How was your day, fellow Flemishfags?
Vlaanderen thread
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Warning to all Flemish posters: don't disclose any personal information or information about political groups you are active in on Sup Forums. Some faggot on twitter and tumblr is trying to doxx/expose Flemish Sup Forumsacks.
Just so you know.
Annexeer wanneer?
I have belgian ancestry, will you accept me as one of your own?
nice try muhhamad
You meme country should just be absorbed into France.
Issnt the flemish lion actually just a lil cute kitten that needs petting?
It's true, probably a few percent. Walloonian though, is that a problem?
i think the dutch are trying to absorb the flanders. dont you agree?
>You meme country should just be absorbed into France.
fuck off burger, don't meddle in shit you don't understand
Groot Nederland
>Walloonian though, is that a problem?
No problem at all my somali friend
Found the Walloon.
Redpill me on wallonians
some sort of special northern frenchies.
So I'm part french?
in the sense that you speak it maybe. not sure what you are by blood though. do you even know?
walen buiten
yeah another irrelevant commie retard
Pure scandinavian with a wallonian ancestor on my dads side a few hundred years back.
my fellow netherbretheren
we must purge all those who are francophone
Saigne pour moi chienne
>Redpill me on wallonians
!Generalisation alert! They're just corrupted communist parasites that who working. Apart from that they're harmless.
Amay, hoe gaan we ons bevrijden van de Eeuwige Franstalige?
the walloons arent bad people. Just a lot of butthurt at the language border on both sides, people getting mad cause they ordered something in a store in the other language, little things like that. Sad really, All will be gone soon anyway, English main language.
You are a swede. Stop trying to erase your identity and nationality. Patetiska avskum.
Come on dude...stop making us look like retards..
Vlaanderen! Also, fuck the french.
Ta det lungt, jag är inte ens seriös. Stolt svensk NMR-supporter.
Bra, jag är bara trött på svenskar som försöker hävda att de är något annat för att verka mer spännande och exotiska istället för att vara stolta över det de är.
I think of them as degenerated Flemings.
Genetically there's barely a difference and lots of Flemish people have a Walloon ancestor.
The problem is Wallonia suffers from poverty/ cultural degeneration which is why most of them are hard leftists/lazier than Flemings.
bart posting
Bart was schattiger toen hij nog dik was.
Deze man kan je gewoonweg niet Hitler noemen.
>han röstar på NMR
Lycka till med din bortkastade röst
Halva "svensk" befolkningen är ju snart icke etniska svenskar. Snart är det vi som är exotiska. Hemska tanke.
So sick of white cultural degeneration. Any opposition worth mentioning in Belgium?
AfS 2018
Sant, men dessa degenererade blandraser har ingen rätt att hävda svenskt ursprung.
big bart best bart
Wallonians aren't bad but the thing is that their region is totally corrupted. Clientelism is the way of things down there. The people are addicted to welfare and Flemish monies and keep on voting for socialist mafia-politicians that end up using their terms to loot all over the place. Wallonia is a political wasteland, they hardly have a right wing party.
what do you think of walloons
Lyckligtvis gör de inte det heller. Mest media som ständigt tjatar om att de är svenskar.
What about overall?
they have liberal on federal level now though, even prime minister.
(((median))) försöker smutskasta allt som är svenskt för att vi lättare ska svälja deras kulturmarxistiska världsbild.
MR is not right wing user.
Jo, jag är väl medveten. Hoppas Sverige förbättras innan vi blir som UK.
it's liberal blue though. Like VLD, not socialist
You're a literal mutt user.
So the fuck what. They still want to accomodate migrants and polute our spirits with all kinds of degenercay.
More pure than you'll ever be. Europeans on the continent have been fucking each other through wars for thousands of years. That's the perk of living on a peninsula that is hard to reach. Mutt.
Been to Flanders last year. To think that this gem of Europe will fall into Ahmed's hands soon hurts my heart
Det tror jag, vi har inte förlorat innan vi gett upp hoppet.
why is Flanders called "Flanders"? Because there is also a Brabant and Limburg region...
They don't have a link to the Flemish nationalist story, their history is different and independent. For example they fought with the French army against the Flemish in 1301
Att ge upp är inget alternativ.
Seger eller valhall
nooit :p keeskopkes. Enige mogelijkheid is als een Confederatie met NL, niet anders, zo blijven we economisch onafhankelijk.
