>A record number of Americans are now millionaires, new study shows. There are more millionaires than ever in the United States. As of the end of 2016, there were a record 10.8 million millionaires nationwide, according to a new study from Spectrem Group's Market Insights Report 2017.
>A record number of Americans are now millionaires, new study shows. There are more millionaires than ever in the United States. As of the end of 2016, there were a record 10.8 million millionaires nationwide, according to a new study from Spectrem Group's Market Insights Report 2017.
Are there millionaires on Sup Forums?
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1 in 7 white families are now millionaires. For black families, it’s 1 in 50.
Checking in, what you need? I am not rich, merely very successful.
in pretty sure millionaires only talk to other millionaires
at best Sup Forumss mostly middle class
I am a millionaire online.
Do you accept shitcoins?
maybe if blacks stopped doing drugs, getting arrested and then got a job to stop their welfare income then maybe just maybe blacks will have a little bit more money.
Yeah, except I run my business out of California so for every Mil I make the steal $550,000.
Fucking Commies. Principalities n sheeit.
Any Indonesian able to browse Pol is basically a millionaire
Keep in mind, "millionaire" does not mean having a million dollars in the bank, just ready to go at any time.
Yeah but think of all the good you're doing. You're paying welfare for about ~450 illegals.
More soon!
honestly doesn't seem that hard to become a millionaire. if you and your partner make $75k each then ~25 years down the line you're basically ""millionaires"" if you don't spend like retards
thats actually not surprising considering the value (purchasing power) of a dollar is less than its ever been too.
A million bucks ain't what it used to be.
If I'd save up for the next two decades or so.
My parents are multimillionaires. I'm a NEET with a failed I.T. career.
Made a fuckton on Cryptos though.
Richard Spencer used to shitpost here
I barely make 300.000 pesos a month which is around 100 dollars in exchange.
but $$$ has devalued a lot
I'm a literal millionaire.
..in SEK.
I’m a thousand-aire. Does that count?
“Millionaire” doesn’t mean anything close to what it used to. Figure a couple making $25k each (absolute shit money) they’ll earn a million dollars in a mere 20 years.
How many goats do you own,.
Yes, but that's just increased the likelihood that a random polack who reads this thread a millionaire. What's your point? And yes, it's still a lot of money.
>a couple which earns $25k is going to earn a million
Kek, this will never happen, since they won't bee able to save money. You can still buy a mansion for a million.
My point is “millionaire” means jack shit anymore. That’s upper-middle class.
Around 500.
I run a casino and some hedgefunds in eastern europe, also jewish master race, AMA.
Casinos are banned in Eastern Europe, you lying gyp.
just wait till hyper inflation, we'll all be millionaires.
Are they good looking?
I'm not but my dad is. Actually kind of sucks because he's a controlling asshole, and now I'm just trying to gain financial independence as soon as possible so I never have to talk to him again.
This. That's why we are all using debt cards so we don't need a wheelbarrel of cash to buy groceries.
You filthy romanian never been to a casino? you poor little shit, I also buy and sell some of your women in bucharest
That's still degenerate.Even in Eastern Europe.On the other hand,would you mind telling me if donkeys are a good replacement?
Who are (((you))) fighting against,my (((non-Romanian))) friend?
I would let my dad control me as much as he wants to if he was a successful man with money and not a loser with a shit job who tries to earn money on PTC site. I hate my parents so much, because they are fucking poor. I wish they never had me, so I didn't have to suffer.
Don't let your father control you.I always tell my kids not to follow my ideas,as they should come up with their own and they might not be viable in the future.
mine is sort of the same way. Not uber rich but makes about $500k a year. I never talk to him anymore though.
I'm a millionaire by net worth, income wise only barely make six figures but no debt so life is pretty good.
I fucking love Sup Forums and I am a billionaire cunt.
I'm barely a millionaire, on pol, 22 years old. I don't ever play golf because it costs too much. lol. I'm a millionaire simply because I bought real estate and crypto and don't spend money, but keep investing every penny I can find.
