I urge all britbongs to sign and spread this petition everywhere. If we get 100k signatures Parliament has to debate Free Speech.

Create a Freedom of Speech Act and Bring an End to "Hate Speech" laws

Attached: C46YYTuW8AQYpki.jpg (1200x730, 173K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I would sign if I were a bong. Godspeed you crooked toothed bastards

Bump as well.

make the petition but don't stop there, end the anarcho-tyranny before the shitskin uprising that the queen wants to see before she croaks

>no guns
>no knives
>armed with petitions

good luck with that.

((((((((((((GROSSLY OFFENSIVE)))))))))))))))



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Bumping, i wish there was more i could do about it.

The UK has now given context to context and refused to understand what context is.

it will only backfire and cause them to crack down even more.


Godspeed britbros. These are truly dark times

wow, 23k signations already.

What punishment did he get?

Nope. I would've executed him.

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>If we get 100k signatures Parliament has to debate Free Speech.

Yeah I can see that already

>anyone in favor of nazis?

Haha get fucked you scum

The first battle of the great meme war has been lost, brothers

I signed it multiple times I had to look for zipcodes for London and Cambridge u.k.
And check off the box I'm a British citizen.

Just look up u.k. zipcodes for Cambridge u.k. and click your a u.k. citizen.

Attached: pressfforbritain.png (508x632, 53K)

Pick a zip code from Cambridge u.k. or London check your a citizen and use a sock puppet email account so you can confirmed you signed the link.

hear hear

Bump for justice!

Spread this pic related

Attached: dankula.png (770x1070, 576K)

Give me a tl;dr

Some guy on the internet exposed his retardedness and got fined for it or something

U.k. police are cowards

his girlfriend was going on about how their dog was so cute, so he made a video where he conditions his dog to offer his paw when he says "sieg heil". Now he's been convicted of hate speech.

Is the internet planning anything in response?

International day of offense....?


this retarded degen belongs in jail. Fuck em

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> training a dog to get excited when you say "do you want to gas the jews" is a pretty cuntish thing to do - but that's probably not the only reason they convicted him.

> The guy himself is a far right piece of shit who hangs out with a bunch of american alt-right dickheads.

> His political views definitely played a part in his sentencing, it makes it seem less like a harmless joke and more like what it was, an attempt to normalise this type of humour.


Good luck, bongs

You bongs have lost my respect. Pakis have raped your girls for forty years, your police arrest you and not the terrorists your women welcome into your country and you have no means to take it back.
I hope you sort yourselves out but you are a fallen nation to me.

>his gf
Fuck my life

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>Pick a zip code from Cambridge u.k. or London check your a citizen and use a sock puppet email account so you can confirmed you signed the link.
I think they actually contact you to confirm when we reach 100K.

>You bongs have lost my respect
Have you checked who your president is lately?

>lost my respect
>keeps their niggers
You never had ours to begin with.

A literal communist thought it would be funny to teach his dog a "nazi salute" and got BTFO for it

20th March, International "Offend a Faggot" Day

I sure wouldn't want to have gauged ears in prison. So glad I'm not a faggot. Free Dankula though.

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Merkel, Hans.
I wasn't alive when slavery ended, nor was I when Malcom X brought up blacks making their own nation. You're alive right now and have no means beyond petitions that can be ignored because muh Russian botnets.

Women don't welcome them into the country, on the whole our women are centre right, it's just that leftie imbeciles make the news as their views are deemed 'acceptable'.

>muh MLK Jr. Day
Negroids have been raping your women for decades and you granted them full citizenship
Can't wait to watch monkey hoops tonight, eh?
Tyrone is fucking huge!

You forgot to include this

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>durrr durrr the principles of our bill of rights dont matter if they do things i dont like
fucking faggot you should get noosed


is that all you fucks got? You aren't going to get anything done with some shitty fucking petition bruv

sentencing deferred until April


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>sign my peition

Because that does so much good. We need people fucking pushing back against this shit. Why aren't people going down to the police station and causing fucking problems? No govt is afraid of your e-slacktivism. They only fear what any govt fears: warm, angry bodies stirring against them.

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So why is Sup Forums supporting this guy?

It's only ever the ones that act like cunts that get in this kind of trouble it's really their own fault. Nobody outside of the internet will care.

Freedom of speech is paramount.

