Is this how the bong woman thinks?
Is this how the bong woman thinks?
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Kinda. It's a shit test. Women are only doing this shit in a futile attempt at getting men to assert themselves as men and put them in their place. Essentially spearheading society once again. But because men are so cucked they're doing the complete opposite and foolishly attempting to go along with what women say they want.
This is why men for generations ridiculed women whenever they spoke. Why they'd never listen to them. Because they recognised it was a waste of time due to the fact that women chat shit 100% of the time and everything they say is emotionally fueled and has almost no consideration for the long term. Not to mention the fact that it's all dishonest. They all lie. Even when they ask you for something, they never just outright ask you, they have to dance around the issue and either manipulate you or ask you for the exact opposite, expecting you to know what they really want and giving them that instead, or else you get bollocked.
Women should be oppressed. When you give them equal standing in society this is what happens. They don't even want it. They want oppression. They want domination. They want subjugation. They don't want accountability to either themselves or others.
Rant over.
>Is this how the bong woman thinks?
No. It's a shit test.
has already explained it.
Women want dominant push back but modern males aren't doing it.
t. never spoken with a woman before
>t. projecting incel
bong man is right
bottom left pic she is perfection
>implying women dont want foreign invaders to rape them
They do. They're inviting them in and ignoring the problems because there's a significant lack of masculinity in "native" men. And there isn't in eastern men.
beauty standards really have dropped in leaftopia haven't they?
>implying women's political beliefs should be taken seriously in any degree
>Implying she isn't always perfect
I would fuck her 24/7/365 till my dick fall off
>adores fake smile
paint me unsurprised
Let's be honest. You'd fuck anything at this point.
who is this bitch and why do her eybrows have a mind of their own?
also dubz
>he honestly believes this
Damn... that woman has eyebrow muscles unseen before in the human forehead.
This is actually true, generally. Not all women, but most.
Don't mistake a woman for a man.
Nah man it's all women. The problem is that on top of this natural dynamic women have totally lost faith in men for the most part. The minority you speak of are simply women that haven't lost all faith in men but still have some hope, so they give men a chance, for a while. And don't go full whack in regards to subversion and destruction. But they're exactly the same at their core.
Some, yes! The rest don't even attempt thinking!
Nailed it
Men have lost faith in women and their endless demands for 'equality' in everything.
It's a democracy you fucking pussy. How else is it suppose to work, if we go along with what you're saying it really would be a patriarchy. You're so cucked even when your women fuck it up, you're blaming yourselves.
Without laying any responsibility on the women and their role. You're literally their bitch they start something and you apologetically solve it. If this is also how you view women, why'd you give them the ability to vote?
Then again, you're pussies, so you'll do anything they want and hope they take pity on you if it doesn't go well.
Similar to how relationships work. The man needs to have the upper stage. Reminds me of my uncle who was pretty much a chad, then 20 years into marriage he started becoming low energy/''nice'' and started letting my aunt dictate the rules of the house. She became miserable, and now they're been divorced.
This is the correct response. Anyone who disagrees with this is a stupid cucked faggot with zero life experience.
Democracies don’t work.
Republics and monarchies do.
I agree but that's what they chose. But Britain needs to tell it like it is, and grow some balls and tell their women to shut their fucking mouths up.
Hahahaha this is literally the 5th rant I've posted on Sup Forums that's been screenshotted in the last couple of weeks. Getting famous me!
Men have lost faith in themselves, that's the root of it. And have gained far too much faith in external authorities.
Patriarchy is the solution. But a particular kind of patriarchy build on a foundation of morals, principles, values, self-development and responsibility. The problem is that we don't hold any of those things dear to ourselves and haven't for a long time. We do as little as possible. Just what we have to do to survive. We defer what responsibilities aren't convenient to others. We're lazy, we're passive, we're complacent. And all of this is why women are currently dominant in society.
