I want to believe but

(((Jesus))) (((Yeshua)))

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All of the ab-ham religions are the same, they took teachings of the past, changed the names of the characters and resold the story to new generations.


Clearly you don't understand.

The whole point of Jesus was to separate the new Jews from the old ones. The new ones are known as Christians. Why do you think Israel hates the west so much? They're butt hurt God sent down Jesus and some of the Jews started believing in Jesus. Eventually this group grew so large it spread to make Western Civilization. After all these years the Jews are still butt hurt

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Why would god have a chosen people? What separates chosen people from regular people/goyim? Angels are different because they don’t have free will but jews are just people. They are jews by accident. On the premise that Judaism is the real deal, what did the jews do to deserve to be jews? How could a just god do this? This idea makes no sense

Another good soul lost to the D&C Vargposters

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Same way that humans are above animals, Jews are above Goyim. You also did nothing to deserve being human.

>be gay
>universally rejected by Christianity
Muh kike on a stick

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Yeshua Meshiakh is best Rabbi.

They were special because of the promise to Abraham, and the Law, but the Jews rejected God, so God rejected them as a whole, and created a new nation, from people of everywhere in the world, the Christians, who had real Faith, like Abraham did.

And Angels have free will too, Satan was an angel, demons were too.

You didn’t answer my question. What separates you and I? You and I are human, yes? So how are we different.


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So do you actually follow the Torah and the laws it set out?

I only follow GOD inspired scriptures

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>Was literally killed by the (((pharracies))) for calling them out on they're kikery and telling them the truth about the synagogue of satan
>hur dur ((Jesus)
I don't think you understand the situation the jews got themselves in when they killed the Messiah,let alone how screwed they are then They're own (((Messiah))) comes to rebuild the temple

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Here's some redpills

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I do not adhere to any religion, including Christianity because I realise that Christianity is nothing more than kike bullshit (same with Judaism and Islam) - although I believe in the existence of what you could call 'God'. Christianity is a (((Semitic))) religion, but native Europeans de-Semiticised Christianity and made it something that the Jews feared (and still fear to this day). Christianity is our best chance for native Europeans to prevent their demographic replacement and the Islamicisation of Europe. Even non-religious native Europeans in today's current political and social climate should adopt Christianity as their religion, even if they identify only as 'cultural Christians'. Atheism will NOT unite the European people, nor will paganism (unfortunately), nor will secularism. Only Christianity has that potential. We need to mix the best aspects of European paganism with the best aspects of Europeanised/de-Semiticised Christianity.

Look at those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead. I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I love you.

Revelation 3:9

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Have Faith Op...Jesus is very real and the only way to the One true God.

JFK didn't fight the bankers. In fact he transferred more power to the treasury secretary (who's been in the pocked of the banks for at least the last century) and helped end silver money.
Neither did Hitler DESU. He only started "fighting the bankers" after he took out loans that he couldn't pay off. That's not "fighting the bankers". That's just breaching contracts like a little bitch and then crying foul when the owners of the banks come after you.

Stop worrying, Jesus wasn't even a real person

>pic related

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Every religion derived from Judaism have submission as goal.

It's a religion for slaves and profit for the (((shepherd)))

The Old Testament is not Judaism.
Judaism would be impossible in Hebrew religion because Judah was not the chosen son, Joseph was.

Jews are not the chosen people. They are usurpers of the Israelites.

Consider for a second that the reason that God 'chose' the Jews wasn't because they were special, but specifically because they are the shittiest around. God chose them to illustrate to Satan that God's will can be done even through the lousiest people on the planet.

I understand that being a biased atheist would mean you distrust the biblical accounts of Christ.
But why do you distrust Tacitus and Josephus? Why distrust the Talmud which does claim Jesus as historical and real -if- you have an open mind about this? What about Pliny the Younger? If you accept that there were ancient Christians ~60 years after Christs death and resurrection, how do you explain them even being there if Christ wasn't real?

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>But why do you distrust Tacitus and Josephus?
Neither Tacitus nor Josephus wrote anything about Jesus, unfortunately.

>Why distrust the Talmud
Extremely vague references that were written centuries after Jesus' suppose life, anyway

>What about Pliny the Younger?
Also did not write a word about Jesus in any of his surviving works

>how do you explain them even being there if Christ wasn't real?
The Apostle Paul describes receiving revelations (dreams) from Jesus, and that's probably how the whole thing got started.