Yeah fuck it, should start spreading that he was head of a combat18 group and is trying to indoctrinate children into violent neonazi gangs

Because celebrating him going to jail would also land many in Sup Forums in jail beneath the same principles you stupid fucking faggot. Does it actually need to be explained? Are you that fucking stupid?

bump. good first step, but that's all it is.

i knew he was a dumb fuck not worth caring about before i saw all the commie shit based on his faggot ass piercings.

he shouldn't be jailed on principal, but if it were to happen to someone, im glad its him.

communist sympathisers.

He supports scottish nationalism which puts him much closer to NazBol

>if you aren't willing to deny human rights to certain people you agree with their worldview
Why are the Pakinglishtanis so fucking stupid?


I just did. I made up a name, googled a random Plymouth postal code, and verified with my own e-mail.
> Your signiture has been added to the petition!


I hope he does go to jail, because it's the only way we can finally get rid of brit/pol/.

He's been tried under Scottish law, Parliament has no power to do anything about this. Does the Scottish Parliament have anything similar?

>human rights
please tell me you are joking.

>defending freedom of speech is sympathizing with communism

Seriously, when are the simultaneous civil wars going to kick off so we can get this show on the road and start hanging people like this shill?

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>not making the hashtag #GasTheJews

lmao, get fucked nazi

You should be the first to be drawn and quartered.

I know it may seem strange and foreign to a literal subhuman that doesn't have any in his shithole country.

the scottish wont do anything, they're all faggots

larping moron

Should? Must. Always kill a traitor before an enemy.

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Fuck off memeflag, sniggers didn't start raping white women several years after we granted them cittizenship. We used to destroy their whole section if there was even a rumor of it.

This isn't going to create freedom of speech which is a Euro issue. We were being prepped to merge sovereignty with Europe and Europe has gone to the most extreme totalitarian laws in europes most totalitarian countries and dressed up the laws as being liberal.
It's a slight of hand trick to create a new USSR.
It's also totally illegal for them to have brought in these laws from Europe, illegal under our common law which parliament or monarchs can't change but which they just suddenly started ignoring after a thousand years of common law being supreme.
I'll sign whatever but the problem isn't any one any law can fix.
I've just seen that the constitution in America can't be broken so they just redefine the words .. 'assault weapons'.
Only removing the civil service, the current criminal polical parties and admitting openly the power of the media and what it's really for will actually fix our world.
Only holding your own freedom by force keeps you free.

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We do actually have the right to freedom of speech in English law. Article 10 ECHR.

At first I was like:
>Article 10 – Freedom of expression
>1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.
But then I was like:
>2. The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.

tl;dr: absolutely fucking worthless

Did he get hard time?

Not surprising desu wrongthink is serious shit.

this hurt the 6 million my friend! you must know this!

I have diagnosed you with mental retardation, my prescription is a free helicopter ride

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2 months

He's a commie. He can get fucked

Sentencing is on April 23, looks like he might get tagged

wtf i love hate speech laws now

I tell you a secret

i don't have to justify anything to mutts.

>Only removing the civil service, the current criminal polical parties and admitting openly the power of the media and what it's really for will actually fix our world.


>Only holding your own freedom by force keeps you free.

Plan B becomes more feasible than Plan A. This is why I advocate for anyone in the US to ignore gun control laws. Hoard all the military grade hardware you can. Buy or make a few bump stocks just to show that you can and will.

If your govt is stripping your of their rights; ignore their toothless rules and strip them of their authority. Treat them and their lackeys like the unlawful despots that they are: at the end of whatever weapon you happen to have access to.Govt don't just get to do whatever they want without repercussion.

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16D chess

Yea you would you fucking faggot, when you can't debate someone rationally you commie fucks resort to silencing opposition by either killing them by the millions or de-platforming them, nothing says "diversity is a good thing" quite like a lack of diversity of opinion.
If you can't come up with a rational counter argument to debate someone, then you clearly haven't got a logically thought through argument to begin with and have to resort to violence, like the fucking animals you are.

Not anymore he's not

free speech you faggot.

follow your leader and put a bullet in your head



Not an argument, bootlicker. There's a reason why we are "citizens" and you are "subjects".

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Pakis celebrating their lack of autonomy should shut the fuck up

So you really are so far gone you're as dumb as a woman.


what happened with the dog, did the lock it as well?

whiter than you muhammed.

This is the guy who brought the charges against him.

Attached: them.jpg (179x180, 12K)

Better watch your little faggot mouth, you pig, or your subhuman animal ass is going to get thrown in prison.