The wider we spread this the better.
The wider we spread this the better.
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Bump. Hitler pug did nothing wrong
>grossly offensive
I consider jews and muzzies to be grossly offensive, where do I start my case against them all
won't change a damn thing. the system is jewed beyond repair.
Fuck you england
>using twitter
you're in the wrong place
No it isn't. With enough will it can change, but it might have to take a lot of people being screwed and lot of pushing on our side to fight it. But it's not something we should just give up.
No. Degenrate faggot got what was coming to him. Fyi the fag isn't on our side. Stop turning this fucking place into nu-Sup Forums you dumb kikes
or a couple bullets. you aren't winning by keeping it legal unfortunately. you are playing their game.
>because I don't like him I want to silence him
Fuck off shill. Can see right through your DAC tactics. Back to plebbit roodypoo.
It's a good start, but you bongs should really be out protesting in the streets over this.
Fuck off.
>get arrested and held for questioning
>Muds riot
>Police does nothing
Tommy talks about it in the second link
Wait for the sentence faggot. That may be some community service.
Nah fuck that cunt,he is a leftist
dude, regardless, being found guilty of playing a prank on his gf is absurd.
If they can do it to him they can do it to you
At least we can hope he'll get redpilled by this and starts teaching his future children to sieg heil as well, just this time, it's not a joke.
I know but what can we do about it? It's Britain.
The point is the freedom of speech. It doesn’t matter his personal political leanings. And wouldn’t he be quickly redpilled if the most “fascist “ website helped get him out of prison?
I'm not a faggot bong and second, this guy isn't a white nationalist, he isn't on our side. He's a faggot commie and his face says it all. I mean seriously, look at that faggots face. He's not on our side and only the normie faggots from /ptg/ and reddit cucks would be dumb enough to support a degenerate faggot like this who Hitler would have personally thrown into the ovens himself
>self-proclaimed communist trains dog to do Nazi salute
>gets arrested by government under Marxist persuasion
Nothing of value was lost.
>you dumb kikes
the only kike here is you
I'm no Twitter fag but bumping for solidarity
You are fucking stupid, this is not about what side is he on, its about him being guilty for making a joke
This is the UK, an Orwellian police state. No amount of protests or online trends is going to change the decision of an e-celeb. I wish we could, but our system is completely overrun by the jews.
Scotland and London are the most Orwellian parts
He sounds like your average Sup Forumslack to me or is it too embarrasing to think that you share a board with people like him?
We have mutual goals you absolute mutt.
>First they came for the shitposters. I didn't care because I wasn't a shitposter
By the standards of know-nothing Amerimutts, Hitler should have thrown himself in the oven for the degenerate ideas he and his party associates had.
And the so called "pacifists" will say this is "non-violent", but it is really violent occupation of the British people in their own nation by foreign agendas. You can't even make jokes anymore without the State's wrath and their Left-wing thug battalions assaulting and harassing you daily. They aren't "pacifists", they want a monopoly on the violence and they want your subservience and even small things such as this will be taken to EXTREMES. This is how you know we live in a despicable era, when those committing all the atrocities and violence are the ones telling us they are "non violent" and doing all this for "justice". Be warned: anyone who preaches this hypocritical lie is the most violent, disgusting cowardly animal there can possibly be. Britain, it's time to rise and drive these snakes into the ocean. "Tolerance" is a myth, they aren't tolerant of anything and certainly not our right to self-determination or existence. Hit back or die, that's all we have left. It's a ride I know but it's what we've been given. These cowardly rats that hide behind such words as "tolerance" "diversity" "multiculturalism" "justice" are the worst of all because they can't even confess like men that they are committed to violent occupation and subjugation of everyone.
No. The leftist seeks death, he would hate us for saving him.
Have you heard about National Action in the UK? They got branded as terrorists for being edgy. You can't even make it up anymore. So this guy, who isn't a White Nationalist or whatever the fuck snowflake term you want to use, gets a potential prison sentence over a fucking joke video and you can't even see the larger picture. Fucking hopeless America.
Yes yes do nothing just sit back and let it all happen. Fucking pathetic. An entire generation of idiot cowards.
You don't understand the bigger picture.
That's not the point. I don't give a shit about him. The point is to expose the fact that the UK government will find you guilty of committing a fucking crime for teaching your dog to raise it's paw in the air like a Roman salute. I'm not siding with him, I'm siding against the supposed criminality of his action.
I watch him on YouTube and he is ANYTHING but a commie.
Yes this would be actual good use of Sup Forums autism. Stir up a campaign saying convincing british voters to demand his release and threaten to vote for non mainsteam parties if the demand is not met.
>white man arrested for thoughtcrime
fuck off kike, who cares if hes libshit? Do you understand how fucking freaked out white Britons are about this? Do you realize how eye-opening this shit might be, even to shitlibs themselves? Getting arrested over a joke is horrible even to those fuckers, so this is a big deal.
