"Amazingly, just two of the children ‘passed’ the test by touching or removing the post-it note"
"tended to be the most compliant and obedient"
"Amazingly, just two of the children ‘passed’ the test by touching or removing the post-it note"
"tended to be the most compliant and obedient"
mirrors and tests are racist
>2 children are most likely going to grow up "white"
>rest will be jiggy niggers
Mirrors only reflect light bro.
>niggers are too dumb to recognize themselves in the mirror
Sup Forums was right once again
I thought the mirror test mattered but it then I learned that even some ants pass it ffs.
Post it notes, too. Post-It™ izz rayyciss yo
>Meanwhile, primates pas the test with flying colors:
Hey everyone! Here's what you should know from this.
>Studies in the West suggest that around half of all 18-month-olds pass the test, rising to 70 per cent by 24 months
>Chimps, orangutans, dolphins and elephants have also been shown to pass the test, and there’s recent debate over whether monkeys can too
>a simplified version of the mirror self-recognition test to Kenya, where they administered it to 82 children aged between 18 to 72 months. ... Amazingly, just two of the children ‘passed’ the test.
Kenyan children can't recognize their our reflection when animals can.
>Chimps, orangutans, dolphins and elephants have also been shown to pass the test
>a simplified version of the mirror self-recognition test to Kenya, where they administered it to 82 children aged between 18 to 72 months. ... Amazingly, just two of the children ‘passed’ the test.
Not surprising, just another fact that justifies my hatred of them.
and yet they built wakanda
fuck off racist
a good real world example is haiti and domenican republic the domenican mutts are much better than blacks...ok barely but still....
True if big. Bump.
LMAO they say seeing yourself in the mirror and recognizing it as you is "cultural"
just fucking LOL clownworld im done
What is Kozyrev?
Did they do that test with any other monkey subspecies?
"‘Our impression,’ the researchers said, ‘was that they [the children] understood that it was themselves in the mirror, that the mark was unexpected, but that they were unsure of an acceptable response and therefore dared not touch or remove it.’"
read the abstract nazi faggots
Wakanda was a fucking shithole, though
>our bullshit interpretation that ignores reality is
As usual reading the comments section is entertaining. The completely ignore the fact than chimpanzees can pass the test and blame everything on western biases and racism
And we have to pretend that these upright drooling morons are just like us and the whole reason they can’t succeed is racism.
Is there any test they CAN pass?
>Kenyans don’t pass the test
>it’s not the same test
Easy to confirm with modern science. Attach a brain scanner and then watch what parts of the brain light up during the test. You just need sticky patches and wires, it isn't complicated to wear during the test.
Have a control group of western kids to compare who recognize their own face, so they know what areas light up.
If with the nigs their brain lights up on areas that show they recognize their face, but don't grab, it is true. If their brain lights up in areas that show they think they are looking at a completely different human, niggers are confirmed retarded.
Do STD tests count?
>its a dumbed down version of the test that chimps didn't even need to have simplified for them.
Yup .
Shooting big sister in head with .25 cal Saturday night Special over vidya games
Ants are fucking smart.
>this experiment did not give us the politically correct outcome so we will make something up that gets us the conclusion we wanted when we started
I think this test is exactly why (((they))) are pushing white genocide soooo much.
> those who failed tend to be the most compliant
HIV test
My Nazi brain doesn't understand.
I find it hard to believe, niggers are dumb but that they're not that dumb
Doesn't the dominican republic have a fairly nice capital city while Haiti's is... well it's african-slums tier
>they dumb it down for Kenyan nignogs and they still can't pass it
>pic related: what a nigger gets on his SATs
fucking hell this is crazy if true
Africans are at least 10 IQ points lower than blacks in the US. I know it is hard to believe but they are even dumber.
nah man...even 70 iq retards recognize themselves
This is too dumb even for nigger standards
Perhaps you're a nigga.
Das way your mind can't comprehend dis info.
Sure but not when they are toddlers. It takes time for them to develop into 70 IQ adults.
I work with one, in IT he's doing first line support, the monkey is the bane of my life, fucking stupid nigger, cunts working here years still ask's me the same questions everyday
africa is the only place in the world where thousands of "people" drown to death attempting to attack their own reflection in the water
...sounds pretty fucking dumb to me
Ah, finally one which can show me the blackness of my soul.
Blacks represents 34% of Med school admitted students in 2018. Get ready for the Shawarma doctors lmfao
Mirror tests are racist because niggers are sub human.
The test doesn't seem fair at all. How do we know the kids don't recognize themselves and just choose not to remove the post-it note? Maybe they're genetically inclined to accept it.
Like chicken and watermelon.
>breaking news: black people are low IQ retards with bad impulse control
>some animals are more developed than negroids
>now listen to why this is beautiful, powerful, and equal to everyone, and probably even better than you.
>author: Sarah Goldsteinberg
Im so tired of the Lugenpresse.
drug test
>Oi vey!
