My girlfriend and i have a relatively stable relationship. we usually have a fun time. she just retweeted this, however

my girlfriend and i have a relatively stable relationship. we usually have a fun time. she just retweeted this, however.
i tend to do a pretty good job of biting the bullet, but i think i'm done. any tips on what i should do/how i should end the relationship?
i'm fucking done dating someone who is obsessed with black twitter and the victim poc narrative. it's actually disgusting.
and on that note i am also taking advice on where to pick up girls who are not retarded. church maybe?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>the page you’re looking for doesn’t exist

You're living a lie
Start redpilling her, mock and laugh at libtard shit
Woman are malliable she will change her thinking just to suit you.
If she won't, just means she does not care that much about you, and she was lying too.
Then just drop it like a nigger his baby and search for something better.

any tips on first discussion/redpill?

doesn't work.

Twitter is so full of tracking cookies that the page just continuously loads until I let it run scripts.

fuck. here is the image. does this work?

Mock her views.
When she does something like that, just mention it's retarded, there is no data, in fact there is all the data in the world proving the opposite.
Say something why not wear "8% of population is responsible for 40% crime" shirt, and laugh at the very idea.
Do not explain to her unless she asks.
Just say shit around her, show disdain, woman pick up on shit like this.
Mock twatter in general.

If that's really her, I'd cut my loses. I will say this though, she sounds retarded and can easily be led one way or the other. They start talking about avocados and completely disregard the conversation at hand.
She doesn't sound very SJW, just a trend following moron. She probably doesn't completely believe what she is saying, but she is still retarded either way.
>world traveler
I would have left after reading that.

she is not my actual girlfriend. she is the person that made the original tweet. a lot of what you are saying still applies though.

i like that. thanks.

Kek, nothing cited as a source for this ‘stat’.
Dump her user.

thats what i'm thinking. have sex tomorrow and just ignore her from then on. i really don't need this shit in my life.

>Pretty good at biting the bullet

That's your first mistake, friend. Never compromise with women, it displays inherent weakness in you and they lose respect.

i dont bite the bullet because im weak. i bite the bullet because i have read and lived through so much more than her that it's not even fair for me to talk to her about this stuff. i could probably fit all her life wisdom and knowledge in my left pinky. this isnt because i am incredibly smart, but because she is so fucking naive. here is the kicker: she is still smart compared to other women ive dated in college. and that shit keeps me up at night sometimes. we have reached levels of dumb and stupid that shouldnt be possible.

college girls making me hopeless. none of them are suited to be mother and wives. the college is fucking complicit. we have actual buses that drive girls to frat parties. not looking good. not good.


Her last name is Pastiloff. Hmmmmm......


>i bite the bullet because i have read and lived through so much more than her that it's not even fair for me to talk to her about this stuff.
Then you're a retarded faggot that deserves someone as retarded. The two of you need to stay together and not reproduce. Take one for the collective good.

thats not my girlfriend. my girlfriend just retweeted that tweet. my girlfriend is italian catholic by origin. she is anything but catholic though. atheist cunt.

dude its like talking to a child. what the fuck are you on about? try convincing a child that they are wrong? half way through they will get bored and stop paying attention. im not dealing with a rational adult here. the most mature woman is a responsible teenager at best. they are conformist idiots. nearly all of them.

you sound like a virgin my dude.

I know what you are talking about. Great way to start is pointing out shit that has no basis. Like, ask her about the picture, if she truly believes the shit she is retweeting, and why. Let her show you proof. If she can't, or does not even know what "proof" is, show her.
Use the truth. With some people you gotta start small. People need to question themselves first before the can believe. You just gotta be the one to question them first, then they will question themselves.

so you think it's worth it sticking it out and asking those questions?

I wish I had Twitter right now so I could report this to watch nothing at all happen to the people making threats and inciting a brigade.

Attached: threats.png (779x529, 56K)

>you sound like a virgin my dude.
Yeah, I bet if I went on Japanese cartoon image board complaining about my mongoloid gf, I'd sound like I get laid often.

i.e. he's just fucking her

That really depends on you. If you cast the political aspect of her identiy aside, would you want to be with her? Would you want to fight for her?
Then there is the issue of free will. You gotta ask yourself how long you want to keep trying. Some people need more convincing then others of the truth, it depends on how much aspects of the truth the have seen for themselves. Some people know the whole truth, but their knowlegde is just missing some crucial connections.

i dont have any good male role models in my life. sorry guy. dont have anybody else tot turn to.

this is all i see on my twitter timeline. that website is such a fucking dumpster. im actually deleting my fucking twitter if this whole thing doesnt work out. black cancer is a tumor on the earth's body.

not really. she lost her virginity to me and we listen to a lot of the same music/help each other study. its not that one dimensional.

shes definitely as good as one can do in college. i think the whole question thing sounds good. im gonna give it a try. it lets me poke her arguments while being impartial. i guess ill try to get her to recognize that she is missing a lot.

thanks germanbro.

