
So, when does it get good? I'm three episodes in and so far it has been monster of the week type of thing.

The manga was pretty great, if I were you I'd just read that.

Keep watching it eventually starts to get going.

yea i gave up after 4 non eventful episodes

>watching the anime

It was decent at first but gets extremely rushed at the end and is completely different than the manga. Just read it instead; it's a complete story.

Honestly, episode 5 is the first glimpse of hope and then it starts to ramp up. It's still one of my favorite anime.

So, it's the anime a faithful adaptation or not?

Anime original end. Can't recall when the story starts to diverge from the manga, I think around episode 20? Either way I thought the ending was alright. You're better off reading the manga but the anime isn't bad if you want to watch it.
it starts getting good around the time they go to the holy city.

Not the user, but no it's not. I'd watch the anime first and then pick up where the anime started to differ or start from the beginning. I watched this show while it was airing, and picked up the manga and spoiled myself before the episodes aired. The anime follows certain arcs of the manga but then splits of drastically towards the ending. The manga finished a couple or so years ago. It's pretty amazing to think though that while the show was airing the manga still had another seven or so years left. I wish the series was animated when the manga was finished and not before, same with Legend of the Legendary Heroes. This was my favorite girl at the time.

I never watched it desu

Riful is best girl

>I'm three episodes in a
Have you ever watched anime before this?

It's starts getting out of wack during the battle of Pieta. Clair's partial awakening and the fight with Rigardo is the first major point of divergence I believe.

Just read the manga so you don't have to deal with the show falling apart at the end.

literally medieval metroid


The manga is a lot better. Still kinda monster-of-the-week at first but you can read through those chapters a lot faster than the anime did. After a couple of volumes the plot really picks up steam. You'll start seeing more weird and unique monsters than the standard yoma, there's a big conspiracy about the Claymore organization to be uncovered, the art is nice and there's plenty of likable characters. All in all, a fun read if you like your battle shonen on the dark fantasy side and at 27 volumes it's a hell of a lot shorter than most Jump titles.

When appears Theresa


I liked the monster-hunting detective part best, it became to much of a battle manga afterwards.

The anime stays bad all the way trough and the quality drops off at the end.
Its really not recommended to watch it, the manga is better for what its worth.
