>less than 12 hours before WW3 begins
Less than 12 hours before WW3 begins
Other urls found in this thread:
Post yfw Nuclear holocaust is about to wipe all niggers/spics/trannies etc... off the map for good.
How do you know pizza bro?
Large if not false
>op claims shit happens for (you)s, 1009th edition
I'm actually doing a countdown before the US strikes Syria.
HAPPENING THREAD: nothing happens edition
Alright then see you tomorrow
If only, Id happily walk out into a nuclear blaze if it meant the end of this joke of a planet.
Nothing will happen as per usual.
These threads and the stupid Skyking threads need to be deleted and the OP's banned.
link it, you spagetti eating spic.
It's bound to happen user. Murphy law.
every edition?
Says the nervous European man for the 6 gorillianth time in months
Why don't you idiots take back your countries already? Fucking do something other than asking people on a Phillipino Rug Weaving forum to nuke you.
>As they (and He) said on III mini-series:
>"He is a Rock on Throne" (Ark of God)"
>David Koresh, the Lamb of God
>WACO Equinox 2018 in Northern Hemisphere in
>One Hour, 11:15 AM, March 20th, WACO Time
>The Real One - Janet R. file
Why'd they kill Jesus?
An half, Waco
Feels good
only if it wipes out kikes too
Look what Theresa May just said
Well, that's disappointing.
It has already begin then
This happened user.
Did you forget what runs through your blood?
We're waiting for you to wake up ..
Here's your >this
Fuck you nigger, the world is supposed to end tomorrow.
>Tfw if this happens soyboys are gonna get forced to join the army and the real men will have a big laugh at how they complain and cry about war
Thank God I´m in the army, this is going to be funny as fuck
lmao you sound like a fucking pog who thinks hes tough because he passed basic training. youre embarassing.
I am not a soyboy, but thank god I broke my finger so I can use it as a excuse to destroy everything from inside.
to be fair happeningfags only have to be right once and that fag won't get to brag about it
t. 56%
Sorry soyboy, but that´s the deal, be prepared for fighting, give a last drink/kiss to your soylent, and prepare to drink muddy water!
stop acting like a faggot at a fashion show
>mfw nothing ever happens
whats your mos pog? yeah thats what i thought.
>"I-I don´t wanna go to war!!!"
How can a Mexican have more guts than the "muh fight for liberty people!"? You are a shame to your country, go back to your cacao soylent
>start first full time job at 25 after delaying it for years
>ww3 begins less than 72 hours afterwards
i was in the army 8 years and did two tours as an 11 bravo. You? whats your mos again? oh yeah, you're a pog little bitch who thinks hes a hero because he passed basic. lmao. again. embarassing.
Happening threads are like the boy who cried wolf at this point, except that we have nukes to worry about instead of wild animals.
damn. he made you look dumb mexico.
and the best part - you can't dismiss them because the wolf...ehm... the nuke comes in the end
OP is right! I hear air raid sirens!
In Catalonia?
>i was in the army 8 years and did two tours as an 11 bravo.
And then you became a pussy? Yeah, sure you """soldier""", not my fault that you fake so you can look less pathetic that you are you soyboy
What a newfag soyboy, you are the same guy, check the ID you illiterate.
The ultimate state of Americans is being huge pussies, I really want to see your soy people whining in the Army. Did you finish your soylent already?
Robotic arm will make your broken finger irrelevant user.
Get ready to invade Pakistan this is your chance.
If it kills all anglos It's good enough for me famalam
sage and report these threads
>never happens
Until it does
What'd she just say that backs up this claim? All I saw with a cursory google search was some diplomats leaving, as I am interested in this situation, I've you've heard something you could make this easy for me