He’s right again you know.
Leftism is a mental illness.
americans really do think everything is a movie
Anyone that has to use a firm to gather info on voters or takes money from other countries should not have any right to run for office. Next election I'm voting to be on the right side of history. I'm voting democrat.
And they call other people 'conspiracy theorists'
Doesnt mean much coming from a retarted trump supporter like you
>30m from the NRA that might've originated in Russia
does anyone on the left know what the NRA is?
You people are too fucking retarded to be allowed to live.
Faggots like you should be sterilized for the good of humanity.
Russia are our fuckin mates. Remember all the uranium Barry fold them. He wouldn’t sell it to a hostile nation
And the left brings in rapists and cartel members by the millions and get paid for by foreign Israeli and Saudi powers to do it. All, not republicans or democrats, or most, literally all congress is held hostage with funding for giant Jewish owned corporations and they want the 3rd worldsers for slave labor.
We the people, and even Americans, lost control of this country a long fucking time ago. There is no one to vote for and it's not getting better. Globalist powers will bleed us dry.
The best part about seeing the game for what is is, is that we have a roadmap to make some money, fuck some girls. Whatever.
Delusional faggot
>Against using research from firms
>Against foreign campaign funding
>Voting Democrat
The hypocrisy of you demoshits is mind blowing to me. The democratic party would literally not exist without those 2 things lmfao.
whoa sick burn
The NRA is a council of supervillians who oppose Captain Planet's attempt to stop Global Warming because it would hurt their profits.
Was it worth it?
Literally none of that is true
>trump receives 30 mil from NRA
>clinton gets 1.3 billion from soros and saudis
Another meaningless spam thread with no discussion, only a single line of opening dialog and insulting overtones.
Report, do not reply.
I never thought of it like that, but in all seriousness we can't let him get hold of the nuclear codes
>(((samuel))) sinyangwe
LOL. It was “brilliant” when 0bama did it. When Trump did it to them it is “Fascism”.
clinton cash part 2 just released . bomb fuking whell. Obamas finance guy(now chairman of Obama foundation) ran an equity fund that said its purpose to buy heavy regulated buisnesses like coal once regulations bankrupted them. Obama directly got paid from signing executive orders . but not a peep from media.
Multi billionaire, 30 million was the deciding factor? Are there people retarded
You have to be brain damage level of retarded to believe the NRA needed to be paid to support Trump.
Wait when did he get 20 million from the NRA again?
> retarted trump supporter
> retarted
>30 million from the nra that originated in Russia
how fire is their weed to even go this far?
Not very but knowing you support trump I won’t go into detail because I know numbers hurt your head sweetie
Remember election night, mutherfucker? Then you better assume the position because you're are gonna get buttfucked again. Crooked Hillary and her band of white knight beta orbiters are getting charged!
Anyone who thinks outside the Rothschild conspiracy is retarded.
They control virtually every country in the world through their networks and central banks.
Any discussion regarding CRIMINAL ENTERPRISES which does not include the Rothschild's control is fake and gay.
>Putin and the FIS run the NRA
Nra is responsible for school shootings and blacks killing each other with illegal guns. It all adds up.
Do you say rot child, or go full angry german when pronouncing rotschild
The gulag knows
Didn't Trump spend WAY less money than Hilldog? Also hasn't she had foreign powers shoveling millions into her "charity" for years?
>stolen data
you didn't read the TOS
>shady firm
do you believe there are unshady firms?
>stolen emails
>from a foreign power
Assange is foreign and powerful so I guess
>$30m from the NRA
not nearly as much as other candidates have gotten
>might've originated in Russia
those russians, always trying to push guns on Americans
>congress might be being blackmailed or bribed
congress has been (((bribed))) since the late 1800s
>criminal enterprise
Yes, the US government is a criminal enterprise.
The Clinton Foundation didn’t get any money from the NRA, they got cash directly from Russia for all that uranium they helped the Russkies buy.
Trump getting elected destroyed these people so thoroughly that they will believe absolutely anything about Trump or Russia as long as they can double-think themselves around it. He took an entire generation of the left and turned them into rambling schizophrenics. No wonder he loves pissing them off on Twitter. If I could make a single shitpost and induce psychological disorder in half the population, I'd do it every fucking day, and I'd probably wake up at 4 in the morning just to get an early start on it too.
I mostly like the part where Seth Rich was shot twice in the back with nothing stolen and the cops are calling it a botched robbery. Even there there's some wiggle room I suppose but I guess it turns out they just lost his laptop which would proven things, of course, if you know he didn't decide he needed to completely destroy it and was going to buy a new one. Also I guess it looks like Assange is also colluding with Trump since he implied he did in fact get the emails from seth. It's just so quacking crazy.
I swear these guys could be fanfic writers for a second career. How the fuck do you convince yourself of this shit?
I don't understand who could possibly be this salty about it besides women that really really really wanted a female president I guess and still like liberal policies even if personally I've come to find them to seem rather unsustainable currently.
seth rich is still alive,
Wait, what? I thpught trump didnt actually want to become president and just ran for PR?
What is it now?
The NRA is not that powerful.
The fact the members vote in very high percentage is their power.
No. HUNDREDS of millions.
IT WAS HER TURN. Understand now?
where was this fuck when obama did the same fucking thing in 2008?
I thought Trump won because people voted for him
>stolen data from a shady firm
What is he talking about?
Cambridge Analytica, they "stole" some data by paying for it and then deleting it when asked
grats on taking the bait, morons
The fact that you think Trump worked with FB when they and other social media platforms actively censor right wing content would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad how clearly delusional you people are.
Furthermore, this is clearly a case of projection from the left again, whatever they accuse the right of doing, you can be assured they're doing themselves.
This, there was more or less a revolving door between Obama's administration and the upper crust at Facebook. There is zero doubt in my mind that (((Zuckerberg))) handed them exactly the same data. Anyone remember the articles in 2008 gushing about how smart Obama was for using Facebook as a campaign tool?
Boy, they sure got owned, gee golly.
Wait a minute
Shouldnt democrats be more concerned about how crooked and corrupt their party is rather than who it was that exposed them?
Its name is 'Sinyangwe'. Its opinion doesn't matter anymore than an animal.
wikileaks, do not listen to this trumpshill here
the delusion has reached peak faggotry
I have met people where genuinely believe that the NRA is a commercial conglomerate that owns and operates all of the gun manufacturers in America.
Not joking.
NRA=National Russian Agency
>everyone who doesn't agree with me is a democrat
let me guess, rural voter?
Don’t forget the weapons used were conveniently stolen from an unlocked fbi vehicle just blocks away
Forgot to change your flag? Or reply to the wrong person?
Nice strawman
Its okay when democrats do it. It's evil when trump does it
Lol it's already come out that the Trump campaign didn't even use that data, and it wasn't stolen, every idiot with a Facebook account consented to give Zuck their data. Nobody cared when the 2012 Obama campaign openly admitted to using data from Facebook.
>Doing just what the poster was questioning
I don't need to guess, you're a retard.
Source on the 500 Trillion?
You guys realize a banks deposits are a liability to the Bank right?
>He received $30M from the NRA that might've originated in Russia.
Thanks for helping us defend our 2nd amendment Russia. Love you.
>muh Russia fake news lugenpresse crap every day!
you support the use of cambridge analytica then guys?
[unconfirmed hearsay].....[might].....[might].....