You are such a fucking kike
You fucking worthless blackpill homosexuals are the most pathetic empty pieces of trash to ever infest the planet. You're worse than these fucking coward trash because even they will commit violence to achieve their aims. Meanwhile you find every single fucking excuse possible to do nothing. Absolutely worthless. I really believe in my heart the truth of National Socialism but I seriously fucking hate NAtional Socialists, a bunch of sissy trash that make excuses every single time to do nothing but sit on their ass and lose and lose and lose and lose.
>We should abandon our ideals because in one instance a faggy leftist has been mistreated by the law. Then we would be as bad as mutts.
You are 100% wrong.
Just call him bitch tits and he will fall to the floor crying into his hands.
You're nothing but a miserable leftist, you can't even understand yourself and you presume to know others.
They're just lazy Varg watching "SIEGE" faggots that just do nothing but make excuses every single time. I used to be involved in American nationalist groups but all of them are like this or they are just fat fucking LARP trash. I gave up completely and I'm moving to Europe where at least people fight back once in awhile and there are movements organizing like Generation Identity, that while young and inexperienced, do not shy away from a fucking fight. Meanwhile in America these dumb fucking blackpill mutt pieces of shit will just make excuses because [INSERT GROUP OF PEOPLE] isn't """"extreme"""" enough. It's a fucking joke and that's why they are destined for failure because they make excuses rather than take action.
Yeah nice try fuck head enjoy the blackpill up your ass it's not like you're going to do anything anyways. Go back to jacking off over SIEGE and continue to do fucking nothing, oh maybe shoot some nigger dead in the street or bomb a Gas station fucking pathetic retard/.
Ignore faggot shills. Free speech is not up for debate.
You scumbags need to realise that encouraging the law to become totalitarian only supports your position in the extreme short term. Economics is about to move into phase where the rich will want to restrict movement.
Its in all our interests to keep the law under the control of the people so that we dont get arrested for the smallest act of dissent. For every instance where you cheer when peoples rights are taken away you will regret it over the next 5 to 10 years when automation makes millions unemployed.
UK anons:
what are you going to do? the jihadi meme police are coming for you all... what do you do?
The US government is far better at infiltrating and destroying any groups it doesnt approve of. I would do nothing in the US too. Ruby Ridge. Id move out as quick as I could if I thought voting acheived nothing.
Classic leftist self-hate and impotent rage directed at other parties
You're every single thing you hate, a worthless, miserable, cowardly wretch who will "enjoy" a meaningless, pitiful death.
It's so obvious, yet you refuse to improve yourself. Classic leftist parasite.
All insults and no arguments or facts. Lel.
They live in fucking America and think if they act like Native American resistance against European colonization they will somehow "win". I urge all of them to study what happens when the Native Americans tried this dumb fucking tactic - oh wait they got fucking BTFO ptu on reservations and are relegated to non factor.
zzzzzzzzzzz keep trying the native american tactic when you get put on your little huwhite reservation and culled off like in South Africa you'll probably realize too late your apathy was misguided and a total waste of time. enjoy the Varg blackpill and like he says "run to the hills" worthless.
reminder: bongs are peasants
holocaust yourself
If you want to do something, spam this webm on twitter using sockpuppet accounts with UK addresses.
>regulating speech based upon its content in 2018
>being this obvious
gas yourself
Your world view is fundamentally tainted
You simply don't understand, I would pity you but you return it with spite. As all leftists do.
guy in picture made a typo in a tag.
Remember not to do so.
Great argument but you blackpills will do that for us.
>if we hide in huwhite reservations they will leave us alone
hahahahahahahahahahahah run to the hills varg worshipping FAGGOT
>y-you don't get it maaaayyn
absolute fucking drivel. run to the hills.
Another insult with no content. No one takes you seriously. Maybe you are just here to derail the thread so we stop talking about helping Countdankula.
I will ignore you now and instead focus on social conservatism and centre left economic politics.
Anons, how do we preserve our freedoms and restrict the flow of immigration??
the irony is almonds. nonetheless, faggot doesn’t deserve legal action against him. this plays well for those who are trying to scare normies into actual thought- couldn’t have happened more perfectly
He is just trying to derail the thread. We WERE talking about what to do to resist and now we are only arguing with him. Ignore him.
Natives are too busy working.
No one can stop working or be fired for being a bigot because no one has any savings.
The #1 reason why the right can't organize is because the right IS the working class proletariat, withdrawing labour just leads to immediate replacement with imported brown people, the left is either the bourgeois or jobless.
Yes. It looks good for us. It would look even better if we acted on our ideals and got him out. That would make us look like people that believe in good things and will act on them instead of just being "The enemy".
This is how all American nationalists are. Defeatists, fat, lazy, and prone to apathy. I have been involved in American nationalist groups since 2014 and I have quit altogether because they are all like this. They look for every excuse to not do anything and then just go "well it isnt even worth it anyways" because that's how retarded and boring they are.
