2nd Amendment today

I need help Sup Forums I'm doing a class discussion in my college US History class and I'm going to arguing about the 2nd amendment and why we need it and what it means today, I need to make a very convincing argument about why all law abiding citizens in the country should be able to own whatever style and type of firearm they see fit.

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Just say you want it for when civil war, civil unrest, lawlessness, anarchy eventually happens.

We are born as sovereign beings. We are not born beholden to anyone. The right to bear arms is a god-given inalienable right. It is not GIVEN to us by the government, it is merely GUARANTEED by the government. It is not for anyone else to take away.

Not your personal army. If you don't know enough to speak about it without our help you shouldn't be speaking about it. You'll just end up stumbling your tongue when a lefty gives you one of their obligatory strawman arguments.

More lives are saved by people defending themselves/others with firearms than innocents are killed, just look it up

In the event tha our national defenses fail, we should be able to rely on the Americans all around us to protect the country. Look at Switzerland, they have no standing army, but every citizen must have two years of military training and all adults keep a rifle in their homes. Plus no foreign army has ever occupied US soil, and the 2A can possibly deter an invasion.

Of course, look this up for yourself cause i want your presentation to go well.

I believe in you, user!

looks like an early version of the mp5k

I won't do your homework for you, but I'll give you some references to study. Look to The Federalist papers (number 29 will be useful), the writings of Thomas Jefferson regarding revolution and the dangers of government, and finally, one of my favorite quotes by Richard Henry Lee:

"Whereas, to preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them; nor does it follow from this, that all promiscuously must go into actual service on every occasion. The mind that aims at a select militia, must be influenced by a truly anti-republican principle; and when we see many men disposed to practice upon it, whenever they can prevail, no wonder true republicans are for carefully guarding against it..."

Are human lives valuable?
Should people defend their lives, even at the cost of others?
The state has admitted they have no responsibility to defend you as an individual. Should they be allowed to deprive you of your human right to self-defense if they refuse to defend you?
The militia argument is bullshit. The right of the people is a very specific construction, if they intended a right of the militia they could have written it that way. If people want a right of the militia they could amend the Constitution. If they want to seize civilian held arms they should do it themselves and not drag the military or police, who are sworn to defend the entire nation, into it.

Fuck off

Talk about gun free zones and crime rates, ex: chicago

LOL you could say that wiuthout your emendament a great piece of american GDP would fall, and not only american, if you stop to use weapon against yourselves the whole weapon business would face a crisis!

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Start with the Anglo-Saxon Fyrd and the rights of free men in Germanic societies and work your way to the colonial militias.

Just look up what the founding fathers said.

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why do you guys even try to be christian its clear your true gods are the founding fathers why not just make a religion out of them.

pistol length barrel on a .308... I, too, enjoy flamethrowers.

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Federalist Paper 46 explains more about 2A. Start at second to last paragraph.

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if law abiding citizens own firearm,and the criminals own firearms,whats the difference then?

Soviet Russia. Mao Tzong, Hugo Chavez. All took guns, all destroyed their people's well being. Dictators arise when the populous is weak.

Say that firearms don't simply protect citizens from a potentially tyrannical government, they also protect against the tyranny of the masses. Point out that when southern blacks were denied their 2A rights and disarned in the post-civil war USA, it wasn't the government that came to kill them, it was civilian lynch mobs.

You could also start your presentation with the words:
>"as a Jew and a member of the LGBT+ community, I understand the importance of standing up for one's civil rights and personal safety..."

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well china seem to be doing well,post mao. and they dont have guns

it’s the right to defend yourself against attackers.
If you don’t have a right to defend yourself, then what freedom can you possibly have

You already fucked up by picking the pro side. All you have to do is pander to the professor and its an ez A

freedom of having buttsex?

>.308 SMG
I love HK marketing

Attached: smg rifle.jpg (800x1166, 142K)

Watch the Ben Shapiro video, where He destroys Piers Morgan on gun control.

If their argument actually is
then it is an easy cake user.

Just think of the many, many things and ideas we still use thousands of years since their invention.
Weak example:
>Chairs are a ancient idea, we should only use floating tables or some shit

Decent example:
>Horses are not technically NEEDED today for more than sports and cheap work. We should ban the use and domestication of horses because cars exist.

>We should not let socialism influence anything of the present, because it was invented in a time over 150 years ago when things "were different"

You may want to look up the definition of smg

Or he could be a proud and noble white man and stand up for what is right.

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>only right that can stop tyranny
>is in constitution so only arguements against it are emotional ones
>self defense

pic related

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I know what it is. HK marketing department had other ideas back in the day.

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pentagon analysis of prev pic related

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.308 ain’t a pistol cartridge, sbr =/= smg retard

That thing real?
Looks like a G3 and MP5 had a midget baby.

The entire joke is that it is an SBR, same as the HK51. Holy fuck are you thick this morning.

HK53 sorry

>hk marketing
>flemming firearms
>k = sub machine gun not compact
I feel fine because I can actually read

As the world progresses and humans become more powerful the possibility of tyranny increases proportionally. Just look at the current election and all the bias and "fake news". It's clear that you can't always trust your fellow man so it's important that if a nation truly wishes its citizens soverign that they be able to own 50 cal machine guns if they so choose. Then just show them the graphs and list some things that are more dangerous than guns.