It's a man's rightful place to be king of his domain whether that be his home, his family, his community, his nation. All men are kings in their own right, but we've forgotten this and now we're serfs to women for the most part.
All of this stems from a lack of self-responsibility on the part of men, simple as.
Exactly. The same dynamic has played out over the last few centures. Men in general have become far too comfortable, passive and lazy and as a result women have divorced themselves from us en masse.
Cheers mate.
>t. femanon
Women swoon over the dark triad, the traits that destroy society. Women should not have unregulated access to the sexual marketplace. Various barriers were put in place for good reason. And they have destroyed every single one.
>Women should be oppressed. When you give them equal standing in society this is what happens. They don't even want it. They want oppression. They want domination. They want subjugation.
Until other people do it and you cry savagery, right?
Just go to /r/rapekink and see for yourself
I could agree with that statement as well. Men definitely put pussy on a pedestal. They still need to see their role played in all of this as well.
>And have gained far too much faith in external authorities.
The church, the armed forces, schooling.
the same shit controls men now as it has for centuries past.
It is women's role that has changed & left men sidelined.
Women are property. Or at least suppose to be. So yes when other people's take our women from us that's something we should complain about.
Especially when how they go about it is proclaimed to be an act of war in their own holy books.
Yeah, all it comes down to is responsibility. Men need to retake the reigns of society en masse. Even now I'm trying to get men around the UK to start community / neighbourhood watch programs to begin this process. My argument being that is these existed, rape gangs would be a thing of the past because many men within their own local communities would know exactly what was going on and have the numbers to do something about it.
I've been spamming this in uk threads off and on since last night.
"Start "neighbourhood / community watch" schemes with locals. Network with other like-minded men who don't trust the police to protect communities. Forge a strong bond with these men. Network outwards to other grassroots community watch programs. Spreading the word beforehand to start new branches elsewhere first of course.
This will instill a sense of brotherhood within the most proud and respectable members of society who will ultimately be supported by the rest of their communities for sacrificing their time, energy, and safety for the sake of the community.
Take it seriously, get to the gym, work out from home, get fit, take up MMA. Learn squad tactics. Train yourselves similarly to how the police train themselves.
Then you have the beginnings of a standing army, and we go from there."
I meant other people doing it to their own women in their own country. Flag related.
I agree mate, but external authorities can only take hold when men are unwilling to be authorities unto themselves.
This. Good post. Understanding women's inherent tendency toward dissimulation is a trait that will serve you for the rest of your life.
>democracy allows evil to be presented as a viable alternative to good
never thought about it that way
Well try to get women in your movement too, they helped paved the way for all of this shit. Being the most outspoken, their voice might help turn the tide as well. Just keep them on a leash per-say, enough damage has already been done.
Societies that permit promiscuity do not survive, end of story.
Ok can you extend on that a bit please mate?
yes well said, I see your point.
good idea about community watch schemes.
the police are become a fucking joke whose main role is govt tax collectors
It's all on men. Only when men take the reigns and force women into submission will there be balance. We need to teach women to respect us but we can only do that when we become worthy of authority. Which can only happen if we better ourselves as much as we possible can and have higher ideals than money, power, sex, or pretty much anything worldly.
Tax is a good example of this. Its foundation is the threat of violence. You either allow them to steal your money or you go to prison, if you refuse to go to prison, you're forced to go to prison via physical force. If you resist, you die.
This can obviously only happen when the majority of men lack the necessary will to be authorities unto themselves.
Yeah, but how do you beat the shit test when standing for yourself gets you attacked by a rabid pack of
these guys and even brings the the might of authorities to bear?
My only solution right now is moving to some really fascist country, like Bandera-loving Ukraine, and slander the modern world on the top of my lungs
>It's all on men.
See you're treating them like princesses, you'll coddle them and say "Sweetie it's not your fault, it's ours baby". Fuck you, this is why so many entitled cunts are running around, no consequences to their actions.
