No-one should flag this tweet for threatening violence.
Jordan B (((Peterson)))
This man has some good things to say but holy dick he is an absolutely abysmal Tweeter. Makes Trump look sensible by comparion.
Are those real?
>Are those real?
He lost his marbles
Virtue signaling faggot, just like 95% of the political YouTubers.
Someone is Mad Online™
>bends over backwards to countersignal against white nationalists
>bends over backwards to suck kike cock
>still gets called a fascist
behold the boomer cuckservative
Is he like threatening to slap himself?
This remake of Fight Club sucks.
i got permabanned from twitter for sending an abigail cum tribute to ben shapiro
He's a fucking commie jew loving faggot.
>i got permabanned from twitter for sending an abigail cum tribute to ben shapiro
Did he reply asking for the source?
Awwww, huwt feefees my little socialist? Oh, I am sorry, NATIONAL socialist, big difference apparently as I've been told, heh.
>Czech flag
>Country literally run by former communists
If you report anyone for anything other than dumb shit like posting child porn you deserve to be gassed
Sweet Jesus what a moralfag
whats the problem? he is permanently under strawman and ad hominem attacks, as a human being he is allowed not to have infinite patience.
I admit he isnt great on the twitter platform though, he is good giving talks, not on short sentences twitter feuds.
>whats the problem?
Rules should be the same for everyone, user
Peterson shouldn't be allowed to threaten violence for a bad book review just because he's Jordan B (((Peterson)))
Wow only 7 words yet still the dumbest shit ive read all day
>Wow only 7 words yet still the dumbest shit ive read all day
It might be ineloquently expressed, but are any of the seven words actually inaccurate?
Alinsky Rule #4
>Alinsky Rule #4
I haven't read Rules for Radicals and I'm not going to, even though Sargoy of Mossad keeps telling us it's essential reading
>taking advice from literal communists
What did she mean by this?
Sargon says it's essential reading because while it was written by communists, many of the points are effective for dealing with communists.
absolutely magnificent
Someone took the time to make this
Jesus Christ
>soygoy recommends 'how to be a subversive parasite' by jewy mcjewerson constantly
>still won't name the jew
what is this guy screaming about?
>You racist fascist!
>Anti-semitism is a 2,000 year old disease. Right, Ezra, my pal?
>It's so great we have the Jews to rule over us, I mean take care of us
>Right winger should drop their in-group preference to ally with the Mudslimes, because they share the same values
>Look at my based paintings from the Bolshevik revolution and my edgy mask! I'm not a commie though, that's in the past. It's integrating my shadow, goy.
>Here read my diatribe to debunk the alt-right anti-semitism, retweeted by my based friend (((Steven Pinker)))
>All identity is good and emancipating. EXCEPT WHITE IDENTITY!! That is racist fascist.
LMAO! The absolute state of Anglo Boomer conservatism.
That is the TL;DR for Peterstein yes.
worth it
Kill yourself you disgusting british abomination faggot. I hope putin burns your shithole to the fucking ground, you sick faggot.
>I hope putin burns your shithole to the fucking ground, you sick faggot.
Good point, well made.
Patreonson really is a weak brainlet.
I don't understand why you guys aren't on his side. Fake news creates a hit piece on him and he retaliates with truth. Y'all should be going after that indian piece of shit who wrote the article.
Also peterson has the balls to come out and tell the fake news writer to fuck himself on Twitter without any care.
Rules 4, 5, and 8.
well last i checked he hated commies which is why he stresses their atrocities. he might be a jew lover though.
>I don't understand why you guys aren't on his side.
(((Peterson))) on our side? That's hilarious!
>well last i checked he hated commies which is why he stresses their atrocities.
Last time I checked, he hated us, too.
He's not a jew you dumb fuck.
And not everyone on Sup Forums is a white supremacist fascist, get fucked ahmed.
that's cause he is some old dude who acts like he understands the younger generation and all their problems. It's also why half of his advice is to fix your life up and not fix the shit storm that is surrounding the generation.
JBP is a literal retard-level hack practicing pseuoscience dressed up as psychology
Weird because sargon seems to be breaking a lot of these rules with his liberalistism
>degenerate vaping faggot
Sounds like someone needs to clean his room
Just how kiked is this man?
>Commie Poo in the Loo writes a pretentious hit piece on Peterson
>Peterson calls the dirty Pajeet out for it
Whats not to like?
Ramz on point here about (((peterstein)
dude weed lmao
>He's not a jew you dumb fuck.
the way he shills for them its an easy mistake to make also he punched right so fuck that pill popping boomer piece of garbage
top kek
how did you do that, she isn't exactly hot.
Look up who Pankaj Mishra is you fucking retards
Thats the fakest shit ive ever seen in my life
Also why is the man jerking himself off with a chair
Rules 5 and 12
Peterson gets upset so easily online compared to his speeches. How come he can debate protestors and antifa and remain calm but lose his shit once they go after him online?
>How come he can debate protestors and antifa and remain calm but lose his shit once they go after him online?
Now that everyone knows Peterson is easily triggered, everyone is going to be gunning for him.
>having a twitter
Not even once
not the first time that he goes completely off the rails online.
He becomes the collective unconscious of boomer cucks.
It's a ritual of the show he was on, which he chose to respect.
I think they realized that a while ago because they have been b8ing him on twitter for a while. He gets b8ed by stormfront too. He has a compulsion to reply to people who hate him, i think its a boomer thing.
Kek thats exactly what i was thinking
He respected a jew who stole his schtick from Sam Hyde, fuck him.
Honestly I'd be pretty pissed to when some bullshit artist journalist is publishing a review of your book and uses a review to call you a crypto-fascist.
what's the point of the ritual? developing cancer?
Stopped there
Do i know you?
Is this a leftypol shill thread?
Holy fuck LOL
>99º waterpolo
Should that not be, “whom I worked with for 15 years?”
>Harmlessly romancing the noble savage
It should really be "with whom I've worked for 50 years"
Thank you for your service
>Wow JP really lost his temper
>Pankaj Mishra
chubby soyboy who makes a living out of being anti-white
Some faggot on twitter copied your joke
>X breath air, therefore everyone who breathes air is X
>He's not a jew you dumb fuck.
But he's the goodest of goys, which is more or less a lesser jew. And he makes his band of loser followers the same faggots as he is. He is way more detrimental to us than useful.
Trump is one of the few sensible leaders this country’s ever had. That’s why he won.
Could you share it with us? I’ve been suspended too many times by twitter. I wanna go out with a bang.
You're right, nobody should.
Daily reminder that Peterson is a hardcore zionist and gatekeeper for the ((((elite)))) establishment
Rule 5, and a bizarre non sequitur
lol this clinically depressed kermit doesnt even have enough balls to defend himself against his bully wife. Nor does he have the balls to tell his daughter she's a fucking retrd weirdo. so i doubt he'd actually "slap" another man
lol the way he tweeted this makes it look like he is having a convo with himself and threatening to slap himself
Either is fine. The way you've written is more formal, but people are now generally okay with implied prepositional objects. If it's written that way, then who is correct, because the prepositional phrase is being used as an adjectival phrase about the person who has that characteristic.
These tweets are even better if you know he sounds like Frank from Professor Brothers.
Yes, in an ideal world rules should enforced equally on all participants but we know that lefties are the most guilty of reporting for the dumbest shit.
Daily reminder that this is JP’s daughter