Do kids in japan actually do it in the infirmary room or is this just a fetish?

Do kids in japan actually do it in the infirmary room or is this just a fetish?

Only if it's two girls.

teen pregnancy soon?

Only if the Nurse joins.

Thanks for the pic, I made this.

Made me kek


>in japan
t. virgin

I want to see a takagi high school manga be made

I want more doujins


This pic is shit, takagi would never steal anyone's man

Who else want rub that forehead?

>implying Nishitaka isn't a cuck.

This kills the bully

you never did it?

people fuck anywhere they find themselves alone, stop being such a virgin

Are you guys animals? Do you guys fuck in the car too or public toilets?



現代Sup Forumsの状態

I did a public toilet once...

Pretty much.
Her kid is like 4-5years old already and they are probably just 20+ adult Takagi manga.

>implying takagi isn't just pretending to fuck him

get pranked bro

Fuck? I thought we were talking about skipping class by pretending to be sick with your friend and chilling in infirmary.

There are a surprising number of Japanese kids with little to no privacy in their lives. Moments like those, or locked in the gym storage or on school trips, are sometimes the only times they could have a bit of intimacy.


How mischievous.

33 years old here.What's in that box?


I don't think he knows what those are.

Yu-Gi-Oh cards obviously

I it is part of some series.
But why is decimal numbering?

It's the size

So ero manga doesn't lie sometimes.

I looked it up but there are still some parts I do not understand. Is sex not meant for making babies?

Nowadays, only sometimes

They're so gay men don't get aids.

sauce senpai?

Fuck shes buying that non-latex shit, they don't stretch properly and are a general pain in the ass.


This manga is so cute I almost can't sexualize Takagi. Almost.