You can point to this one and say "Isn't this exactly what that based faggot was falsely accused of doing when he got kicked off of Twitter?" "No, no, darling; he never said 'go get her'. Lesley Jones did that to him, though."

College girls are mentally retarded. Sorry, OP.

I bet your music taste is shit if you listen to the same music as a retarded college girl that retweets Black Twitter.

>shes definitely as good as one can do in college.
Because your standards are low. My advice is this, stop holding back. If she leaves you because you decimate her in a debate, then so be it.
Assuming you are as smart as you are, big assumption, then holding back will just make you angrier and more resentful over time. It's a bad idea to withhold your feelings and opinions all the time. A successful relationship relies on communication.

cant blame them. they are bred to be fuck machines with no purpose or faith. im surprised it isnt worse than it is.

get her wet as fuck then don't fuck her and tell her your cock is a privilege

>Get her bank card.
>Clean out her accounts.

When she get's mad and starts to argue.

You look her straight in the eye and tell her to check her privilege.

she grew up listening to her father's music. mostly metal and classic rock. we both love queensryche. i dont think its shit.

id post a picture of her but i know some of you fuckers are magicians with image search shit. ill take a pass.

>welcome to operation mind crime

LOL. thats good yo.

too late. past that point.

ayy my nigga. best metal album ever made.

This to an extent. Holding back how you feel in a relationship or not expressing what you’re thinking can turn you bitter and you’ll start to hate her more and more. I’m currently in the same situation you’re in, except a year ahead.

Don’t fall for the gf meme bros. Women are fucking retarded. They will never argue with facts, only emotions. And if they know they’re losing an argument, they resort to personal attacks and completely irrelevant nonsense (so like Sup Forums)

it's a pity how they devolved into a shit show but love that album

man. i fucking agree. mindcrime 2 was a fucking embarrassment.

so whats the advice youre giving?

I don't meed to see a picture to know I'm right. Your attitude is shit. You should always assume you can do better.

You're welcome ameribro.

Another good thing to point out with women is extremism. Talk in terms of violence, which can't ever be a solution to anything, because it represses free will.
Suppression of other oppinions is the same thing. It won't ever solve anything, just harden the fronts. Point out how she would react if you told her that her views were absolute garbage. She would just say:"Fuck you". It is a discussion, but not a good one.
You need genuin discussions about anything, because there are pretty much infinte perspectives to anything in live, and they are all right for the people holding them. In most cases it only depends on the amount of information you have on the subjects matter.
A discussion is also not to be "won", it is to inform, and to discuss. You can't expect anyone going out of a discussion to just turn their whole world view around, but you can get them thinking. People need to get out of their echochamber-bubble and read unpleasant news to form their own opinions. This is what you can make people realize.

last I remember it's Tate vs. the rest of the guys. I think empire was the last good album they put out

fair point, but you have to understand how hard it is to find a 9 with a hymen in college.

i like how you put that. dont play to win. play to play. im taking this advice. god bless.

i always say "listen to the first five queensryche albums. dont bother with anything else." same thing with judas priest (maybe british steel too).

your gf seems like an anti-semite

not her. that was op of post my gf retweeted.

oh nevermind. i get what youre saying. lol.

I think since a lot of us grew up without fathers that we go into relationships with a females mindset (I was raised by a single mother). In the beginning, I compromised, asked for 50/50, and relied on her for emotional support. You begin to realize though that women only want someone in their life to give them direction. I found out that compromising is a big no. Sometimes it’s necessary, but you ya e to make a decision and stick with it. If you don’t then she will have no respect for you. If you have a belief/ideal that you believe strongly in and she doesn’t then you have to be firm about it. Never EVER give into what she believes in. You are the man and she will literally bend to whatever the fuck you believe. Virgins will read this and claim I’m a larping faggot but this is all true. Women have the mindset of a child and just want someone to tell them what to do and make them feel safe.

If you’re not leading, then she’s looking for someone to lead her. If you’re not shaping how she thinks, someone else is. Take charge nigger

same with Metallica black album is when they turned into jews but it's still alright

>stable relationship
>continues to post her twitter account presumably with her real name on Sup Forums

gj m8

fair point. i lead her in everything else (sex, academics, music, food). i dont touch politics however. maybe i should. well see. i got some good advice. you guys are pretty neat.