No both men and women did this, and if women care at all about living or the future of their people they'll help fight. Not let you do everything for them again. Women need a hard does of reality, to see the error of their ways.
I mean, there's the whole self-improvement and self-organized militia shit, but that will not do forever. If we are to beat the shit test, we must somehow take the fight to the lawmakers
Easy. Just learn how to expose them for the weak-minded individuals they are and don't let them demoralise you at all. Stand firm and tall.
It's as simple as that mate.
So many entitled cunts are running around because men aren't living up to their responsibilities which include disciplining women and prohibiting them from behaving in certain ways.
Men need to start disciplining women en masse once again but they can only do this if they live up to their other responsibilities first.
Whether you like it or not, women follow men. When women change, so do the men. It's not the other way round as some will have you believe. Men ARE the leaders and women's behaviour is almost 100% in response to men's behaviour. We have a symbiotic relationship collectively. With our role being the primary role. So the primary responsibility is on us, not women.
We need to abolish the state.
all white women subconsciously crave BBC so this was just internalized fetishism manifesting itself.
Obamaleaf strikes again
Why should I side with a society that oppresses me? If I'm ridiculed whenever I speak I'd still speak. I don't have the social instinct and I think it's a blessing. I'm used to being an outcast.
Also there's no reason not to be sneaky or a liar if your needs aren't met and the man doesn't take you seriously.
I don't have social status and you'd be taking freedom away from me. I'd have nothing left to lose. I'd refuse to reproduce and be glad you will NEVER get my genes. I would refuse to reproduce just to spite the society I lived in.
This is you right in this very moment.
Are you retarded? She looks like James Franco.
It's kinda hard to do anything when you go to prison for just looking at a woman these days. Also the fact that boys are indoctrinated from birth to be submissive.
>implying you can do anything when women have effectively replaced men with the state
If this was really the case then surely things wouldn't even resemble the way they are now.
Boo hoo. Your mom told you not to look at porn. I feel so sorry for you.
I'm not saying you should side with a society that oppresses you. I'm saying you should side with your fellow man. Society is not the man next to you. It's an idea. It's a forced social condition. It's whatever you make it. When people say "society" they simply mean the dominant social narrative. But that isn't an absolute, and it doesn't apply to everyone because not everyone agrees with it.
I'm advocating for a casting off of the chains of society and a recognition of the individual brotherhood every male has, and that we should capitalise on that alongside bettering ourselves as much as we possibly can so that we can reshape things from the bottom up, carrying women along with us kicking and screaming until they acknowledge our way is the only way.
>which include disciplining women and prohibiting them from behaving in certain ways.
Exactly shame and blame, and putting themselves in the field from time to time helps with this. Also men are weak but I wonder if they're as weak as you believe, they're just not as united and divided we fall.
Even so, they're are alot of soyboys nowadays. You can keep dancing around it, but responsibility should be on the perpetrator, not always the bystander. Women had a major role in the shit happening now.
If we took the right to vote here from women, nearly all of our states would be conservative. So don't tell me it's solely our fault. It's like bitching that women exist in the first place.
No they aren't. You fundamentally misunderstand how women work.
How so?
Then give me a counter-argument. Prove me wrong.
Porn is bad for you, though.
I'm female and if the dominant social narrative makes my life worse I see no point in siding with it. I don't feel socially connected to others to the point I'd accept it. I'd at least passively resist until I died.
That's what my parents told me and I'm not into watching it much. I don't feel moral outrage but I don't see what draws people into it so much. It perplexes me.
It's pretty uncanny if you ask me.
Look at this, a woman in true form. Calls herself an outcast, probably has a little impact on the world in terms of politics. But STILL wants to rebel against the system man has worked so hard to create. Why don't you just sit down and shut the fuck up, ok? Stop playing in the affairs of man while putting in one/fourth the effort?
You just said it yourself - you're an outcast. Your passive resistance doesn't mean shit and you aren't capable of direct resistance without proxies.