>As they (and He) said on III mini-series:
>"He is a Rock on Throne" (Ark of God)"
>David Koresh, the Lamb of God

WACO Equinox 2018 in Northern Hemisphere in
One Hour, 11:15 AM, March 20th, WACO Time

>The Real One - Janet R. file

Why'd they kill Jesus?

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>They are usurpers of the Israelites.

So you subscribe to the theory that the Israelites were not Jews? Go on.


>Romans 2:28:
"28 A person is not a Jew who is one only outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. 29 No, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code.

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>Pastor Anderson - The Jews and their lies, part 1 (KJV, BAPTIST SERMON))


>Pastor Anderson - The Jews and their lies, part 2 (KJV, BAPTIST SERMON))


>Israel Moments COMPILATION by Pastor Steven L. Anderson


>'Marching to Zion' Official Full Film - Youtube


>Neither Tacitus nor Josephus wrote anything about Jesus, unfortunately.
Josephus made reference to Jesus Christ twice and John the Baptist once I believe. But that is beside the point, they do write about early Christians and the apostles, which gives Christianity some ground here. Now there are not many people who claim to have seen Christ apart from the 400-500 resurrection witnesses and apostles, so I suppose you can take either with a grain of salt. But this would have to explain why there are early Christians, so now I'm wondering, if it's a lie, why did so many people in Jerusalem claim to have seen Christ? Why were there Christians just a generation after the fact? One question I have for you, what makes the apostles untrustworthy? I'm not asking about Paul because he obviously was not there to witness the resurrection, but I'm speaking about Peter, James, John, etc.

>Josephus made reference to Jesus Christ twice
Josephus manuscripts before the 4th century don't mention Jesus at all

>they do write about early Christians and the apostles
Same applies

>why did so many people in Jerusalem claim to have seen Christ?
Actually, the apostle Paul writes that no-one claims to have seen Christ, other than in dreams

>what makes the apostles untrustworthy?
We don't know what the other apostles did or said, other than the few hints we can read in the authentic Pauline epistles. If any of them wrote about the life or teachings of Jesus, those documents did not survive for very long

>So you subscribe to the theory that the Israelites were not Jews?
The Kingdom of Judah is against the rite of succession which was passed to Joseph and not Judah. Judah, like the treacherous Judean Jew he is, betrayed Joseph, selling him to slavery to Egypt, until being made to kneel upon Josephs return. Israel and the Kingdom of Judah are 2 separate things. They both share one thing in common, subversion by Judean Kings David and Solomon into following the religion of Caananites(Baal, Moloch) which was directly followed by their defeat and enslavement by Babylonians. The Caananite religion is different from that of the conventional Hebrew religion, Canaan had been cursed and created his own idolatrous Gods. Moses had been supposed to genocide them all. The descendants of this religion are the Judeans, and their descendants, the modern day Jews.

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you aren't, religions are stupid whenever you go.
its just that Judaism is ethnic specific.

honestly most religions Jews dont believe they are above other people they just think that they are worshiping god in the right way

>Judaism is ethnic specific.
How would that even make sense if people across the middle east are also semitic

Christianity has nothing to do with Judaism. The religion is closer to Roman and Greek mystery cults than anything the Jews believe in.

Why do you think the God of the New and Old Testaments are so different?

Because they are different gods.

Jesus was a Roman.

It’s about the bigger picture. Law and order. Timeliness.



Judaism is younger than Christianity. The Talmud was written in 200 AD. Thus, Jesus can't be a Jew, Jews didn't exist in His time.

no you believe in a jew. thats why your dick is cut you mutt

Spotted the Jew trying to keep goys (((Christian)))

you're mixing up Talmudic jews and Messianic jews

That's not the real Jesus, that the hellenistic/romanized Jesus presented by the apostate Church.

Do not reply to troll threads.
Report them.

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>That's not the real Jesus
Jesus wasn't a real person, dummy.

He was. Just he wasn't what the apostate church is telling you.

>Just he wasn't what the apostate church is telling you
You Christfags and your endless "We're the one true church!" shilling

damn circles at it again!

That's not the point. One has to be really dumb to believe that Jesus has never existed, religious version or not anyway.

dont you just hate when you an accident and become a jew

Go back to your muslim shithole, ahmed.

The Apostle Paul literally wrote that Jesus didn't exist.

How can one be so wrong when reading the Bible....

>How can one be so wrong when reading the Bible....
"Anyone who disagrees with me must be wrong"

Prove your point. and yes.

