Is sailor moon the most aesthetic anime of all time?

Is sailor moon the most aesthetic anime of all time?

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Definitely up there. The 90's was the peak of nips giving a fuck about the shows they produce.

Great but there are other 90s anime

Like what

Like Utena

But I already watched that one

user said aesthetic. Utena is not aesthetic. If you don't know what aesthetic means google it. It's a meme.

>toei anime
Fucks should learn how to shade and animate before you can call them aesthetic.

aesthetic =/= vaporwave aesthetic

There are different kinds of aesthetics.

They made pic related so I forgive them.

Why do they all have perky breasts?

OP is a faggot, so he obviously is talking about vaporwave.

Ikuhara worked on Sailor Moon. You're shitting on his aesthetic as a whole if you don't like Utena.


>OP posts something A E S T H E T I C from a series that is known for being A E S T H E T I C
>b-but he probably didn't mean THAT aesthetic

Sekko Boys

>the absolute state of your reading comprehension

Go project somewhere else. that screenshot like really REALLY erotic to anyone else?

user, I will call you autistic but I obviously don't mean THAT autistic that is usually used on the internet. I obviously mean its medical definition.


Punchline was aesthetic af sometimes
Bebop and lain are both aesthetic too

Didn't they censor that?

Mercury is my big tiddy aesthetic waifu.

If he wanted to be a meming fucktard he would have just used caps.

Aesthetic means basically "art" but without the dispute bomb about "but x is not an art", no you can't meme morph this, it's an important role and an important word. Utena still qualifies.

No nigger, that's Sekko Boys

Utena isn't art. It's actually good

It was Kiyohiko Azuma's style at the time. That's from a doujin by him. I think it's pretty cute.

>There are different kinds of aesthetics.

There's only two types of aesthetics: vaporwave-like and zyzz-like

Yes. You can really see her girlishness in that image.

Get a better waifu.


Serial Experiments Lain is the most aesthetic, but Sailor Moon wins the award for highest number of appearances in vaporwave videos I think.

Sailor Mars was the best girl.

I love Sailor Moon.

I really like that image, looks classic.



Queen of my heart.

How potheads latched onto Sailor Moon to further their music memes is beyond me, it's Utena that's full of trippy artworks and sequences.

Usagi > Rei > Ami > Minako > Mako

420chan got deleted or something? Crawl back to whatever hole you came from.

>muh shading meme
There's more to art than shading, kid.

There's more to food than the ingredients.

There's something unique about this show yeah.

Sailor Moon looks better and is a better show.

Probably because Utena is too obscure for the type of entry-level normalfags who create and consume this aesthetic vaporwave meme shit. Sailor Moon is perfect because it hits all of the Cartoon Network nostalgiafag buttons.


That's such a stupid analogy I think my IQ dropped.


Then why use it?

Food analogies are usually bad.


>Novice drug abuser
Goml kid
Studio 4c productions, mariaholic, ttgl movies, flipflappers all have at least 5x the aesthetic. Could easily name a dozen more

Best SM art director.

When I was young it never clicked to me Sailor Moon was for girls till I noticed the merchandise for it was mostly composed of make-up kits, the show itself is about teenage girls wearing fetishist uniforms fighting against monsters who steal hearts from girls, that looked very kinky to me.

No, it's not you idiot.


Whatever happened to that Toei reboot? Never watched because the quality screencaps were putting me off, did the reboot cover the entire manga or it flopped and got discontinued?

No, but it is far better looking than 90% of the CG crap from today. The 90s was the pinnacle of hand-drawn animation.


The original dub has some of the worst voice acting and delivery and cringiest dialogue I've ever heard for a TV show in general

They're making movies for the Dream/SuperS arc.

Jupiter is a better waifu

Someone post SM vaporware

>views somehow surpassed one million
It fluctuates a lot, some of these vaporwave / chillmix videos are just on the 50 thousand views mark and others have 1 million to 5 million.

I remember these types of people in like 2014

It's the coloring

The best art was in season 1 and 2, it was kinda like the original dragon ball where everything was round.

Apparently the S adaptation was good, but by then the damage had been done. I watched the first 9 episodes of Crystal and I was so bored and let down by the quality of the writing and art.

Then watch the original version, which had some of the best in the industry.



I love when Rei does her "cute" voice and the other girls get creeped out.


whats this?

R feels like it drags on forever. When does it get good?

does anyone remember scoobmoonbusters? If you don't, just the it in into Google images and you'll find some gold, even better if you go on the guy's DeviantArt account.

>When does it get good?
Once it changes to S

Good post, I'm convinced.

Guess I need to push through R and finish it as quickly as possible.

Just enjoy the filler.

Super S is much more of a slog. Have fun with that.

Ai City


How so?

Why isn't she wearing pants?

Super S and R are both fun. Although, maybe they're better on a rewatch when you know what to expect.
I also like Chibi-usa, so there's also that.

Vaporwave isn't about being "trippy", it's something else. You have to experience it for yourself to get it, but basically it's about taking the imagery of 80s and 90s nostalgia and combining them in odd ways to make them slightly distorted. And throwing in lots of purple and orange.

It's the only season where it feels like nothing is happening 90% of the time.

I like Chibi-usa too, but Super S was still really fucking dull.

>liking Youtube recommendation-tier weeb garbage music made by tactlessness hacks using FruityLoops

The same thing happened with me and Cardcaptors when I was little. I didn't realize it was supposed to be for girls until I saw the merchandise.

I never understood Mercury's theme.
Wasn't she like water element? Why that for a planet known for heat, speed, and liquid metal?

>views somehow surpassed one million
It's just good music bro. It can really take you away to interesting places.

Read a book you fucking mongoloid.

Maybe it's how Japanese mythology portrayed the planet?


Mars has always been associated with fire (and war). Mercury, the god, is known for speed, and the naming of the element mercury (aka quicksilver), the liquid metal, also fits that, even if it's not literally for water (which would be Neptune but I guess they wanted to only pick from closer orbits).


That post said nothing about music you autist