US murders

Why is the US such a dangerous place? 4-5 times the murder rate compared to European countries.

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4-5 times the niggers

I am genuinely stumped. I have no idea what could be causing this. Probably racism, right?

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I mean, results like this sure look like racism to me. Sure are some hateful bigots in America.

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We'll catch them up in a few decades.

Its all fucked Hans.

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if niggers are a problem then why would you give them such an easy access to guns?

>2011 german murder rate

Yeah, 2011 germany doesn't exist anymore, but it was pretty chill while it lasted.

There are more guns than people in America, and confiscation would instantly start a civil war. Gun control is impossible.

then go to Wikipedia and look up the newest numbers. The US got even worse while Germany stayed the same...




OP, why is South Africa so violent when compared to European countries?

We need to make a sterilization mafia.

yes! the german rate remained exactly the same!
any statement to the contrary would be a hate crime!

Fuck I hate Germans, yes, Germany is exactly the same. Stupid fuck.

well, the 20 additional homicides a year doesn't change much.

when can we start dealing with our nigger problem?

no real way to be certain what the cause is

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because the US reports its crimes

so, you are claiming that the rest of the world is lying?

criminals don't buy guns legally

I don't know where that number is coming from, after several minutes googling i couldn't find a single legitimate source in english showing any stat beyond 2012

THIS, plus coons

i can guarantee you my country is lying all the time when it comes to stuff like that and we are a civilized country unlike germany

Just wait until you look at this list in 10 years. It will be reversed.

Felons don't have easy access to guns but they still do which means preventing citizens to have easy access doesn't mean shit to violent niggers.

Wild west, kraut.

but somehow European countries can prevent niggers from easily getting guns.

The 13th and 14th Amendments say we have to treat them like people. The nigger-lovers jammed those through after the civil war, and altered the course of history for the worse.

is the united nations a good source for domestic crime? I'm not sure.

No they don't. Look at sweden. They have nades n shiieet.

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it's a study that made national data comparable internationally.

Da sie so viele Schwarzen haben, Brudi. So selbstverständlich ist es.

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Your countries were rebuilt after ww2. The us has enough guns for a cushy black market foe centuries to come. Also the second amendment makes gun grabs unconstitutional.

>4-5 times the murder rate compared to European countries.
Not for long sadly.

picture assumes that the lower social strata inhabited by minority communities wouldn't be replaced by whites of similar socioeconomic background.

Geographic proximity and economic stress are what cause these kinds of crimes

prove it
pro tip you cant

makes sense

so the US is fucked forever?

You literally fucking don't. There are 40 MILLION blacks in the US. You are just now starting to experience the violence and lawlessness.

>us is fucked because of guns
are you retarded?

well, I looked up our so-called no-go zones which still have murder rates way below the American average.

guns + niggers = bad

and it seems like they won't be able to get rid of either.

I'm starting to think no-go zones are just code for ghettos, and that Europeans are just pussies, left and right, because you haven't actually had to experience enrichment until very recently. Your no-go zones, however, are definitely more violent than the average white American neighborhood.

Why I'm responding to this bait, I don't understand.

And you'll also have to explain why other countries with very strict gun laws have far higher violence rates than the US using the same rhetoric, since gun laws are magical band aids that fix all things violent.

Even when you factor in race, american whites are more violent than euro whites. Nice uneducated redneck post though, you retard.

Is this a /leftypol/ raid? Yeah, American whites are SLIGHTLY more violent than Euro whites, but that's heavily cultural, the fact that Euro whites are extremely collective, fall into line, obey all laws cucked, the proximal influence by the non-whites in the US, and genetics.

However, since you're apparently retarded, refer to for the excessively high violence rates.

>I have never had a traumatic experience in which I would need a gun, so therefore everyone else shouldn’t need guns.

Every fucking liberal ever.

Give it 50 years at most, if even. This post will age well.

can't they just buy one illegally off craigslist for like $300?

1. Diversity and illegals
2. States with gun laws (Chicago) giving criminals opportunities
3. Larger population

A definitive link between crime rate and these three elements

Remove every major democrat city from the list and we'd drop to the bottom.

>the civnat strikes

Lurk more

that's mostly untrue, if you adjust for black population the murder rate of whites is on par with europe's total population
european whites are less violent than american whites though, but not significantly

You say that but he's not entirely wrong you know. Democrats have had control of most of the largest cities in the US and one of the largest states in the US. In all of those places they have implimented stricter gun laws than anywhere else in the US. Over 93% of all gun crime in the US happens in those areas. If gun control works then why are they the ones with the majority of the gun crime?

Because they only kill other niggers
Its not a bug its a feature

to play devil's advocate, it does mean that there are more guns out there which means there are more guns stolen and that there are more guns on the black market

Cause niggers

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Take out the 5 highest crime cities (coincidentally with the strictest gun control laws) and the USA drops to near the bottom.

>Why is the US such a dangerous plac
>4-5 times the murder rate compared to European countries.

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>4-5 times the niggers

France has almost as many niggers, along with nafris that are even worse.

because they're third world. If you think the US is 3rd world, then I guess the comparison with those other countries is legitimate.

>Romania, Greece
>number 2 and 3

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short answer: niggers

long answer: war on drugs creates black market for coke and heroin, so young blacks have a career path drawing them away from school and productive work. fathers would lead their children not to go down this route, but black mammies don't need no man cuz the gubmnt provides fuh her. normal people could defend themselves from the pockets of gang members but the big cities thought the guns were the problem. now normal people are sitting ducks. [CULTURAL BREAKDOWN INTENSIFIES]

Pakistan has zero murders, how? When they have terrorist attacks everyweek.

>20 year old statistics

That's racist. Stop being racist. Racism is literally the most vile thing ever. Not even raping a children is so evil

he never said that.
>ad hominem

Guess which country has the most niggers with guns walking free?

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did I say he said that? Why else would he compare the US with 3rd world countries.

No being a dirty non white, like yourself, that takes showers in the sink is vile

>that takes showers in the sink
Nobody does that


13% of the population is black. If and when Switzerland gets a black population that high, they will also have a high crime rate.

And we don't decide not to record crimes committed by certain elements in our society.

That just makes it sound like you're running out of whites to kill, Ahmed.

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