Its a form of Apocolypse prepping. They want to play dress up and run around with guns in the woods but they are enjoying their lives as they are with the feeling of being under attack. That wouldnt want to actually change that or risk anything.
You know why you reply to me in lower case?
Becayse your psyche is subservient to mine. A parasite vs. a human being. You can ignore what I'm saying and run away to die a meaningless death, or you could not be a coward and open your fucking eyes.
Leftist rhetoric.
Listen you inbred niggerchild, it doesn't matter if the motherfucker getting punished is an attack helicopter that identifies as mayonnaise. It matters that justice is being eroded to control the population and prevent wrongthink. Goddamn edgy retard willing to throw out their ideology for a little schadenfreude
>The #1 reason why the right can't organize is because the right IS the working class proletariat
But this is how ultimately it will spark because this working class is being driven to a fringe in their own countries and being targeted and systematically annihilated. The #1 priority is to reawaken the fighting martial spirit in Europeans because this is something the System (which has a monopoly on violence yet claims to be nonviolent) has taken away from the average person because "violence is bad" (while the System puts people in prison for making a dog roman salute). You can see that the hypocrisy of the System will be its ultimate downfall and once the martial spirit returns to people it's End Game for all these coward rats. But don't make any mistake about it: the Left uses the word "tolerance" a lot but obviously do not actually live this life because they are very intolerant towards hostile ideologies. This is why they will LOSE though because they are not HONEST about their intentions. I am honest: we need to kill and/or physically remove these parasites. Once people come to honest terms with their emotions then you can't stop them with bullshit loaded and empty language.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz have another blackpill cocktail and RUN. TO THE HILLS HAHAHA
He absolutely is one of us
Fuck off seppojewmexicunt
with this and the project2040, isn't scotland more cucked than sweden now?
How is the Pug woirse than this?
And now you're so afraid you can't even force yourself to read my replies.
A total coward.
>some apathetic blackpilled loser calling other people cowards
The only cuckolding going on is in yoru mind in relation to violence. I highly urge everyone in this thread to read the first couple chapters of Lightning and the Sun by Sativi Devi who outlines perfectly what I am trying to explain. You don't need to read the entire bookj ust the first 2 Chapters.
do you realize the precedent that has been set here you fucking dumb nigger? how can you be so short-sighted?
Yes, retreat back into your delusional worldview. You're never wrong, leftist narcissist.
You're afraid of living in reality.
I'm surprised the dog didn't get put down
Someone uploaded the video themselves onto a media where it spreads virally. That is outside government control. Things outside government control are much worse than what is done at a party and printed in a newspaper.
The UK is a police state. Or nanny state if you want to call it that. Dont go where nanny cant see you!
He's an apathetic blackpilled loser. They infest all over American nationalism because they come from a generation of lazy, do nothing cowards. Millenials. They do not want to break this chain because it does not fit their mindset of comfort and convience so they stray away from anything that means actual direct clash with the System.
The only person retreating is you. You can call me a "leftist". if being a leftist means fighting back then fucking I'm all for it. National Socialism means standing up for your people against time agaainst all odds. I really could care less what some blackpilled reject has to say about my views.
The "UK = police state" meme has been around forever, but this is the first time I've felt like it could happen to me, or someone I know, if I were to simply make a joke video for youtube.
I'm a centrist who has no issue with jews and never normally agrees with Sup Forums. But this decision is absolutely insane. I can't laugh or banter about it at all. I genuinely feel a bit sick about this.
As a Scot, my country's prosecution services look absolutely alien right now.
He is here to drag the thread into something that is nothing but insults until it autosages so that we dont actually talk about what to do.
IGNORE HIM. He is a shill.
It can happen and will happen to you. It isn't a matter of "if" it's a matter of "When".
How can you presume to know me if you can't even recognize what you are?
It's petty and ignorant, you're destined for failure. Because you are everything you hate.
Should I get a petition started to see if we can get Harry charged the same?
No. I'm a human being.
A natural enemy to leftist parasites like you.
It is literally time to fight your tyrannical government and do a reset. You all owe it to your children and their children.
whatever you say faggot
>unironically believes dankula is a communist
Egalitarianism is YOUR ideology, nigger. Identity does matter.
You are the sheep.
>It would look even better if we acted on our ideals and got him out.
yes, as soon as we wade through all of the “not your army” faggotry. there’s never been such a prime moment for the people with sense to demonstrate that we DO also have values, and won’t sit around idly trolling when an actual opportunity for implementing our worldview comes into play. this is just one very small first step in a long process...
I'm not surprised, just another thing added to the list of "Reasons the UK is a failed state." It's going right next to the Telford rapes.
Fuck you guys, where were you when WNs were being thrown in prison for "hate speech"? All you want is the right to make fun of WNs, you don't give a shit about free speech.