>Josephus manuscripts before the 4th century don't mention Jesus at all
>The TF was unknown to Origen (despite his explicit search of Josephus for Jesus material in his answer to Celsus) and all other Christian authors before the 4th century.
>>they do write about early Christians and the apostles
>Same applies
>Actually, the apostle Paul writes that no-one claims to have seen Christ, other than in dreams
rofl, I don't know if I want to take you seriously anymore
What makes Pauline scripture better or more trustworthy than the gospel accounts of Christ? To what standard do you hold it? If you accept Pauline scripture, why don't you accept the entire bible?

>What makes Pauline scripture better or more trustworthy than the gospel accounts of Christ?
1. They were written within a few years of Jesus' supposed death. The gospels were written many, many decades later. If Jesus was a real person, Paul could have known people who met Him, but the gospel authors could not.
2. The gospels are almost entirely composed of Old Testament verses, rewritten with Jesus at the centre of events. Once you remove the redacted material, there is almost nothing left. This doesn't apply to the Pauline epistles which are independent works
3. Matthew, Luke and John are just redactions of Mark, and Mark is virtually a gnostic document, whose author warns us again and again that readers should not take it literally. The Pauline epistles contain no such warning

No credible historical scholar, the overwhelming majority, deny the historicity of Jesus, atheists and other non-Christians included.

>No credible historical scholar, the overwhelming majority, deny the historicity of Jesus
Almost all Christian scholars are either evangelical Christians or financially dependant on evangelical Christians. You don't know what they really think and neither does anyone else.

Now, believing in miracles and divinity and virgin births might be some bullshit but there's no reason to say Jesus was not a historical figure other than to be a retarded faggot fedora tipping cunt asshole.

>there's no reason to say Jesus was not a historical figure
The Apostle Paul literally wrote that Jesus was not a historical figure.

No, anyone familiar with actual historical methods can plainly see that there is overwhelming evidence for some kind of historic Jesus.

And of course the Jesus deniers, have absolutely no evidence for their position.

>No, anyone familiar with actual historical methods can plainly see that there is overwhelming evidence for some kind of historic Jesus.
Your "overwhelming evidence" was all written at least 120 years after Jesus' supposed death.

>And of course the Jesus deniers, have absolutely no evidence for their position.
Yeah, no evidence at all apart from Galatians, 1 Clement and Mark.

>literally wrote
Imagine being such a humongous retard that not writing certain things about someone is the same as 'literally writing" something about someone.

>I want to believe
Why? And I don't mean that in a fedora-tipping way. I mean why do you WANT to become religious when you're not? Shouldn't it be more like religious faith finds you? More natural in a way, if you understand me? Or at least some kind of middle ground? Just "wanting" to believe because Sup Forums told you to is dumb, no?

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You didn't read the Bible.

For hope user. Sup Forums didn’t influence me a single bit. Could be that I’m just weak and gullible but I can’t see myself lasting long if I continue to be an atheist. I want something to believe in

>Galatians 1:12
For I did not receive it or learn it from any human source; instead I received it by a revelation of Jesus Christ.

Here is Paul literally writing that he knows nothing about Jesus except what he sees in dreams.

>What separates chosen people from regular people/goyim?

Live in Israel for several years to find out.
We will defend each other, and our country, while you are wolves to one another.

>I can’t see myself lasting long if I continue to be an atheist. I want something to believe in
"Things that never happened"

So, in your opinion, all of Tacitus' writing is bullshit? Israelites were split in half entirely over a person who didn't exist, is what you're saying.

God is nigger........ dark matter has special dark energy that everything is held together by.

Cracker God BTFO


>We will defend each other, and our country, while you are wolves to one another.
And (((whose))) fault is that?

>So, in your opinion, all of Tacitus' writing is bullshit?
What are you talking about? Tacitus didn't write anything about Jesus.

>The gospels are almost entirely composed of Old Testament verses, rewritten with Jesus at the centre of events.
I fail to see how this makes them untrustworthy. When you compare Paul to the rest of the apostles and gospel authors, you also have to keep in mind that Paul was actually a scholar and was well versed in the skill of writing and argumentation, which is why we see more sophisticated language in the epistles and letters written by Paul, the only exception being the book of Revelation.
This is a flat out lie.

If you deny the existence of Jesus Christ, you have no explanation as to why there are early Christians who died horrible deaths and were tortured and persecuted for what amounts to (In your opinion), a lie.

You're just googling something like "passages from Paul about Jesus".

You're hurting my brain, piss off

Even the existence of Pontius Pilate has been proven. Fuck that guy

>The Apostle Paul literally wrote that Jesus was not a historical figure.
>Tacitus didn't write anything about Jesus.
Come back when you can post at least 1 thing that is actually true, retard.

