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just a coincidence, goy
lotta (((white))) males on that list
ban all white male landlords!
Lotta pre WW2 German names
No wonder, it's Schindlers list.
Yes, that WASPs are a meme and we literally own everything
You whiteoids can never compete against the Chosen People(TM)
There definitely is something going on but I can't quite put my finger on it
no one can lay a finger on those kikes either
Thats because the only people who own buildings in Jew York are Hassids.
>Notice anything?
I would never dream of doing such a thing
I let Minister Louis Farrakhan do that for me
Ervin "HIV POZ Monkeyballer" Johnson?
Why don't goys invest in real estate?
Long story short NYC was broke in the 80's and everyone who was smart GTFO so the Jews started buying up every property they could get their hands on for dirt cheap. So now that the city isnt broke and you aren't gonna get mugged on every street anymore they can charge crazy prices to a bunch of young yuppies. The buildings are sometimes never updated and are deathtraps.
This is the main problem with capitalism, land is finite and once it's owned by a select group of jews rent prices can only go up, so hard earned cash gets transferred to parasites who do nothing. Of course, socialism is just as bad but with taxes instead of rent, so I don't see any alternative other than fascism.
No nothing annon
we have perfect solution for that. it;s called Pogrom.
you can't do pogrom in socialism as you have no rights to act or defend yourself. you can only hope police/army will do the right thing, but they are indoctrinated into following orders
All white males?
Many coincidences and nothing else.
>the rich 1% white males strikes again
They were given property by faggot Ed Koch because they had instamatic photos of him sucking black cock. They were allowed to warehouse them until the market got hot then rewarded by the Jew bureaucracy with zero tax PILOT programmes which is a scam to make properties even more valuable. I've seen a few of the faggot Ed Koch photos.
I think in the Brooklyn borough section of NYC proper they warehoused 115 buildings given to them.
Why do people willingly subject themselves to NYC?
This is the top jew's son.
That made me laugh more than it should
This list is anti-Semitic and must be shut down.
Even looking at it triggers memories of the six googillion.
>They were given property by faggot Ed Koch because they had instamatic photos of him sucking black cock. They were allowed to warehouse them until the market got hot then rewarded by the Jew bureaucracy with zero tax PILOT programmes which is a scam to make properties even more valuable. I've seen a few of the faggot Ed Koch photos.
How tf would a georgian know this let alone have seen those pics ?
lol, no.. it's because the noble jew thrives through industrious investing, while the lazy goy simply lies about , drunk and brawling..
so much -steins
That's Jewish Real Estate 101, the kikes basically bought a good half of my entire small Midwestern Town during the depression, sometimes for just back taxes. Now that area they controlled is section ape and coontown
>Notice anything?
There are 80 missing.
Section ape is a blessing for jews. They get direct government checks and the coons are too stupid to expect better so the never complain about the shithole they live in.
Industrialist trustafarian post-ultrachad. My former circles were elite tier.
One of the Jews bragged to me that OSHA and the NYCFD were powerless against them.