Are you trolling? That's not her account, learn how to read. Fucking mongol

any bands you recommend i listen to?

>finnish “””intillectuals”””

Also another thing: you can't ever criticize someone over the knowlegde they have, or don't. Think of Sup Forums. There are infinite thread on numerous boards, you won't ever be able to see everything, and what you would see, if you went randomly on here, is just random.
What you learn is pretty much destiny until you start to inform, educate and learn for yourself. And today nobody teaches you how to think on your own, otherwise nobody would believe anything on social media anymore. Social media is pretty much random knowlgede too, just condensed to one point by modern AI, which makes it onesided.

let us comb through the retweets trying to find the gf of this individual

Oyyyyy veyyyy

Attached: 00504245-DD93-4D6C-800E-2B1AEAA4B17E.png (1242x2208, 3.2M)

holy fuck.

thats 10k my nig. good luck.

im screen capping this. wise words.

i feel like retweeting this. fuck man. almost cant resist the urge.

Every. Fucking. Time.

>criticize someone over the knowlegde they have, or don't
People confuse education with intelligence. There are plenty of incompetent educated idiots in the world. Many of them perpetually employed by a government office near you. This is also why when you were 12 you thought your grandma was clueless because she hadn't heard of whatever shit music/pop culture event/meanigless tripe you thought was cutting edge back then. Have a (You).


its actually ridiculous. you cant make this shit up.

I think something is wrong with her she looks like an old dude. You should dump her before she dies.

someone pls photoshop the shirt to say 88% of jew...

You're going to find very few women who aren't programmed to believe this shit today. It's not their fault, you need to work gently with them to correct their programming.

The other day, my girlfriend was looking at some image on her computer that said something like, "Respect black women, Latina women, indigenous women, Muslim women, Asian women, LGBT women, genderqueer women, disabled women, all women". I asked her why it excluded white women, and she said that we're told to respect white women every day. Then I asked her why It's Okay to be White posters get taken down. I asked her to find me an image that says "respect white women". I asked her why "white feminism" is constantly derided.

It took her a little while, but she got it. She is beginning to see that white people are under attack. It will still take a lot of work to deprogram her, but you need to start them off gently.

Attached: F1EE9B13-FEDB-4EAC-9F72-FA1D7659B34E.jpg (360x450, 38K)

Attached: jew.jpg (900x1200, 266K)

If you are talking about world views I would agree with you. Women are pretty naive most of the time, and they belive their partner, if they realy trust them. Trust is a big thing with women, also a two way street. She will reward you, if you trust her. Don't treat her like a child, but as a responsible adult.

But talking about direction in life, I can't agree with you. We all have our own dreams and goals in life, so we should support each other.

Also, if you are in a relationship, you can actually make decisions together. But I agree with you, you can't compromise your purpose in life, which you can only define for yourself (it can still change overtime, don't stick with something you know is false, just to stick with it) for her. Not for her or anyone ever.

HOLY FUCK. im dead.

you dont understand how much i want to post this. omg.

Attached: sketch1521560462937-1.png (1080x2409, 2.95M)

Intelligence is the ability to connect knowledge. Education is knowlegde. The more knowlegede you have, the easier it is to connect.

firewind, symphony x. i don't keep up on stuff anymore

>mfw silvio berlusconi shops at trader joes

Attached: Silvio_Berlusconi_in_2015.jpeg.jpg (180x248, 9K)

>that number
Tell her a very important research found that only 14% of people uses their privilege and it’s mostly financial status

shes unstable... does she have an innie?

Absolutely savage Reggie...

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Keep reading watch her completely fall back on her white privledged. Check her other stuff, she’s a fucking Jew hahahahah

This is wrong. You can lead a horse to water but you can't sport out on the horse about how it needs to process water differently. Question and encourage her to learn truth herself and find common ground.


Set the bitch straight
If she refused to listen then cut it nigger

>yo honey, ive been thinking about your tweet and i think we shoudl donate 88% of our earnings to charity

red pill her with her own bullshit, if she actually agrees dump her on the spot

Attached: 1521544521883.png (568x552, 109K)

this is the way forward



hey guess what faggot I'm not even going to click your retarded link but here's the deal you nigger: womens' minds are malleable by penis. if you are the strong masculine figure of the relationship, and you dick her well, she'll change her views to conform to yours.

pretending women ever had agency is the most destructive meme the West has ever fallen for