Old fag here. Have over a million in liquidable but not in cash. You millennial cucks are doomed if you think a million is a lot of money. It is not enough to retire now and isn't going to get any cheaper to live.
I mean I'm not gonna say its the worst thing ever having a rich dad because there's some obvious perks but there's plenty of other stuff too I think you might be missing.
>unironically emailed me a reddit link explaining why soy doesn't affect your testosterone when I never even brought the topic up to him
>runs into your room and screams at you if you sleep past 11 when you come home
>won't pay for your college tuition if you get anything below a B
>will walk in on you undressing or taking a shower without regard for your privacy
>very strict parental controls on wifi despite my youngest brother being 16 so better get used to fapping to music videos or figuring out what vpn's work when you're home for the holidays
>gets really drunk on the weekends and acts really pathetically and degenerate despite only being around his wife and kids
>anything that costs a lot of money loses all value to you because you know you could get it without any effort (actually might be good because lack of materialism)
>Cuckservative incarnate
>donates thousands of dollars to the Jeb Bush campaign
>still things George Bush was the best president ever
>won't help you get a White House internship despite literally being frends with a department secretary
>will scream at you if you say anything mildly sexist or racist
>can't fully reveal your beliefs or he'll threaten not to pay for your college tuition
there's definitely tons of other stuff I'm leaving out too
Over a million in assets, but still very middle class
call him a faggot
if he does that privacy interrupting shit again fucking punch him, shove him and get in his face
You are an adult man, set boundaries and if he breaks them use the ultimate authority, from which all other authority descends
If you can't live with that keep getting whipped with a towel in the shower or whatever you pussy
Mine was making around that much at his old job. He said he made more then the President which is around $400,000. He hasn't ever said what his yearly salary is at his current job but I definitely suspect its around a million if not above it.
I don't talk to mine either much thankfully. Is he also really controlling and disrespectful to your mom too?
Millionaires are poor.
>virtual money
Why the hell wouldn't you just incorporate in nevada?
>1 in 7 white families are now millionaires
>I'm one of the 6
feels bad
HHAHAHHA cashed out in 2017.
Closed my fund, became a billionaire. 1.24b was my take...200m was my initial investment.
Keep dreaming of being free
Depends on where you live, right? Mississippi looks very /comfy/. Tropical overseas countries even more so.
True, better to live in a tropical paradise than live amongst the pleb cunts. No self respecting wealthy person wants to live in the western world.
You can plug in any numbers you want into that app.
>being such a fucking spoiled brat
Be thankful that you were born into wealth and your father is not poor trash who is still controlling and annoying and DOESN'T HAVE money to pay for your tuition or your food, so you have to work since you are 14 and still live shit.
Person with money = valuable and respected
Person without money = disposable biological trash
As simple as that.
He hasn't done that since I was a teenager. I had a fight with him during my senior year of highschool and the cunt got so assblasted he threw a metal ball at me while I was on the toilet (thankfully has a shitty arm so he missed) and then ran away. Literally didn't talk to him for about 5 months after that.
Also left out he's even more controlling with my mom (haven't seen any evidence that he's physically abused her or I'd bring that shit to the police). He'll also every once in a while threaten to get a divorce, one time on vacation and we didn't want to wake up at 6 am to do his dumb shit. Another time while I was at college where my mom made a joke about him being fat, and then he threatened to divorce her and then locked her out of their bedroom.
So do it...
You can LARP, I don't need to. Ask biz, I gave away 100k at Christmas and New Year until some cunt reported me and got me banned for a week
CA has location operations reqs that even if you are out of state you have to declare here.
A family friend owns a car dealership here but lives in Cambodia, so he checks in on his business once in a while and otherwise lives in a tropical paradise with a new girlfriend as soon as the old once realizes that he won't marry her.
just come to the US, larp about how diverse you are, and get a contract for a bridge. so easy a floridian can do it.
If you actually have a decent net worth and your politics aren't right wing you're either a gigantic cuck or just stupid.
You're a europoor though, don't you get tons of free shit?