How about the fact that a good part of 20th century history involved disarming populations and then fucking robbing, raping, murdering, and dumping them in mass graves. If history exists to stop us from making the same mistakes, maybe we should avoid emulating the things that happen in tyrannies.

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You could always just show 10 minutes of unarmed civilians being executed by government forces.

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Genocide is government work. If you think we can trust governments with guns, then you are a promoter of genocide.

The biggest problem, from my perspective, is that the overwhelming majority of the anti-gun fags have never shot a gun. Not even a bolt action rifle. They have absolutely no clue how a gun works and how simple it is.

That's why they think all this bullshit. They don't understand it. And people naturally fear the unknown.

Well to be fair the 51k is a chop-mod made in a guy's garage and not a real HK product, I will give you that. Bill Flemming still referred to it as a machine pistol though.

When HK did the exact same thing but in 5.56 they called it a SMG.

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Use this

redpill them on niggers

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>Genocide is government work
The whole of social sciences have been trying to put the blame on every genocide onf the 20th century on individual evils for the last 50 years.
The Armenian genocide, oh it was Enver Pasha and some Young Turks.
The Holocaust, 100% Hitler and his cronies.
The genocides in South East Asia by commies, it was Pol Pot and some local warlords, not the commie system.
The Chinese famines and purges, Mao's fault.
USSR doing the same? Stalin's fault.

What they fail to notice is that all those "evil men" were just using the absolute power their states were given.
In a decentralized nation, with no supreme powers, there are no dictator induced genocides. Look at the Philippines for example.

Alright thanks guys if you think of anything else please post it

>why all law abiding citizens in the country should be able to own whatever style and type of firearm they see fit.
overthrow a tyrannical government

prevent a tyrannical government

either one works


tell them that a british dude on the net said the 2nd ammendment is the only reason your govt respects you,sec you give up the guns the govt will begin to abuse you

a man was jailed today for teaching a dog to do a nazi salute,he isnt even a nazi but a liberal

I know a lot and I'm very vocal about the issue but I'm looking for new and different approaches on the modern interpretation of the amendment

This literally just happened, and I think this makes a good argument.
>inb4 phonefag

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We have to put it in a modern interpretation and my professor is super liberal and I don't want to say "sporting use" because it's for personal and societal protection

he won't believe that he's super liberal like he enjoys being the govmts bitch and doesn't think our country could go tyrannical.

the forefathers considered fucking CANNONS among the protected "firearms" why would they be against a semi rifle?

no fucking way the professor is the embodiment of modern liberal (Maryland liberal)

I see you haven't heard of China's organ trade, or of political dissidents being thrown into mobile execution vans.


from upotte an anime were girls are guns

no I'm not in highschool, I'm in community college

What is the he fuck is there to argue? It's a constitutional right. There is nothing to defend.

Try mentioning the LA riots and how the police left the Koreans in ktown to defend themselves.
And they did

I’ll add to this, do a quick research of politically motivated mass incarceration under Socialism in the 20th Century.
>Stalin: Gulags, holdomor
>Pol pot, Khmer Rouge
>Hitlers concentration camps
Paint the Jews as victims in this last case, to make an arguement that will appeal to people’s (((present))) worldview, in favor of gun rights.

Avoid JQ issues in this and the others even though we know here it’s at the heart of it. Focus on the tyranny of govt, tyranny of socialism/communism/Marxism, and socialism’s role in the US govt/economy (capitalism with elements of socialism/ capitalism-socialism hybrid economy). Get into the neocons’ and then neolibs’ influence in our govt without getting into the JQ or AIPAC if possible. These neomarxists are arguable the most powerful political group in our country.

Get into “assault weapon” bans
>what is the definition of this word
>what is the purpose of 2A
>do gun grabbers even have a definition for the word or even know what semiautomatic means
>pistols are semiauto will they be banned next?
>were muskets not the most effective assault weapons of the time
>semiauto rifles are not that today

In short we need them to protect ourselves from the govt.
>like the Jews would have during the holocaust
>like the Russians would have during the gulags 10-66 Million killed
>like the Chinese would have against mao 30-70 Million killed
Focus on the Jews as your star victims and you,l get a better grade and convince more people of gun rights

The JQ will be argued on different forums, don’t do it in school for now if you want a future.

will do, I wanted to put in something like stand your ground but it's too controversial to help so, the LA riots is a good thing to replace it with

okay that's a solid plan I wanted to make the argument as "appealing" and "palatable" too them as possible because I know for a fact most of my class has very left leaning views because communistic Maryland. so I'll throw in some of the stuff you mentioned in there I don't think I could sneak in a red pill in the whole thing although it would be fun.

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These are good. I would add Tutsi tribes, the jim-crow blacks, Armenian Turks, and possibly native americans to the list of victims of gun control (do your research and have facts and figures to back up your claims). You want a list of peoples who have been denied the capacity for self-defense, then culled as a result.

Remember that since you're in a college setting, you are arguing within a "Victimhood Culture". Using heady concepts like the dignity of the individual and the vision our founding fathers had of a free state will not get you far. As wormy as if feels, you have to come at this from a emotional tact.

Use leftist language like "institutional power", and "culturally marginalized groups".