There are no longer any doubts whatsoever about this: Brits, your rights are completely fucking gone. If posting video related can get you to prison, anything can be done to you; any opposition to tyranny is going to be crushed mercilessly. You need to understand this: your rights are never coming back, not unless you are willing to stand up and fight RIGHT NOW against this orwellian dystopia. The longer you wait, the smaller will be your chances of success, until they will disappear altogether. Godspeed.
The UK is officially being ruled by a tyrannical government
Other urls found in this thread:
Brits.... If you dog is trained to hold his paw out - 4 years in prison.
If a Mudslime rapes your daughter, you're told to shut up.
If you don't, 4 years in prison.
And people say Russia is corrupt...
I'd rather live in Russia than UK. UK sounds like hell.
UK is finished - needs a reset.
Cops there are not human, that's for sure.
They are better off dead.
The UK is finished, we're a Police State, and it's really apparent too!
The really fucked up thing is they ordered the dog to be put down.
some more!
How a country like UK tolerate this??? I can't understand. What happened?
Animal cruelty right there.
wtf, which law determines that you can walk free because you don't speak english or don't usually drink!?? Ignorance of the law isn't an excuse.
George Orwell was a prophet
don’t forget about that porn ban
Your video is a hate crime! Remove it! NOW!
-Le Glasgow police
Kind of figured they would
Poor doggo
Dank must have done something else they wanted to get him for.
>stand up and fight right now
The British are naturally subservient, after all they STILL live under a royal family
they cant reset
they grabbed all the guns
they even grabbed all the knives and bike tyres
We should start posting everywhere animals giving the Roman salute, to the point that it becomes absolutely impossible to be punished by the government. Maybe call it Operation Blondi, in remembrance of Hitler's dog.
Pic related, liberal left ideologues as depicted in the pic!
The pug was incorrigible and was hung by the neck until dead after sentence was pronounced by tribunal. These 3 Welsh Nazis were also led to the scaffold.
>Tyrannical government
No they aren't, it's a monarchy and the people are being treated no different than they were 500 years ago
Only a fucking retard(Ie:Bong) would ever think that gaining a parliament made Bongistan no longer a monarchy
May the gods bless the Danish royals that hold dominion over the UK, may they destroy Europe's worst enemy to ever be encountered the English people
even our right wing govt ban right wing speakers
they are radical centerists,they are clinging to a crumbling status quo and trying to keep both sides under the boot
rip doggos
The British people will be raped out of existence with the blessing of their own government because they did nothing while the government built the mechanism of their enslavement around them. Resisting would have been RUDE, you see, so they had to be polite, docile, and compliant and allow themselves to be bound and gagged, and surveilled on nationwide cameras.
Now, they are going to be raped by the very pakis and niggers they used to colonize while anyone who so much as expresses confusion or disagreement with the situation will be imprisoned and thrown to a pit of the most violent muzzies available to the government.
Remember, we said NO to your faggy society and shot your gay redcoats because of this kind of thing. To be subject to this kind of tyranny is worse than death.
Are you genuinely retarded? The British royal family is not responsible for any laws or government affairs, they are just figureheads.
anyone got the actual tweets he was sent to jail for?
the UK is finished really - white men are no longer allowed to speak or protect their daughters, soon enough i reckon they will start taking land off them as happened in rhodeisa and now in south africa
Spot on
I like what she does with those brows lol
wait seriously? what the fuck?
Only one solution:
You say that as if the same shit isn't happening in pretty much every western country, including ours
They're all just at different stages, but the playbook is the same everywhere
the guy hasn't even been sentenced, just convicted. we're already far enough down the rabbit hole but if he gets jail time then I'll welcome Ivan bombing us.
>not unless you are willing to stand up and fight RIGHT NOW against this orwellian dystopia
The draconian laws destroying our country were introduced by Blair 20 years ago and the current Conservative government agrees with them.
The articles I posted are the tip of the iceberg, shit like this is happening daily desu! And not just in the UK, I see it in Europe's and in the State's MSM too!
