Including "Tiger Licking Girl's Butt"
Including "Tiger Licking Girl's Butt"
"Didn't You Know I'm Made of Butter, Installation view, Bakery, 2013"
The eating of a corpse by a bull, recreation of Canaanite sacrifice.
>Hell, yes!
Seems rather laudatory and excited at the prospect of hell.
Sure I'll play
Masonic floor tiles indicate occult ritual aspect of video art.
Bathing in blood another preoccupation of this fine gentleman.
Tony Podesta is the biggest owner of Louise Bourgeois art in the United States. This sculpture yet again represents a ritualized killing of a symbol of innocence.
Is there anything more thoroughly liked than the art scenes of the 20th and 21st centuries? I recommend picking up the book Harmony and Dissent, it's a very critical and scholarly work on how Rosicrucian Weimar Jews started the avante garden art scenes in the early 20th. Good read
Torture-themed art a normal passion.
Nothing to see here. It's all been debunked. Remove your tinfoil hats and vote democrat
Bump for degeneracy
>Harmony and Dissent
Interesting, I knew modern art is a jewish invention, always thought it had something to do with kikes being uncreative and talentless when it comes to art, so they had to subvert art to play. Note that literally all jewish artists of note are post-1900. Thanks for the reading tip, will be ordering.
Don’t have a little green frog though. Those people are irredeemable
Fine Art is the best place to launder money made on the black market such as drug and human trafficking
>Laundering money through art, if you're into that sort of thing
>The art market is virtually unregulated — prices are flexible, deals are made in secrecy, and “private collectors” remain anonymous — making it exceptionally ripe for money laundering.
Anna Gaskell, one of Tony's top artists, is linked to one MK Monarch program instituted by the Heritage Foundation, according to artist and famous video-game designer Teresa Duncan. Duncan committed suicide only weeks after making these comments.
Not seeing the video referenced. Could it be due to archive? Not that I want to see it, fk my eyes desu
America's top lobbyist ran an organ harvesting and pedophile abuse operation, primarily advertised through contemporary art.
Precisely, private art sale fraud is the contact point between charitous organizations and human trafficking. Why does the Tavostock Group's own website declare that it has one of the largest private collections of art in the world? Seems pretty strange...
I'm starting to see a pattern here.
Jesus H. Christ
Why is modern “art” so openly vile and Satanic?
Comet openly admits they practice witchcraft and "Forbidden Love"
Podesta/Comet blackmail operation thinly hiding behind witchcraft LARP.
It's jew art that's why.
You're creeping me out.
It would not surprise me if, like Skippy is johns Nickname, Tiger is Tony's. Tony the Tiger
Art is the forefront of culture. It's an attempt at coordinating and describing new things at the brink of being, to depict in composition what has yet to be codified in thought and word. Or at least that's what it purports to be. Instead art is the entry point for new ideas and aesthetics to enter a culture, and if that enterprise is controlled and monopolized by a certain type of (((patron))) for a long enough time, those aesthetics and emotions that comprise the art will trickle into other cultural enterprises. It's just another tactic to unseat the foundations of the West.
Finally, the most horrific work of art owned by the Heather and Tony Podesta Collection
Just awful, someone give me a link to the video I have to see this.
"According to Bourgeois' account, she was reenacting a childhood revenge fantasy of revolt against her father who gloats and brags at the dinner table and whom, in exasperation, she dismembers and devours"
These fuckers need to be put to death and sent to hell
Anyone have that one Podesta photo with the sloth creature grabbing the shoulders of a small child?