Article Aithor: Sarah Goldsteinberg
Goldsteinberg is a known jew
You typically don't freeze on shock at seeing your reflection.
>Goldsteinberg is a known jew
It doesn't get jewier than that
Niggers are only classified as humans for political and social reasons.
>72 months
Do you think they just cut it off at that point because any higher and it'd be even more embarrassing? What happens when the 18 year old can't do it either?
>"tended to be the most compliant and obedient"
Oh wait so THAT's why they want to replace us with niggers, I knew they had that agenda but I never realized why they wanted to do it. they want to use the niggers as their obedient little slaves
They're only classified as that for their votes.
>The researchers don’t think so. First of all, they deliberately tested a wide age range – in Kenya up to age six – and they think it’s highly unlikely mirror self-recognition could be delayed that far.
That article is a great example of why you should not trust modern scientist
>there is thing thing called the mirror test
>it’s purpose is to determine whether or not an individual can recognize themselves
>it is administered to children, even some smarter animals, and they pass
>it is dumbed down for Kenyans
>Kenyans still “fail”
is the conclusion Kenyans are retarded? The logical response is yes.
>real conclusion; b-b-but cultural differences!
So what the fuck is even the point of the test when “failures” are deemed to pass anyway. Do the fucking chimpanzees that pass just have a culture that allows them to pass? It’s all a sham, nobody controls for their own biases anymore. The real conclusion should have been something along the lines of preliminary results indicate Kenyan children lack the ability to recognize themselves in a mirror. However, cultural factor can play a role, so more testing is necessary, as suggested. That would be the honest, scientific result. It’s so frustrating
15-20% of (partially-mixed) blacks are smarter than 50% of white people. Even 5% of actual africans are smarter than 50% of whites. Variation does exist.
Yeah, same.
I mean Jesus Christ this is a measure of sentience.
They can't be that stupid.
>Blame lack of mirrors in the culture for failing the test
>Don't mention that animals that pass the test don't use mirrors
>So, what’s going on? Are children in these non-Western nations seriously delayed in their mirror self-recognition. The researchers don’t think so. First of all, they deliberately tested a wide age range – in Kenya up to age six – and they think it’s highly unlikely mirror self-recognition could be delayed that far. ‘Our impression,’ the researchers said, ‘was that they [the children] understood that it was themselves in the mirror, that the mark was unexpected, but that they were unsure of an acceptable response and therefore dared not touch or remove it.’
>No no no, it could not be that these sub-humans did not recognize a reflection they had never seen because they don't have fucking mirrors in 2018, it has to because because they were so sophisticated as to not know what an appropriate response would be.
FUCK THESE FUCKING SHIT HEAD FUCKS, they fucking twist every single fucking thing, it's like dealing with greased up vipers.
Ants will also self sacrifice if they need to for the good of the many.
Ants are very neat
i'm surprised this was allowed to get published. I studied anthropology and this is really making me miss college. meme degree but red pilled.
What point are you trying to make? That not literally every single European or Asian person is smarter than literally every African is irrelevant. They are on average significantly less intelligent. Their top 15% being our average is atrocious. That would mean the “smart” black kids in school will still be C students.
La Luz Extinguido...
Would an Amerimutt be able to pass the mirror test?
This is exactly what I have been saying.
Browns are more subservient, whites are more restless.
The more browns in the population means that the masses will be easier to control and manipulate
>ants have died with more purpose than i have lived
>You can only see your reflection in a mirror
>mixing up North American pavement ape and actual African ape to make some point
user, you failed us. Niggers failed you.
When they did this test with elephants (using white paint rather than a post-it), the elephants were obsessed by the paint.
Did the researchers see the kids looking at the mirror in a way that was different from when the control group without the post-it looked at the mirror? There was a control group, right?
>Getting a doctor that rode in with a C average in an easy undergrad degree.
Might as well just look shit up on the internet and try to self treat at that point.
>a simplified version of the mirror self-recognition test to Kenya, where they administered it to 82 children aged between 18 to 72 months. ... Amazingly, just two of the children ‘passed’ the test.
>Chimps, orangutans, dolphins and elephants have also been shown to pass the test, and there’s recent debate over whether monkeys can too
Who do mirrors have to show black people as being black? That's singling them out and racist
>The more browns in the population means that the masses will be easier to control and manipulate
Oh yeahhhhh the favelas of Rio di Janeiro are so much more governable than the commie blocks of Warsaw
Gimme a break lol
Forgot some pics 1/2
Forgot some pics 2/2
>So, what’s going on? Are children in these non-Western nations seriously delayed in their mirror self-recognition. The researchers don’t think so. First of all, they deliberately tested a wide age range – in Kenya up to age six
White infants are at the same level as six year old kenyans
ants are white
Hey watch it chile before the Argentinians come and get you
Yup. You don’t spend a lifetime studying other cultures without coming to certain conclusions.
Found the Jew.
*hope its highly unlikely