Fellow leftists, how do we stop the nra? What we know
>they personally oversee every school shooting in America
>they're responsible for gangs getting guns
>they use brainwashing rays to make Americans like guns
>they teach parents to leave their guns where children can get them
>they run Washington
>the president is their puppet
>funded completely by russians
>main cause of global warming
Fellow leftists, how do we stop the nra? What we know
Other urls found in this thread:
An acronym can only be defeated by another acronym! Join the NAMBLA!
Oh, dude. Your bait is below sub-standard.
Your retarded and your shits all gay
5 year member, reporting.
Just got my hat in the mail.
If you all kill yourselves with guns, the NRA will have no choice but to disband.
We should build tge wall around /pol.
The NRA is already falling apart. The old members are dying off, the young people don't want to be associated with a group for gun nuts, and they have increasingly ignored their members in favor of pushing more gun industry talking points. They are no longer about safety and reponsibility, they are about stoking fear and hatred to sell more guns.
Basically, just let the jews running the thing run it into the ground. No real reason to worry about the NRA anymore.
t. doesn't know what bait is
I'm an NRA membership,
It makes you more American
Why do you soyboys hate freedom?
Saged, fuck off
Fucking auto correct
Ban all fully auto correcting phones
No wonder boomers can't shoot worth shit. How do you ever get decent if you're shooting 4 different handguns every time you go to the range.
The NRA also was the group to introduce background checks for guns,and also advocated to have guns confiscated from people that aren't even criminals.Oh noes,a person is depressed and owns a gun!The world is going end!!I thought I liked the NRA until I found out a lot of info that made them look like the absolute bad guy that're against law abiding citizens owning guns.The NRA has made it possible for our govt. to easily label a person as an unofficial criminal just for some depression that happened years ago.
If you support the NRA,you support the infringement of our 2nd Amendment,and the disarming of citizens that aren't criminals nor have a criminal background.
Kill yourself with a gun and then have one of your friends go on TV and bitch about it
>with our elite tactical warriors
Education, most gun owners cling to guns out of fear and ignorance of the world around them.
Link that shit nigga
> Stop the NRA
Lifetime member here, in addition to membership in a few other pro-gun groups. We only grow more powerful as you try to stop us.
Understand, modern American gun culture didn't really exist in 1990. Back in the day, it was expected that many households would have a gun, usually a simple rifle or shotgun, maybe a handgun. But there wasn't a whole culture of people who went to the range every weekend, or who enjoyed long-distance shooting or gun customization. Even with the violent films of the 70s and 80s glorifying gun use, that was still seen as clearly in the realm of action movie fun, not something to aspire to. The NRA was a gun safety organization the taught marksmanship to boy scouts and showed Eddie Eagle videos to children.
Side note, "gun culture" in this context doesn't include gangs or other thugs, and it makes you look stupid to conflate the two.
The 1994 AWB was when you blew your load. You came for everything, loudly and visibly, and succeeded in temporarily banning all the best guns. The AR-15 wasn't widely known or owned for forty years after its invention in 1960, but when the AWB expired it was just the most visible of all the guns bought during ten years of pent-up freedom blueballs.
It's self-sustaining now. I go to the range twice a month and it's full of young people, women, minorities, openly gay shooters, parents with children. Everyone from every demographic enjoys it. Cry all you want about the NRA, but men in NRA coats and hats are out every weekend helping your supposed future voters clear a jam or obtain a carry permit. Girls who have never touched a gun are practically jumping with excitement for their first time. It's everywhere now. You created it. And gun rights are the gateway drug to a lot of red pills.
How do you affordable health care?
By realizing that NRA contributions to protect gun rights are a fraction of what the pharmaceutical and health care industries contribute to prevent you getting affordable health care coverage. One mainly to the right, the other mainly to the left (guess which one based on who they want you to target)
How Leftists Can Stop the NRA:
-don’t propose gun bans
-don’t propose new laws restricting gun ownership
-encourage more mental healthcare so people won’t snap and go violent
-take poverty reducing measures in inner cities, give gang members paying jobs so they don’t have to resort to crime and the violence that comes with it
-muzzle Feinstein and beat her furiously with soap bars wrapped in towels every time she proposes a new gun law
-realize there is no “gun show loop hole”
-realize “assault weapons” are obfuscating language, and an AR-15 =\= M-16.
-sever all ties with Brady orgs and Bloomberg/Soros money
-respect the 2nd ammendment for reals and not just lip service
TL;DR- lefties can stop the NRA by not being anti-gun
There's a certain love-hate relationship with the NRA and hardcore gun guys. On the one hand, the NRA stood it's ground pretty staunchly after Sandy Hook. They're the largest gun group out there, and they have somewhat effective PR in the form of Dana Loesch and Colion Noir (that they unfortunately underuse).
On the other hand, the NRA has made plenty of mistakes in the past -- even the recent past. They were all-too willing to cave in on bump stocks. They were for almost every gun control act up until the late 70's. Part of their board of members (the ones that can't get voted out easily) don't go to meetings, or say stupid shit like what Marion Hammer says.
So yeah, it'd be nice if the NRA were more unified, less wishy washy on certain topics, and came out more to help places like California and New Jersey.
The NRA may be a son of a bitch, but it's our son of a bitch. And if I had to choose between anti-gun leftists or a wobbly NRA, I go NRA without any hesitation.
Just search for "NRA store"
They have the coolest shit
Nicely put, brother
1776 will commence
By going more than once a year you idiot.
Sounds like GOA is your group.
As a gun owner, go right ahead and stop the NRA, more gun owners are waking up to the only REAL no nonsense gun lobby. GOA
Checked.You're absolutely correct!You hit the nail right on the head.GOA actually protects our 2nd Amendment,even taking measures as far as to go to the SCOTUS just for someone to be able to keep their civil rights to own a gun.GOA wins in these types of cases.Honestly,I'm one of those cases.I don't want to go into details or anything personal.I'll just say I was labeled a criminal without ever committing a crime or harming someone,and I had been disarmed without being a gun owner.Hurts bad when you grow up in a family of war heroes,and huntsmen and the NRA made it so if you had a minor past with some "emotional displacement" they don't want you owning a gun.So,FUCK THE NRA!
>implying leftists here do anything other than raid/troll
Some people may say that these kids marching dont know what they are talking about with gun control.
But they do. Everyday they are the ones who have to go to school in fear that. We need to march until guns are gone!
Get ready for a LONG fucking march. Better bring your teddy bear.
Why would you chimps want to stop the NRA? They're openly calling for more gun control. They helped write the National Firearms Act and pretty much every other gun law on the books.
They are America's largest gun control organization.
We should have another occupy wallstreet movement, but in the capital. We need another successful grass-roots demonstration to really push this issue to the level of civil rights.
My mother always said to ignore them and they'll go away.