>I fail to see how this makes them untrustworthy.
In reality, people don't go around doing things that have exact parallels in early Hebrew literature.

>the only exception being the book of Revelation.
Lolwut? Are you trying to say Paul wrote the Book of Revelation? (I'm not insulting you, I really don't understand what you're trying to say.)

Therefore, if all the gospel texts closely resemble various passages from the Old Testament, they must be theological writings, not historical ones.

>you have no explanation as to why there are early Christians who died horrible deaths and were tortured and persecuted for what amounts to (In your opinion), a lie.
Most tales of Christian persecution were written centuries later. There are one or two references in Roman literature to Christians being punished, but it's never clear what their offence was. It might have been fucking choirboys for all we know.

Oops, I'll get the sentences in the right order this time

>I fail to see how this makes them untrustworthy.
In reality, people don't go around doing things that have exact parallels in early Hebrew literature.

Therefore, if all the gospel texts closely resemble various passages from the Old Testament, they must be theological writings, not historical ones.

>the only exception being the book of Revelation.
Lolwut? Are you trying to say Paul wrote the Book of Revelation? (I'm not insulting you, I really don't understand what you're trying to say.)

>you have no explanation as to why there are early Christians who died horrible deaths and were tortured and persecuted for what amounts to (In your opinion), a lie.
Most tales of Christian persecution were written centuries later. There are one or two references in Roman literature to Christians being punished, but it's never clear what their offence was. It might have been fucking choirboys for all we know.


>In reality, people don't go around doing things that have exact parallels in early Hebrew literature.
Except the God of the Israelites...

>Galatians, 1 Clement and Mark.

Wow, out of context verses from new testament.

>Your "overwhelming evidence" was all written at least 120 years after Jesus' supposed death.

citation plox. Moreover lets assume you're correct about this, for the sake of argument, almost everything we know about ancient history is written way after the date when it occurred, if this made the gospels inadmissible and we applied this standard consistently, then everything we know about the ancient world gets thrown into the knife bin.

This isn't even getting into the obvious historic fact of a Jesus movement existing prior to your late dates for the written gospels, and how that' evidence for Jesus.

How will Jesus realists every recover?

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>You're just googling something like "passages from Paul about Jesus".
Actually I've read the scholarship. It's you lot who keep quoting (((Wikipedia))) at me like autistic faggots

>You're hurting my brain, piss off
"Thinking makes my brain hurt"

>The Apostle Paul literally wrote that Jesus was not a historical figure.
>Tacitus didn't write anything about Jesus.
Saying things that are fundamentally incorrect doesn't make anyone think anything but that you're a retard. It doesn't hurt anyone's brain for any reason other than the depth of your stupidity.

>Wow, out of context verses from new testament.
1 Clement isn't in the New Testament, user. You're not very good at this bible stuff, are you?

>This isn't even getting into the obvious historic fact of a Jesus movement existing prior to your late dates for the written gospels, and how that' evidence for Jesus.
Paul tells us the early church believed in a Jesus who appeared in dreams. So that's really not good evidence for your argument.

>Paul tells us the early church believed in a Jesus who appeared in dreams.

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>Saying things that are fundamentally incorrect
No problem, just provide me with the following:

1. Chapter and verse of the passage in which Paul mentions the life or teachings of a historical Jesus
2. A Tacitus manuscript that mentions Jesus

Movements totally come out of people having dreams about some guy they've never heard of, prior to their dream.

And Paul talking about Jesus appearing in his dreams, is evidence that Paul didn't actually believe in a historic Jesus or anybody else in the Christian movement.

Utterly insufferable kys

1 Corinthians

14And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith. 15In that case, we are also exposed as false witnesses about God. For we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead, but He did not raise Him if in fact the dead are not raised.

>Movements totally come out of people having dreams about some guy they've never heard of, prior to their dream.
The ancients thought that dreams were real. Perhaps you didn't know that, but you do now.

>And Paul talking about Jesus appearing in his dreams, is evidence that Paul didn't actually believe in a historic Jesus or anybody else in the Christian movement.
Paul doesn't just say that Jesus appears in his dreams. He says that is the ONLY source of his knowledge of Jesus (besides scripture).

Worse still, no other passage in the Pauline epistles contradicts this statement, nor does Paul ever mention anything Jesus said or did, or mention anyone who knew about Jesus' life or teachings, or mention anyone who met Jesus

>Utterly insufferable kys

You fucking dimwit. "Raising someone from the dead" is not a description of a historical event.