Nazi pug guy just got convicted for being grossly offensive
Lads, what the fuck is going on in this country
Nazi pug guy just got convicted for being grossly offensive
Lads, what the fuck is going on in this country
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>what the fuck is going on in this country
Nothing, that's the problem. You actually need to do something about it.
Feelsbadman. I would've thought Orwell would've paved the way for Britain not to be a surveillance state, having lives there and all. Better luck next time, bongs.
Good. Hitler would have thrown that degenrate faggot in the ovens first
*having lived there and all
Fuck phoneposting.
Riot you fucks!
Brits have lost all of their rights and won't even lift a finger when one of your own is made an example of by your tyrannical government to keep the rest of you in line. That's not what you're supposed to do, you're meant to burn shit until the government turns so tyrannical that everyone needs to fight back or they actually start taking you seriously.
God damn you're a nation of fucking cowards.
you have to be a player in a democracy, britfags
monarchy is over retards
go fucking play
You let roaming gangs of pakis fuck your white daughters and that wasn't enough to start you guys rioting. Lost nation
He deserves it for dressing like a Hot Topic employee
"Great" Britain
>some dog raising a paw is a hate crime
>Muslims raping nonstop is ok
What charge is he likely to face? I'm pretty out of date on this.
The UK is beyond fucked mate.
I mean penalty. Last I heard it was just max 25 years or something and no likely sentence reported. 25 seems way out of his sentencing range
its probably going to be years, putting bacon outside of a mosque landed a guy 12 months, imagine what they have in store for the example they are going to make with dankula.
>A study by MITI - Japan's equivalent of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) - concluded that 54% of the world's most important inventions were British
WTF Britbongs, what happened to your country? Literally built the world and now turning into a totalitarian police state
>make a joke about gassing jews
>get sent to the gas chamber
More e-celebs need to start getting censored. They are killing the internet.
Oi, racists aren't welcome in the Paedoph Isles.
So a pedophile who rapes 1000 babies gets knighted by the queen, and some comedian who makes a joke gets arrested for being offensive. And nobody notices anything wrong. Right.
Oi you gotta loicence for that nazi oug bruv
they're trying to paint the free speech movement as nazi sympathizers, it's a psyop.
Time to McVeigh the place up, fuck those tyrannical assholes.
Guilty of what exactly. Teaching a dog tricks?
Guilty of "Gross offense" (literally the judges words)
Why don't you firebomb that judge's car and make a point?
This. Your forefathers wouldn't have put up with this rubbish, why do you?
Maximum of 6 months jail time, for a joke
you are not United Kingdom
you are United Mosque
Wasn't It a whole year tops?
read michael collins piper's book "false flags"
communists riot.
natsocs march.
what if the jail time is also a joke.
>what is going on
Jews. What did you expect?
Hitler was right, kill all the kikes, niggers, and degenerates.
If non-violence gets you locked up, the same way violence would, then we may as well turn violent.
At least you guys got the brexit... oh wait
>what the fuck is going on in this country
Too much jewery
lel who could be behind it
I bet they would charge a bombing victim with a hate crime.
No. NatSocs take over the government
Lets hope they start throwing more of you degenerate faggots in prison too. When your life is so pathetic, that all you have to live for is offending decent people, you don't deserve to live.
This infuriates me more than it should
I'd go on a hunger strike if that was me. I'd be absolutely willing to die to protect my free speech. And I'd let the judge know that my death was on his hands.
>what's going on
No freedom of speech has opened the door to 1984.
>tips fedora
Glass houses bru
>you are United Synagogue
You're time is running out.
If Brits don't act very soon, it will be too late.
What does he expect being a white man in a Muslim country?
it's quite a time to be alive.
watching the slow death of the civilization that our forefathers built but also precipitated the destruction of. and as individuals amongst the masses of retarded minds are powerless to do anything about it.
This country is such a fucking joke
>implying we arnt the United Synagog
>what choo in for bruvv?
>robbed a shop and smacked a copper
>whatabout you fat lad?
>err I put a video on Youtube with ma lasses dawg
Next time I read about muslims raping and killing Brit girls I won't care. That nation is dead to me. I just hope we can keep them out. Government reflects it's people. They made their bed and should be forced to sleep in it.
Every bong here should scour the social media of UK politicians, government officials, jews, media luvvies and common garden libtards for anything remotely offensive and report them to the plods. Kill them with their own weapon
that was for satan gathering
>euphoric fedora tipping
>more than it should
What the fuck are you talking about? This should make you furious. Being locked away for a joke is absolutely disgusting and if people were brave and had a sense of urgency, they would riot in the streets over this. We're fucking complacent in the West and won't do shit. Every single person in the West should be angry over this. If he actually gets jail time, this would be possibly the worst sentencing of all time.