New York was created by flemish people, NOT the dutch cucks Look it up, they all came from Antwerp and spoke flemish dialects.
>t. Benjamin scared to lose his welfare
only 1 right wing party, Parti Populaire
It's ok user
Somalia is indeed on a peninsula.
New York flies these colours you cunt.
leave wallonia to get cucked by the leftist netherlands majority.... no thanks
Dutch people have always tried to steal the Glory of the Zuidelijke Nederlanden. Toll for ships wanting to go to Antwerp, Bombing of Oostende because of the canal to Bruges, ...
Belgische vergetelheid
Men mag zich afvragen waarom de werkelijke omstandigheden rond het ontstaan van New York zijn nog steeds bijna onbekend in België.
De schoolboeken en geschiedenisboeken zijn stom over dit onderwerp. Onlangs nog, "Génies en herbe" (Groene geniën), een spel georganiseerd door de RTBF (Belgische Franstalige Radio en Televisie) en die verschillende scholen in concurrentieslag zet, vroeg aan de kandidaten wie de stichter van New York was. De zogezegde correcte antwoord was... Peter Stuyvesant. Een antwoord die veel verteld over de vergetelheid waarin de voorouders van de deelnemers... en organisatoren zijn geraken!
Deze vergetelheid kan zich verklaren op verschillende wijzen. Hier is er één die aannemelijk blijkt te zijn: de stichters van New York warend Waalse en Vlaamse protestanten, België zijnde katholiek, en het onderwijs zijnde lang beïnvloed door de Roomse Kerk, men mag veronderstellen dat deze die periode uit onze geschiedenis opzettelijk heeft verborgen.
Na drie honderd vijfentachtig jaar, blijkt dat de Waalse en Vlaamse protestanten nog geen vergeving van de Roomse Kerk hebben gekregen.
Rancunes kunnen soms hardnekkig zijn...
niggers and mudslimes everywhere. breddy bad desu famlam
Fucking Belgian the Netherlands is already bad and Belgium is a nuclear wasteland compared to us.
Interessant, dank je voor dat.
great, as if I wasn't paranoid enough already.
>in de commentaar post
het is *in de opmerking paalt*
You wish.
Keep sucking that scheming jew's cock while they keep undermining whites and drown us in shitskins under the pretense of being flemish nationalists.
Just don't be so stupid to talk about yourself or your surroundings. This should be common knowledge but apparently for some people it's not.
Either way, he can post all the screenshots he wants to discredit certain people or organizations. In the end it's all worthless anyway.
I am a 13 year old Somalian muslim girl from Antwerp.
And I hate jews.
Good to have you here!
>Confederatie met NL
Dan zou je Vlaanderen een land kunnen maken binnen het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden. (wat op zich helemaal geen slecht idee is.) Ik heb ook geen problemen met de status quo die we nu hebben, maar het is uiteindelijk jullie eigen keus of Vlaanderen wel of niet bij Nederland wil horen, niet die van ons. Een Nederlander zal je nooit horen zeggen dat hij Vlaanderen wil annexeren.
good, still looking for a job.. plz halp.
Limburg is irrelevant. Brabant is versnipperd geraakt tussen Nederland, "Vlaanderen" en Wallonië. Vlaanderen is het symbol van de opstand tegen de Franstalige overheersing en het is een van de dichtbevolkte Belgische gebieden. Daarbij wordt Brabant geassocieerd met het Belgische Koningshuis.
Ik wel, alleen ons leger kan ze waarschijnlijk niet eens aan.
Why is Gent so beautiful & cute and why is it filled with weird """humans"""?
Btw. where do i get the best fritten in Flandern.
>Belgische gebieden
I love your German dialect kaaskop
The BRABO man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.
Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his dark skin. This dark skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of africa, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The dark skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.
The BRABO man's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man
The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The BRABO penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the BRABO man the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent african seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the BRABO man impregnates.
In total, the BRABO man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.
All this is the reason why the BRABO man is the epitome of masculinity.
the main problem is that the real right wing parties in Wallonia are Unionist ones who rely heavily on support from the other side of the language border. That makes it really hard for them, especially against the commie elite parties there.
tfw I can what anything I want in english because most of my people, including the lefties, suck ass at foreign languages.
apparently the beste fritten you can find on the Place Flagey in Brussels
They are alright but nothing out of the ordinary, makes me wonder why they chose it.
(((Chuckles nervously)))