Is it normal for politicians to be infertile?
Is it normal for politicians to be infertile?
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People with Children aren't going to start WW 3 and get their nations killed, Op.
>No kids...
Trump really is the savior of western civilization
Why not?
Not like their children are gonna be around for it
that's his fucking point you moron
They have a brood somewhere under a graveyard or something don't worry.
Normalcy isn't really a factor here, insomuch they are all people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place; they just happen to be politicians.
I think user means that the children of the political elite can always get away to safety. World War III wouldn't destroy the entire world so they would have a place to escape to.
But the rate of childlessness might be higher for politicians. Would make sense as they would have more time to spend on their political careers.
devolution was a mistake
Because to the modern intellectual socialite, breaking away from nature and spending your life in a masturbatory cultural bubble is preferable to being a human being.
his wife was germany
his kids were german people
because they know what happens to kids in their circle
To be fair, that Scottish MP having no kids might not be her fault.
That's why they push for globalism, mass immigration, and war. They don't have kids so therefore they don't have a stake in the ruined world they're creating.
no you dimwit, his wife was Eva Braun
they are not infertile, they come further in politics because they to not care about others. they do not care about the future...
but the people of Europe deserve nothing else. they could vote them out or throw them out any day
Why isn't Bill Clinton on the list?
Chelsea Clinton is his daughter.
You mean his wife's daughter.
It's a sign of a dying nation.
It is if you want kike supporters!
hard to torture children to death on camera for blackmail material when you have children of your own
Because he had a son with a black hooker in Arkansas. Thank you Alex jones for covering that story.
Yikes. No chelsea is the daughter of Webb hubbell. But the (((media))) will dig through trumps past and never dig through the clintons
I know what they say but there's no evidence.
The Clintons are some of the most investigated people in history, and "all" that was proven was Monica.
>no evidence
Are you that fucking lazy?
Where did Chelsea get those big lips, buddy? Genetic mutation?
Only in a decaying society
Pretty sure Macron marrying some ancient woman has something to do with him having no kids.
She is the bastard child that was used merely as a political prop to make the clintons seem normal... entire image completely engineered in order to get the Rothschild puppets into the highest office.
>look mom! I'm dropping red pills on the normie new fags.
Well that proves it.
That fucking pedophile fucking both
What? How do you know the fertility status of these people? Other than being ancient...
What gets me is the ones that do have kids. kids that will bare their parents choices.
Jacob Rees-Mogg will save us all.
Having no kids is not a good sign for a leader.
I know. Germans will no believe a conspiracy until a raoefugee is literally raping his girl friend in his bed... and even then he might pity the refugee and donated to a refugee charity.
The french president has a wife's son. Laughable how cuck they are as they get overrun by muslims.
That doesn't prove anything.
And ancaps will take anything someone on youtube tells them at face value.
casey anthony style...
DNA tests would, but we will never see any
Should know better mate...
>Britain: covert commie globalist
>Italy: overt technocratic globalist
>Sweden: overt kike
>France: yokel who married his roastie, barren teacher
>Germany: literally ex-Stasi
>Luxembourg: covert globalist
>Alba: overt haggis, mostly globalist
>Euro Commission: seriously overt kike
>Toothpaste: closet homosexual, groomed globalist, quintessential beta cuckhold
It's not that they're infertile, which they might be.
It's that they aren't in control.
A paternity test would convince me a lot more than two photos stuck together, yes.
No kids in the political sphere is likely due to personality (hyper productive) rather than biology.
Hitler actually did have a son.
But it's not a surprise that type-A psychopath control freak workaholics are sterile. They don't have time for reproduction and children. Their organs may not even work, but when they have kids they tend to neglect them.
The age of political dynasties in the west is over till the collapse when i'm sure several new dynasties will emerge.
Nah. She's Webb Hubbel's
It explains a lot. They have no skin in the game long term.
May did try for kids. Don't know if he had shit-tier spermatoza or if she is infertile. May looks like the only one that's fucked around in her youth. The other hounds... well thats fucking good that they didn't reproduce.
>be politician
>no time to parent
>your kid does something stupid
You know who has children?
Donald Trump.
Vladimir Putin.
Xi Jinping.
Because they know what the future holds.
Your kids are you.
They don't want to go through what the future holds.
It proves you're retarded
Good to know all the leaders of countries that matter have kids.
Japanese emperor also has kids, as does Shinzo Abe I think.
That kpop president roastie didn't have kids, nor did Ho Chink Minh or Sup Forums Pot.
I bet when the old hag dies he will be pounding model pussy on the next day after her death.
thank god, they shouldnt reproduce anyway
Sup Forums Pot does have a daughter, named Sar Patchata. She was in an old documentary about the Khmer Rouge rebels lurking in the jungle (and being supported by the US, fun fact) and she had a FB profile.