Respect and wealth is a bit overrated I think, just from my experience. I would've preferred to have grown up middle class in some small town I think, where I'm not poor and never have to worry about going hungry, but I don't get everything I want and my dad isn't such a dick.
The conception of a millionaire being fuck off wealthy is no longer a reality.
T. A multi millionare
>why the hell would you locate in CA
For sure, when I cashed out in 2017, I purchased a 2 million dollar property in South America. I spend 3 months over there and travel the rest of the time. When I get bored, I will move to another "shithole".
I promised myself I would never live in snow, ever again. I fucking hate it
woah dude calm down.
no it is enough to live on, you just still have your boomer luxury-as-standard ideology. 5% yoy return on a 2 million investment is $100k/year, you aren't fooling anyone boomer.
Let's be honest here. The worst type of millionaires are the poor people who suddenly gain loads of money somehow and want to live like some reality star.
LOL...I don't need to be stressed anymore, I am free.
Hard to avoid with how much commerce is done here, but becoming easier.
millionaire checking in. thanks cryptocurrency
Amen bro
Crypto put me in another league.
Congrats, I want to do something like this.
I agree with user's sentiments, and would add the problems that exist in modern American society in general.
I never reveal how much money I have to normies. I did at first, but in the end they all just ask for a "small loan" for some stupid business idea. Fuck off.
thanks, you just need the balls to pull a smart move and know when to get the fuck out.
I closed my fund in 2017 cause I knew that crypto would be taken down a peg or two. When I cashed out, I told other people to do the same but they were dreaming of so much more. That is the fatal mistake. Know when to hold em, known when to fold em
not always bad, some normies have great fucking ideas. I have banked a few great ideas and I don't regret.
Yes, and I worked my ass off in the blue collar world to get there.
user I just need a million. It'll be the greatest deal you've ever made in your life.
Amen to you brother, you are the ones that deserve it most and know not to squander.
Most union tradesmen retire millionaires
what is your idea? If it makes sense, I will do business with you.
an average lithuanian only earns 7000 per year
if you're not larp, im not on your level. i have about 1.1 million right now. good for me though. i will say that getting that money has some negative consequences that i didn't think would happen. a lot of old friends started asking for loans to make rent and stuff like that. It also comes from friends i told to invest in crpto years ago (they didnt), so i find myself being resentful of bailing them out of their financial problems now. i'm starting to see why rich people only hang out with rich people.
I think Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt are the textbook examples, even though they are indeed reality stars. An interesting read on how they wasted 10 fucking millions in no time.
Kill him
just don't tell them you've got the money, don't brag about it, be smart
>they all just ask for a "small loan" for some stupid business idea.
Because all poor, unsuccessful people are looking to start a business.
More than likely they want to buy shit and party.
That's what losers do.
Of course not. If you were a millionaire the last place you'd visit is Sup Forums.
Implying that there are no redpilled people among milliners. Richard Spencer is worth almost 200 million dollars.
i bet you would be surprised
Only people I've ever loaned money to, and they never payed me back.
bleh... cats out of the bag. i got too excited when i made it to a million and told some people. word got around. i shouldn't have said anything.
I had to stop talking to my dad cause he fucked up big time and kept asking me for money. So many of my dumb ass friends also were set aside. I have 2 really great friends that I helped out and invested in their ideas, the rest I avoid like the plague. You are right, when you do make it , people will come out of the wood work. I am lucky because I got married before hitting the , so I know my wife is not a shallow cunt but I know quite a few dudes that got fucked by friends, family and bitches.
It is lonely on top unless you know who your real friends are. I don't hang around with rich people, they are the worst. I keep my old friends but won't deny them help because I know who the are and what they mean to me.
My childhood friend just had twins...two boys. He is worried about their education, so I made a trust fund for them. Very fun shit. They can get up to 100% bonus on their salary. If they work minumum wage, I double their salary, not a cent more HAAHAHH
I am a billionaire and love to shoot the shit with Sup Forums maniacs. Have been addicted to this place for years, I won't give up on you cunts.
I'm sure there are, but have you seen what's being posted here? 90% of the threads are garbage shitposts
>Richard Spencer is worth almost 200 million dollars.