Daily reminder that corporate greed is ruining the economy, not wage earners.
Daily reminder that corporate greed is ruining the economy, not wage earners
Daily reminder 'Daily Reminder' threads are troll faggots who need to fuck off this board.
Umm isnt that pic a bit antisemitic?
we know, but tell that to the normies.
Daily reminder that you are posting on a board funded by a rich gook
TIL rich people stand on piles of money. wtf
The treasury can just pump money in to the economy, considering how much is placed in offshore accounts and effectively ceases to exist at that point, it's arguable whether or not quantitive easing aimed at and successfully delivered to businesses to keep them alive is a good or bad idea.
the super rich are definitely a symptom of our current economic model but how much impact they have on the avg pleb is not clear and I think low education rates and poor decisions regarding where you live and crime rates have more to answer for than just nebulously claiming that rich people are the root problem.
No, people who think they should be paid based on the standard of living they want rather than the value of what they contribute are ruining the economy.
It's very anti-Semitic. I'm scared and shaking.
>is ruining the economy,
I dont care about the economy you money grubbing kike
Perhaps in the interests of progressively making civilisation better we shouldn't be modelling our wage earning on the idea that people can slip in to pre-industrial living conditions, as seen in Detroit (with its huge sections of suburbs demolished outright and converted back in to farm land).
I've traveled enough of the world and seen enough abandoned villages/ruins/deprecated cities like greymouth in new zealand to know that not everything needs to last forever but deliberately creating a scenario where predatory companies will pay their staff so little that the surrounding infrastructure starts to decay is going to be a problem.
Like it or not governments collect taxes in exchange for providing quality of life and infrastructure via roads and services, if the taxbase evapourates thanks to poverty guess what is to blame?
Imagine being so economically illiterate to think that shitty cartoon makes sense.
>collect taxes in exchange for providing quality of life
but they dont
That's a problem with corruption in your country and has absolutely nothing to do with the principle function of a government.
>in your country
Why dont you tell me some great things taxes in your country go to
>Sweden vows to ban ALL religious schools in an effort to tackle segregation after taking in a record number of asylum seekers
>Sweden's main governing party proposes a ban on all religious schools
>It follows reports of gender segregation in some Muslim free schools
>Jewish schools will be exempt from the new ban, politicians said
it is pretty fucking disgusting that you pay your shit tier workers like 8 bucks an hour, really how are you supposed to do anything with that amount of money? if you work at maccas here you get at least like $20-25/hr
>like at all
economics and banking regulations are like Latin in medieval era: a language only a special elite caste understands, a shield that protects them from the plebeians (literally every one of us including OP and me)
you literally are incapable of understanding how the financial system works even if you spent 10 years studying because your IQ is too low, and even if you were smart enough, you wouldn't have access to enough information to understand how things 'truly work' and would have at best a glimpse of a fragment of the answer to 'why'
Daily Reminder thats not how the economy works
>Like it or not governments collect taxes in exchange for providing quality of life and infrastructure via roads and services, if the taxbase evapourates thanks to poverty guess what is to blame?
If companies have to pay workers so much that they can't make a profit or have to operate at a loss then why would anyone bother running a company?
Jamal spends his tax return renting a Rolls Royce and a hotel room for 2 days.
>contributing to the economy!
Bob is able to open a second location for his restaurant business and hire 20 new employees.
>greedy fuck!
>keeping the little man down!
Who needs shelter?
why is america basically the only first world country that pays their low tier workers complete dogshit? in most other first world countries you can live moderately comfortably if you budget well on a min wage job
I'm not actually Swedish if you didn't catch the hint earlier but whatever, i'll bite:
in discussions with some actual native Swedish people today they think the system has got some problems and the election this year the right-leaning parties are anticipated to get a big boost to their popularity, among other things are long term plans for tax reform in addition to severing the ability for immigrant welfare leeches to get access to money. As an immigrant myself I fully sympathise with these feelings as I experienced in my own youth mass immigration directly robbing my generation of jobs via saturation which removed the need to invest in training the children already in the education system. We have been quite literally dubbed the Lost Generation, a generation of children who didn't need to be born because there were no opportunities for them to take when they left school. This resulted in the so called brain drain as everyone in school abandoned ship and moved overseas taking their educations with them and leaving the country to be infested with low income immigrants which didn't want to integrate particularly the Asian communities.
Fast forward to today and I see the same tragic cycle playing out again but this time in Sweden, in an even sicker ironic twist my home country wants to do another immigration wave AGAIN in order to plug the gap that economic refugees like me fled the country for in the first place created.