This is why they so virulently harp on about slut shaming and what not. It's because they WANT to be shamed. They hate themselves for being whores, which is why when a male treats them right they run a mile, and why over time they get worse and worse until they literally want you to punch them in the face, break their nose and piss in their eyes. When women are left to their own devices, they go feral, and they ultimately hate themselves more and more over time because they gradually become aware of just how much they're damaging themselves. And they want to be shamed for it, they want you to point it out and show them a better way because that's your duty as a man.
Women are like dogs. Their behaviour depends on their trainer / owner. If their trainer / owner is passive and lazy the dog will claim dominance and do whatever the fuck it wants while also making the trainer / owner do what it wants. And if they have no owner, they go feral and more often than not end up in extremely dire circumstances.
It's our fault for allowing women the vote in the first place. And it's our fault for creating the social conditions in which women wanted the vote.
They only wanted the vote because they didn't have faith in the men around them to regulate their lives for them. Because men were passive and lazy, same as now. This issue has been growing for centuries. Women's rights wasn't about what women say it is. It was about losing faith in the males of society and wanting to be more in charge of their own lives because of that lack of trust and faith. When a woman is around men who she can trust, have faith in, who know what's what and are worthy of submission. That woman will look to that man for everything and reward him with literally ANYTHING he wants. The dynamic reversed because men became passive and lazy.
See another user got it, this is why Democracies don't fucking work. Not everyone should have an equal say.
I honestly think women are a self destruct mechanism. If the aggressive nature of men grows too weak women just destroy everything and we get to try again on a new society.
can you roasties please stop destroying everything we built for the last 2000 years please?
>I'm female
I'll break the law and I do have people for proxies if the law changed.
I'm also capable of protesting night and day. I'd have nothing to lose to the point I don't care about what I'm risking.
>Is this how the bong woman thinks?
This is how all women think. Although as has been pointed out already subconsciously it's just a shit test to try to get white men to assert themselves and not be such beta losers. Women always want the strong assertive man over the whimpering pussy. That's why feminist boys are doubly cucked. They want women who say they want feminised men but then when they try to pursue those women they get ignored. I've seen feminist women at SJW universities here in Sweden who literally have a stable of betas orbiters just follow them around and doing stuff for them. Breaking their backs in the hope that someday he'll impress her enough that she'll pick him to be this months boyfriend. Meanwhile she's off grinding on some Chad who doesn't give two shits about feminism.
From personal experience I can tell you how some of these women end up later in life when they actually get married. I've got a friend who's married to a feminist and although he used to be a pretty self confident alphaish kidn of guy he's trying his hardest to fit into her worldview ie he's turning into a numale. Since a few years ago they're in an open relationship, as you'd expect and she's fucking his friend while he's getting pity fucks from another of their friends. And everytime we're at the same party and she gets a little bit drunk she starts flirting with me like mad. And here's the kicker I'm her husbands complete opposite: I'm openly nationalistic, I stand up for traditional family values, I'm pretty much what the progressives would call a redneck hick from the country. He works some low paying white collar job while I work in a pretty well paying technical job where hardhats and boots are required accessories. He wants to save up for an electric car I drive a diesel like I don't give a fuck.
Basically: She married a Chad who she pussywhipped into obedience and now that she's got the pussy she realises she actually wants a cock.
So you're against Feminism and equality between the sexes then? Because that narrative directly makes your life worse.
I've seen all these doom and gloom women are destroying society videos. It makes me roll my eyes.
>This is why they so virulently harp on about slut shaming and what not.
No, they did that to try and take the wind out of the word. It for the most part hasn't work, they hoped to co-opt it. But believe me call them that enough and they'll be screaming and tears. You're too much of a vagina to see that.
Women are still dominating your mind. I guess I can understand they can be pretty manipulative.
How does it make my life worse if it gives me more options? I don't have social status so the ability to make more money is good for me.
