can this faggot go a week without a scandal
Can this faggot go a week without a scandal
These "scandals" would be blips on page 6 or not even reported on if Trump had a (D) next to his name. FAKE NEWS!
b-but they're not scandals! hillary is worse! libcucks mad! i-it's not like i believed him or anything i totally just voted for chaos!
can you go a newscycle without getting triggered?
what scandal? can you go twenty seconds without posting a slide thread for soros bux? can the media stop inventing non-existent scandals every three days?
I dunno, can OP go a day without sucking dick?
Maybe you should try not mentioning or thinking about Trump for a week. Would that be so difficult? You seem obsessed.
I like how this weeks "scandal" is something perfectly legal too.
Sure, when libtards stop fabricating them.
What's the scandal?
>a scandal
that's his way of life user. literally a stream of shit
Objectively, the 'scandals' are all nothing. The media and deep state are weaponised against him. Obama's presidency was far more 'scandalous', it's just that the media was on his side. It's an information war, and even normies largely understand this now.
Can the news stop slinging baseless shit at him for one second?
Don't they realize that it's only growing his popularity?
really nigga?
kys retard
the cambridge analytica scandal
What scandal? Fake news is not scandal faggot.
Report. do not reply.
That's false and you know it. Clinton got major backlash for the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Trump on the other hand has gotten almost nothing for the Stormy Daniels incident.
Obama would have gotten destroyed if he paired off a porn star to keep quiet about their affair.
ANOTHER RUSSIAN SHILL. Time to bomb you faggots.
Can you fags go a minute without seething? Kek
what scandal?
No, that was factually correct. You remember that time when Obama literally installed Al Queda in charge of Libya and everyone just pretended it didn't happen?
Or how about that time Obama said, outright, "you need to give up your religion and guns," and nobody even remembers that anymore?
Now Trump gets front page news for TWO SCOOPS
>can this faggot go a week without a scandal
You mean a propagandistic assault? That's on his enemies.
Wait he’s banging that poor girl at the White House, while he’s president? Also Obama is gay, couldn’t have happened to him.
No, he can't
I'm glad you agree with me that the Jews control the media
you are dumb, aren't you?
can this bitch go a week without a poop
why don't you go ranting with that to drumpf? you can post le memos here.
oh, the mainstream media released another hit piece? that's not a scandal. they are not the arbiters of what is and isnt a scandal, no matter how much they posture themselves into that role.
get off this board fag , you made a thread the other day complaining about every thread fag. stop saging or you will be perma banned
The jew recoils in fear
And you'll be gassed
They’d be blips if he was black
Because it didn't happen.
You listen to a washed up pornstar over our acting president.
Go jerk off more to her you scum, she turns my dick inside out with her slimy gold grabbing Jew claws.
>the cambridge analytica scandal
How is this a scandal? You do realize that the DNC had access to the same exact information?
Please. If Obama did any one of the idiotic things Trump has done, you and the rest of the Republican retards would be shutting themselves with rage.
Trump's lawyer cut her a check for 130k. There is a paper trail here, kind of hard to deny that it's false. Trump himself has said nothing about it being fake news. He has remained oddly silent about it.
Trump might be an idiot but on the other hand who gives a shit if he had sex with pornstars and paid them with his own money
>his own money
Reports say Trump took money from his election and used it to pay her......that is illegal by the way.
Bahahahahaha this
Can the media go a week without trying to create a scandal about Trump?
i dunno can you be a day without thinking about him
Next week on REAL WORLD. Next week on SURVIVOR. Next week on SPORTBALL.
Distractions. You didn't get shit done. Rigged fake and gay election. The CIA installs puppet governments at will across the entire world, but dewd this is the elekshun that chayngis evirythung!
Only an 18 year old faggot would think being accused of bullshit are "scandals"
>everyone who disagrees with me is a shill
kill yourself nigger
what's wrong with this
Liberals where probably sending him prostitutes before he was running for president.
>Trump makes a typo
Why would a billionaire need $130K of campaign funds to pay someone off
I wonder why magapedes aren't pissed off about that. He fucked a pornstar while married. For those with a strong christian morality they should be upset at Trump for cheating on his wife.
Can you kill yourself you disgusting sick faggot traitor?
Kill yourself you sick disgusting faggot traitor.
Kill yourself disgusting subhuman eurofag.
You are a fucking idiot. That was a trap set by Sup Forums and facebook fell right into it.
>This thing almost became leader of the free world
Really dodged a bullet there
> reddit magapede newfriend first time voters
> strong christian morality
>Man had sex
Wow what a fucking scandal.....
fuck off back to r*ddit, Sup Forums isn't one person.
What an elitist. Why can't he eat American mustard or ketchup like regular Americans?
Can you go a day without getting your panties in a bunch?
this, everybody here voted for him because he wants to deport the beans and mudslimes
"christian morality" lmao
Obama would've been impeached by now if any of the same shit had happened. $50 million+ was wasted on shit like benghazi and you couldnt find shit. Trump's been president for less than 2 years and there's already multiple indictments and plea deals from the faggots he works with. Can't wait to see the rest of his administration fall into pieces and hopefully rot in prison.
That's the $64,000 question. And because money is fungible, this "scandal" will dry up quicker than Hill's snatch
doesnt need to dumb nigger. He is winning always and forever. He only wins.
>tfw winning
What actual scandals?
If the media is having to find them and propagate them then how legit are they?
He did, we were, difference is the mainstream media didn't cover it. Sad!