I am ashamed to know that UK was our former master.
this. He probably meant that nazis march. That counts in nigger behaviour though. Real men get into politics and actually fix things.
What a fucking joke we’ve become
Your post is offensive to me. While not technically breaking any laws, I believe it was made with intentions of racism and hate. I am notifying the authorities so they can break down your door and drag you off to the gulag.
the most infuriating thing is boomers and their parents who refuse to acknowledge that anything is wrong as though they've all forgotten what life used to be like in their nice, civilized, white countries that they sold down the river.
I have never been so ashamed
Who? What's this about?
>sentencing deferred for a month
But wait
Some memester getting done for hate crimes over this of all things
Does anyone remember a skit with John Oliver dressing up as Hitler and seig heiling a cab in New York when he was a correspondent for John Stewart or Stephen Colbert?
I just tried looking for it but it appears to have been shoa'd off the internet.
>Blame boomers
Wtf are you doing faggot?
I have kind of mixed feelings about this. Sure, it sucks for everyone else in the country, but the guy is an admitted communist. HE was the one who is at fault for these rules in the first place.
Make your enemy follow their own set of rules.
>not blaming boomers and their parents
who do you think made the policies over the last century that have brought us to this point? who were the ones who embraced sexual liberation and mass immigration?
oh, right, it was the baby boomers and their parents.
allow me to be number seventy something to tell you that your country has always been a dark comedy of a police state
Just DO something, for fucks sake.
Protest, riot, march, make complaints, express your displeasure in some way.
It's so frustrating to watch all this terrible news coming out of the UK and you guys never react to it in any way.
What does it take to get a reaction from you?
In the UK nobody ever voted for mass immigration. We were simply never asked.
He *was* a communist, like a lot of retarded idiots who grew out of it.
He has a video basically saying the main problem with communism is "....that it doesn't fucking work".
>What does it take to get a reaction from you?
Inconvenience in our tiny, irrelevant lives.
The pug should be punished too
The UK belongs to the marxists and Muslims now.
Enjoy, britcucks.
nah, they didn't find him guilty on hate speech, its now improper use of telecomunications and being grossly offensive, whatever that means
He’s right though. This country, at least, was sold out fucking decades ago and has been slowly deteriating ever since.
I’m 31 now and terrified of having a child with the OH because I know in 20 years time, when they’ll be starting to think of home ownership, careers etc, this country will be in an even worse state then it is now. Revolution fucking when!
All your best countrymen are dead, or find reasons to die for their ideals elsewhere.
John Oliver is a heeb. They even make holocaust porn in Israel, the rules don't apply to them.
Cry more faggot. You really think the good people of this world will continue to tolerate your neo-nazism? Nazis are responsible for the deaths of millions. Throwing assclowns like him in jail is the least that should happen to him.
Okay, as long as he isn't now, I guess I do feel bad for him.
Can’t wait to move to muttland
You better help Trump build that wall.
but did they resist when it was foisted upon them?
no, they were all too fucking stoned to care.
the drug era is the most important overlooked piece of this puzzle. they literally chemically sedated the entire populations of the west and then profoundly changed the societies when everyone was too fucked up to notice.
watch this documentary:
they designed these substances for the express purpose of opening peoples minds to and preventing conservative mindsets.
the 60s, 70s and 80s are often overlooked but the paradigm shifts that went on during those times would be shocking to us even today. people were just so fucking high and having so much promiscuous, unprotected sex that they didn't notice.
but i guess your little mutt brain hadn't though of that
Canada is 52% white. What have you done to resist?
That would be grossly offensive, if anything
Wow. If I didn't know better I'd think they don't have any real criminals left to catch anymore.
He's reformed, but he wasn't smart enough to not get a hammer and sickle tattoo
>Make video about trolling your GF with her pug doing the nazi salute
>"But its just a joke bruv!"
>Scream about the death to Jews, Isreal, and the need for Women to cover up in public
>Point at up Taqiyah he is wearing
>"Oh carry on bloke. Diversity is our Strength."
I was in England for a while.
Im genuinely fucking scared of going back there, as I might be political prisoner for breaching prohibition of freedom of speech.
Third fucking world tier dictatorship.
And Im not even joking, things like this belong to China or Russia.
Not the west...
Rioting won't help us Mario.
The BBC will just point out that there are far right hate groups on the street and the (((government))) will use it to bring in more repressive laws.
We need to find another way.
He even says in the video how he thinks being a nazi is the most disgusting thing he could think of hence why he teaches the dog