Women are a train wreck waiting to happen, and we're just along for the ride currently.
But if we learn how to drive a train we can avert disaster.
You're a stupid cunt, women's suffrage was a mistake. Back to cleaning the houses and raising children for you.
But what he's saying is true
You can't just pick and choose what reality you want to live in to fit your own personal narrative
this man has spoken truth
Politics is everyone's affair. If it affects you then it's your affair
Hear this from a Muslim dude living in the west. It's a both of shit testing and keeping up with the trend. Moat of these liberals has no idea what they stand for except echo chamberring the shit they heard. It's like saying most Germans in 30's were anti semite when they had no idea about concentration camps existence. Muslims had more in common with conservative Christians, but if only if those crazy Christians didn't fall for the fake liberal trickery of making Muslims as their friends and hating us for that.
Too bad you'll never reverse women's suffrage
Oh. It's you again. I've debated you before. You seem to appear in every woman thread and try to LARP as some sort of downtrodden martyr-to-be. What's your deal?
Every system allows for the presentation of goods and evils, the difference is who gets to choose which is which
>It's a democracy you fucking pussy. How else is it suppose to work,
So if you live in a country of retards it's the best way to organise by allowing the retards to choose their destiny?
Your binary thinking is why democracy is so flawed now. Any fucking retard is welcome to contribute to the country.
Imagine the country as a company, and now instead of the smart people running the show, the minimum wage workers are directing the resources and policies.
Want to predict how that country is going to compete against other countries that are operated by the intelligent and thoughtful and educated?
Not when your opinion is the anti-thesis to creating and maintaining a stable government. I'm not gonna give you the right to vote, just because you ask for it. If my life is ruined because of some dumb hipster cunts who know next to nothing about politics.
Then yeah, I'll call into question the way things are ran and think to myself equal say, is destroying everything that I've built. It's like giving more power to the Communists so they can topple our government and establish theirs.
It will be resisted with force if necessary.
You reap what you sow. I have no sympathy for them. I have no sympathy for my fellow leafs either for that matter. You vote for authoritarianism, you get authoritarianism.
Because you don't know what you want. And at the same time you want many things at once, some of those things being totally oppositional in nature.
How many times have you cried this last month out of frustration because you're never sure you're making the right decision despite being sure at the time of making it that you are?
How many times a day do you change your mind? How many times a day do you think you want one thing then another? How many times a day do you weight up different options and reprioritise?
In my experience when women are given freedom of choice they default to wanting everything even if many of the things they want cannot coincide with each other and this causes massive resentment for the world, themselves and those they look for, for guidance. (Men.)
Deep down we both know you consider your options and freedoms as shackles, you're scared and you secretly desire to meet a man who can whisk you away from all of those options and decisions and make your life simple by way of providing for you. A worthy man who knows what's what.
The only reason you lie to yourself telling yourself that all of these options are good things is because you have no men to default to, because all of the men around you aren't worthy of being considered authorities. Even if there are men you're involved with or interested in, you know they don't live up to what's expected of them. They're less than mediocre in quality overall.
Too bad I already have my right to vote and you can't take it away
lol, this is how you bait, newfaggots
It''ll be reversed when everyone is equal in poverty and worked till they can't work anymore then disposed of because communism works so well.
>Peter Hitchens
Read my other posts, I hate equal say. Women shouldn't more than likely be allowed to vote, it's eroding our society.
Well if the Communists get their way no one will.
Basically, this. Women's #1 sexual fantasy is rape. And yet people (fatball beta orbiters) honestly think they should be listened to when jabbering about "overcoming oppression". Women are retarded and liars, but ultimately every civilization on Earth knows that. The main reason the West is dying is because there's so many traitor men who think appeasing the pussy will get them pussy (Snopes Fact Check: It won't).
Everyone can feel mixed emotions on this subject, but it is the undeniable truth the West went into sharp decline the moment women were allowed to vote. There's charts to back this up.
>its all true