In other words racial and religious schools are of comparatively minor concern and you're a braindead retard for getting caught on the most obvious exploitative tabloid shit instead of directly addressing the real problems which are economically stimulated pogroms and naked corruption by govt officials
>I'm scared and shaking.
I have severe phobias and cerebral palsy, your post is offensive. Pls delete.
>I'm not actually Swedish if you didn't catch the hint earlier but whatever, i'll bite:
Ok name any country that spends taxes improving quality of life
> religious schools are of comparatively minor concern
being able to educate your children with your values is not a minor concern
I could mention Australia during the several years I lived there, they built several new highways, stadiums and re-formatted the layout of a park in order to make it look nicer but also accommodate several restaurants which was not possible under the previous layout. Everything I just mentioned was funded by taxpayers.
Incidentally here we also see the problems with their heavily immigrated workforce simply leaving when the money started drying up Leaving the native population with a mountain of debt and lowpaid jobs because all the high paid ones had been previously filled by migrants that no longer existed, the native population spending almost 25 years producing dullards with limited real job opportunities.
So in one single city you can see the microcosm of exactly what I described earlier in regards to Sweden, they will flood the market with labour that they cant rely on staying after shit improves at home/gets worse in Sweden and when they all bail out the hundreds of thousands of minimum wage locals will be left to try and pick up the pieces. it will be a societal dark age with businesses collapsing due to a shrinking consumer base and house prices will drop suddenly as people start selling to a much poorer community than what there was at the time of buying.
say whatever you like about that just being economics as usual but noone ever told me economic policy was to contrive boom and bust and drive hundreds of billions of value out of your own country by making immigrants who can just leave at a whim rich. My home country hasnt experienced this because it waas the native population who left leaving the immigrants behind and they have the temerity to complain that housing is overpriced despite the fact that they are the root cause of the problem.
All government is corrupt, you fucking retard. You cannot give power to human beings and expect it to be wielded well. It's naiive fucks like you who cause all the ills in the world.
All of the things the aussie govt paid for used resources that would have been used elsewhere of left unstolen, and those uses would have been more demanded by the public. The money also would have been more efficiently spent. You do not create growth by taking money out of the economy, wasting a ton of it, and then putting it somewhere else. It's called the seen vs the unseen and it's basic bitch econ 101.
>they built several new highways,
We have highways here
they are funded by gas taxes
Wow bread and circus
>and re-formatted the layout of a park
cities can do this
what good are the feds?
And what do you propose? total autonomy of each household? Do you have a single example of that actually working in reality?
You sound just as delusional as a communist.
>Daily Fail
Epik meme
The boom and bust cycle is caused by fiscal/monetary policy distorting investment decisions, another action of your glorious govt.
It helps to run yourself ragged with a second job and maybe some extra income on the side if you're not gonna report it to the IRS.
You have no idea what you're talking about if you think Sweden is corrupt.
capitalism works fine, the problem is all these rich kikes hoarding money and not reinvesting it. started in the 70s when shit started getting outsourced to countries like china and vietnam so it could be made cheaper, costing american jobs and pay, and it's just gotten worse and worse since then. most money is either stuck in a bank account and never used so jews can run up the high score, or it's sent to other nations to be invested there
Private law anarchism is ideal, but short of that an extremely limited republic with checks and balances and an armed population which doesn't trust it for a second. Definitely not a giant redistributionist democracy populated by bootlicking faggots like you.
And our government regulators are working hard to ensure there are only a handful of corporations running our economy, because small, family businesses can't provide 6 figure revolving door jobs to ex-Feds.
any -ism distilled to its purest form does not, in fact, work fine. You're not wrong on that statement; That's just one of many factors/failings.
>So many people actually genuinely think this is how it works
Le evil rich people vs the oh so innocent poor.
Same fucking morons that compare gender wage gaps without context or ask "Why does a fireman earn X and football player Y"
It's so black and white and just ignores everything in between. And the fact that ultimately the poor are the ones allowing themselves to be exploited this badly.
Yes kikes need to be gassed, but for different reasons. Yes poor people should have better standards of living but not just "increase minimum wage lullululul"
I unironically cannot refute this. Excellent post.
