.
Economically we are equal to Germany, France and Italy and will not suppress them like United States do.
You can worship Muttland as long as you want until it doesn't hurt best European interests.
>fuck eu.
Thanks for the money though, sunshine.
>massive suicide rate
>every jap works 70+ hours per week
>"Japan is doing fine without them"