Kek was about to smile. But burped instead desu.
We are armed to the teeth and ready. Once Trump is out of office through term limits, death, assassination, or impeachment, the deep state and leftists will go full authoritarian. We will be ready for them.
the bacon guy was physically harassing mudslimes, too. like literally going to the mosque and yelling at them and getting in fights. the bacon was just his masterpiece finale.
(((They))) did this.
Always subverting the host.
He got it wrong, the death sentence was commuted so that the dog can receive racial sensitivity training
You can't go to jail for a year for harassment in America unless he was threatening them with violence
why did we help save the uk in ww2 again? remind me.
Different era desu. Sad ya?
You utter simpleton.
Just going to point out that USA was a British colony and helped dismantle the British empire because their jewish overlords told them "colonies are bad"
>saving the thumbnail
>w-wah the leftists are doing what we wanted to do before we could do it
Just saw this as a related article.
That's some ripe fucking irony right there.
This is what happens when you live in a leftist totalitarian shithole.
ITT mentally ill people
It would be extremely hilarious I'd this was the catalyst to make the UK go full children of men
A fucking video of a pug doing W Nazi salute as a joke can now land you in jail/house arrest.
Can't even make this shit up.
Come on Charlie Brooker wheres the black mirror episode agreeing with this and painting count dankula as the bad guy
Because you are both controlled by kikes, and WW2 was the ultimate war for installing kike dominance across the globe via ZOG.
You anglo motherfuckers with those faggots french did it, and even cooperated with soviet kikes to accomplish it.
You are an actual retard. We were English colonists of the British empire who fled to escape this exact crap. We built a society based upon rejection of tyranny. Then, the British decided to start implementing this very same oppressive faggotry and we shot and killed them until they left.
You humongous pussies were dedicated subjects rather than citizens, and so docile that you waited until you were given separation. That's why Canada is so chucked to this day while US whites are two steps away from fascism.
Pic related
That’s a gorgeous shepherd
IVe even thinking about this all day. They will, but it will be whites in cages while society crumbles.
We only have to look at Africa and America (with a high concentration of niggers) to see the future.
It's a foregone conclusion mate I'm just gonna get comfy up in the mountains and wait making home made shit watching society burn from my nice little white town brah
Their cuckery is embedded in their DNA
Good idea
The British government exists to give refuge to pedophiles and start wars for America. It's shitian and should be kicked out of the UN along with kikeistan.
I thought Brexit was supposed to change this.
Believe it or not, we haven't reached peak Wiemar conditions yet. We can still fall further into degeneracy, and I'm hoping it happens because if there is a Hitler 2.0 on these islands, Wiemar conditions will force him to take action.
>"The Queen still holds power in Britain"
>American Education
The masses of white iq is too late at this point imo to properly understand and unite to overthrow the system.
It’s us few who still have an underesnding of what is happening but little power to change it.
It’s rwally depressing... the crowd marching forward pushing us all over into the rendering machine and we few are trying to stop them, to turn them back and they don’t listen.
Thread theme:
Actually the reason I utterly hate the queen is that she has not used her power.
Imagine a scenario where prince Charles becomes King and dissolved parliament and takes his rightful place as ruler of Britain by calling on the masses of disposed and angry white men to support him.
HE COULD DO IT... he could literally do this and it’s what the British men are begging for.
This is why the queen is a piece of shit, she has sat on her ass and done nothing while England has been destroyed.
The only thing different is we don’t have hyperinflation.. we have the degeneracy, despondency and suicide.
The problem is the global banking system may have found a way to avoid hyperinflation
You also have 100 million armed citizens.
I'm pretty offended 2bh. m8 shouldn't involve pets in politics like that. The tv license goons might have fuuko'd his home and executed the dog on site after learning about it.
We're sorry! We didn't listen!
The only way I can avoid getting genocidally angry about stuff like this is to pretend I think Brits deserve this for being wankers all these years.
Fuck the Uk, nothing of value will be lost
Nah, I'm not going anywhere. I'll stay and fight before I let that happen.