Yet shills like you support Hilary Clinton and Bernie 'support the establishment' Sanders who are slaves of George Soros.
jesus fuck look at your own country first before pointing the finger
you hate big govt but show your flag with pride despite the fact that it represents your federal government and the 400 million odd people that it encompasses.
you are acting very myopically but that's not really a surprise is it given the other retarded shit you have said already like
>You do not create growth by taking money out of the economy, wasting a ton of it, and then putting it somewhere else. It's called the seen vs the unseen and it's basic bitch econ 101.
the point was that the people who were working there were meant to buy houses and settle down ergo reinvesting the money back in to the economy. the trap is the people they chose to use for the labour, people with no commitments to the country they lived in and who were there 100% for material profit. when the economy started to turn the other way they were the first people to leave.
in terms of actual value created by the infrastructure built its impossible to say because I don't live there anymore, unlike you I don't need to project my opinions about places ive never lived in to everyone. More likely than not you don't even know what visa regulations I'm talking about or what city I am referring to, whereas I could point my finger at Detroit, new Orleans, Chicago or even new York and manufacture a more salient opinion than you in under a minute.
I guess this marks the beginning of the end for America then. Had a good 300-or-so year run.
So you actually can't provide a single example of this working. I've seen actual anarchist communities in your country thanks to documentaries, maybe you should do some research before vacuously spouting your angst to anyone.
I posted an animoo meme, dicklick. I have no love of my govt. Any affection i have is for the founding philosophy, and even then it was massively flawed.
I said "your" because you clearly nutride the state like a parent figure.
Daily reminder that central banking that publicizes its losses and privatizes its profits is ruining the economy, not entrepreneurs and businessmen.
Oh yes I just spent every post talking about how immigration policy by bureaucrats that are immune to the outcomes of their actions have affected me negatively and that I don't agree with them so strongly that I left my home country instead of being forced in to poverty by limited job opportunities and overpriced education, that I clearly am a bootlick for a country you've never visited.
You think you are a troll but you are actually just an idiot. This exchange is over, you have nothing of value to say.
again, I didn't say a particular govt. I said "the state." You think the state can solve socioeconomic problems, bscause you're an idiot and a bootlicker. You fundamentally view the state in the abstract as a benevolent force for good, rather than a necessary evil at best or an unecessary parasite and villain at worst. this is why you're the problem.
Retards on the right don't want to know the facts. They want "talking points" they want the world boiled down to simple "us vs. them" arguments. It's why the republicans message their propaganda at a 4th grade reading level.
In their minds, the guy standing on the pile of money is the good guy, because he's "telling it like it is" to the "Lazy moochers" (AKA Poor people). If they could see how fucking dumb they actually are, they would probably kill themselves.
>Hurr give the wealthy all the money and power, this is a good thing. -Repeated by wealthy media conglomerates 24/7
>right wing retards didn't pay attention in history class, and don't actually fact check, so everything their media tells them is accepted without questioning.
And they have the gall to call liberals "Brainwashed".
>I have trouble reading and understanding basic communication
Go sit in the corner retard, where you belong.
cant tell if joking or unironically retarded
appeal to history fallacy
space flight never worked pre 20th century. doesn't mean it cant work. Point to a single govt that doesn't eventually turn tyrannical and collapse under its own weight.
>He resorts to name calling when he cannot refute
Classic Sweden. Have fun with your refugees of peace! Aren't you so happy your wealth and tax dollars go towards your doom? But that is okay, your government clearly knows what is best for you!
your entire post is talking points and us vs them
I actually have cerebal palsy. It doesn't make you shake. It makes it so you can't use certain muscles.
Granulating your population so that you have a very acidic self identity has been the goal for a long time. It gives them a reliable voter base and makes it easier to pass legislation that might be negative with less resistance
the second one is already wrong
>be me, head of multicorp
>dont even show up in office
>my workers work all week
>i can now buy another island without lifting a finger
Look a this guy pretending neo-liberal economics isn't practiced on the Left. Too young to remember President Bill Clinton?
>Daily reminder
Minimum wage is charity for stupid people
what am I meant to be refuting? he's not even talking about me at the point he thinks I assume the state works in my self interest or that I want it to rescue me from something.
and you obviously came late to the discussion, but felt the need to comment anyway
did you pass highschool? Doesn't sound like you did
>only manual labor is valuable to the economy
>The head of a multicorp must still maintain good relations with work associates, approve major transactions, maintain his staff, etc.
He spent the last 20 years building his empire and training in order to sit happily on his island.
>charity for stupid people
That's a funny way to spell "a racist price floor to keep minorities and other marginal people out of the labor force".
we'd be exploring outer space by now if jews like you wouldn't sit on islands on your shekels and contributed more to society and increased overall prosperity
Sitting in my University's library as we speak, Nordfriend.
