More Pikari is always a good thing.

Other urls found in this thread:

stupid shit with shitty meme faces

Was this really successful enough to get a second season?


Also, why are you samefagging?

Retarded opinion with trite image macro


I hope to god this is real, I need more memefaces and comfy


Hooray, more shitte ass-face cats!

Amanchu! ~Advance~

They should animate ARIA from the scratch and use all original seiyuu and music audio from old series

It's upyo time motherfuckers

Yay, more butts.

Maybe this time they'll actually go diving more than once.


Will twin bro finally get some?

Yes, he will bang Pikari grandma


I hope that they don't do the peter pan arc. Stuff like that worked well with Aira's more fantastical setting but it felt out of place with Amanchu's more grounded one.

They will hint it was some psychedelic mushroom they ate before it

In Aria at least some guy tried from time to time to hit on one of the girls, Amanchu is just hopeless

>GONTITI is back

fuck yes

Post the redhead slut in double bikini!

Teko's classy bean?

What about Maaya Sakamoto?

Will there be any yuri in it this time?

Katori-Sensei is so sexy. I want to take a ride in her car.


This thread needs more butt.


It appears that I don't have much butt.
Have some wallpapers instead.




I want her to ride me.


Will they adapt the vol where they confirm its not yuri?



Most fappable Kozue girl

I thought this had horribly flopped. Im glad.


It's not Aria, but it partially fills the hole Aria left behind. Rejoice!

I thought this flopped

I didn't even know about this anime until that godly doujinishi where this girl appears. Good lord, that artist made her into the best looking female put into paper. What I find odd however, is that artist decided to make a lengthy (30+ page) piece doujinshi on Amanchu, which wasn't popular and got ignored by other artists. Maybe he was a fan or just fell in love with this girl, although if he did adore her, why let her get raped by a middle aged man? If I could draw that good, I would self insert into everything.

Fantastic news.
The best is yet to come for Amanchu and all the new characters will be great.
Hopefully the idiots still going on about DVD and BD ''flops'' will not be carried over in the future S2 threads.



>bitch needs 2 tops because of how big her tits are

Do Tekos friends get more screentime in the manga?

They come to visit.

Well, unlike some other feelgood shows, I didn't much care about this one. There was much to dislike in both MCs; one was a wet noodle, the other was a raging idiot. However it had enough boob and butt service that I wathced through it. Keyword being watched; half the time I wasn't paying attention to subtitles as I had more important things to do, like ordering my manga downloads.


What chapter if it's not a bother please.

It's a bother.

Of course the purest form of love is different from disgusting males.


Literally nothing this mangaka writes is yuri and always has males and females getting together. Yurifags are just delusional and yurifag directors try to play into that. Try reading the manga sometime.

Actually fuck this, dropped.

Good riddance.

Maybe I'll actually catch up and finish S1 now. Though I was a little turned off by all the yuri. I'm not opposed to it, but I wanted cute high school girls scuba diving from this, not lesbians doing lesbian things in the water.




>yurifags do this
>wonders why everyone laughs at them
Why do you enjoy being on the same tier as shippers?

Cool, now I really will give another try.

>being on the same tier as shippers?
But they are shippers. They're the worst of the shippers right up there with fujos. That's why everyone hates them,

Stop samefagging hetshitter.
Just because the author's shitty writing supports your twisted views doesn't make this asspull any less inexcusable.

You see. This is why no one like you.

Typical yurifag.


S2 will almost certainly cover the Peter arc as well and thats very het.


They dont have to be like that though. They could just like gay girls and accept it when there is straight couples. We could even be their friends

You can't save them. They're far too delusional.

>They could just like gay girls and accept it when there is straight couples. We could even be their friends
I can't tell if you're optimistically naive because you're new, or if you're just actually retarded. The .gif you posted just confuses me on this even more.

there are scans beyond 56? which group?

I know there are raws floating around.

Doesn't everyone deserve to be saved?
What do you mean?


There's a french one apparently.

Picked up.


Not something I was expecting but cool.

This is quite wonderful news.

I want to make an honest woman out of sensei!

I want to form a harem exclusively with Amanchu girls.

How much luck did I burn out this week?
I got perfect marks in all my exams and now this.

I'm gonna die soon, aren't I.

user, ...

Athena's seiyuu is dead
Her singing voice, too

You can't die until April for maximum irony. Get your affairs in order.

The BD had an average sales of like 2.4k I believe. Really low. And the manga didn't get much of a boost either since the anime (still selling about 70-80k per volume). Maybe the publisher threw tons of money at the production committee to make them make another season to raise manga sales again.

More diving is a good thing.
More butts is a good thing.
More sensei is a good thing.

It's another "Multiple people disagree with me, it's a samefag" episode.

Satou Junichis ability to get shows made is impressive.

Maybe they'll actually dive this season.

>Anime didn't sell particulary well
>Didn't increase the manga sales that much
>Still got a 2nd season
Is this the power of autism?

>Not ok with sexualizing Aria
>But ok with sexualizing the Amanchus
I honestly don't know why, but the Amanchus feel more lewd.

they lewd themselves

The arias were turbo lewd too, you'd have to be blind not to notice.

There might be a change coming. We can only hope.