But I believe the point that the previous American user you were discussing with was trying to make was that governments are inherently selfish and that true production comes when business is done in a mutually agreeable manner, not a forced extortion with high taxes like the government suggests.
They both ruin economic.
Daily reminder that every dollar we raise the minimum wage, 100 jobs will be lost.
Not really, but you get the point. If the workers cost more to keep than they produce, then they're probably expendable. Thus, the logical thing to do as a business owner is to start laying people off. These people aren't going to be paid anything, because they won't have jobs.
This might blow your mind, but companies reinvest their money into expanding and thus creating more jobs. And stop being such an entitled faggot. Go make your own corporation and be rich oh right you’re a faggot who will never achieve that.
Daily reminder that you don't know what "corporate greed" even means, you don't know who wage owners are or aren't, and you don't understand what an economy is.
I am a graduating University student that comes from a relatively poor family. If I was rich I would not "sit on shekels" or "my islands" because I have good values and understand that it is frivolous, gluttonous and slothful to do so. I would love to explore, create and invest as well, much like you.
However, forcing the rich to fork over what they have earned in order to do so sets a dangerous precedent that is both immoral and does long term harm to the social thought process of a nation's workforce.
everyone is selfish, and by quoting yaron you should be aware that selfishness is not inherently bad
the difference is govt gets is resources through violent extortion, whereas business gets its resources through voluntary exchange by offering something people want. that completely changes incentives and outcomes, as well as the amount of corruption that can be maintained over the long term
>t. I know everything and you don't
Does anyone else think that the actual legal entity status of "corporation" should be removed? A partnership or a sole proprietorship can function just as well but also allows for individual accountability, thus making it so that there is still a very connection in business, something that is often lost when dealing with corporations.
>and other marginal people
that's why its charity, minimum people don't deserve average just because they are breathing or standing upright. You get out of life what you put in
Yes, that is correct. Perhaps I should have been more clear; when I stated that "governments are inherently selfish" with negative connotations, I was implying that THE POLITICIANS RUNNING THE GOVERNMENT were selfish and use their political power (backed and enforced by the military and police) to benefit their own personal gain over their citizens in an unfair manner, even though they were entrusted with power to do the exact opposite.
Reminder that nearly 50% of the top 1% of earners in America are Jewish, yet they only make up 2% of the population. Jews are 2500% overrepresented in wealthy populations and we are expected to believe this is just a coincidence.
Upper class whites are not your enemies, jews are their puppets are.
at one point you have enough money with no means of spending it. does it matter to you if you have 10 billion on the bank and donate 1 million for a charity of your choice?
money shouldn't be hoarded. it's there to be exchanged for goods and services, sometimes peanuts.
I can get behind this and a fundamental restructuring of our financial institutions and banking systems as well.
We've let schlomo corrupt everything so badly people unironically believe the primary goal of a country is to grow an economy, not to grow it's people.
more like economics deliberately made in such a way that the common man wouldn't be able to understand them because thats the only way the jews were able to trick people into giving value to their paper printed money backed up by nothing
We would have colonized mars by now if NASA didn't become a diversity hire program and if we weren't saddled with the financial burdens of our token minorities. White people love space exploration, niggers like shitty sneakers.
You can live decently in parts of the US on minimum wage.
But again people are paid what their work is worth. The biggest problem with left wing economics is this idea that you are entitled to a comfortable life. No, you're not entitled to shit. You have to go out and earn that life.
>This isn't an exaggeration
Right the world economy is 2 workers. One rich guy named chuck and one poor virgin
What on your list of needs does the minimum wage not provide?
>inb4 you want to start a family
If your too stupid to make more than minimum you shouldnt be starting families.
You probably think the U.S farming system would collapse if it wasn't for all the under the table immigrant laborers.
I don't understand how you can criticize the minimum wage for being too low while simultaneously believing we need to import mexicans as virtual slave labor or we'll all starve.
What do you mean? What confuses you about "the financial system" specifically? Are you talking about the minutae of the system, how it operates on a day to day basis? Are you talking about some higher order abstractions of what role finance plays in the economy?
Okay, we clearly disagree on this subject, but I will gladly give you chance to change my mind; how would you handle the situation? If someone had amassed an incredible (let us use 10 billion dollars, as you just did) amount of wealth but wasn't spending, investing or donating any of it, what would you do from a governing standpoint?
Daily reminder that people who think corporations and their rich owners are the problem have no idea how labor markets work.
Whoa user why are you posting such antisemitic pics?
This. America started focusing too much on economy and not enough on tradition, family, honour and internal values.
We have brought it upon ourselves.