17th of March 2018: QAnon writes
>next week. boom. boom. boom. Q
Next week is this current week, we've now see three bombs by the Austin bomber.
QAnon is the Austin bomber
17th of March 2018: QAnon writes
>next week. boom. boom. boom. Q
Next week is this current week, we've now see three bombs by the Austin bomber.
QAnon is the Austin bomber
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh shit
Q predicted this
He team Avocado
>Q user is one person.
Bump for boredom
>We've seen three bombs
We've seen five.
cause spoopy
shills coming to say q is a larper in 3... .2... 1
>We've seen five.
Yea, but 3 is 2 less than 5. So if you add 2 to 3, you get 5.
That means he was right.
nah, it's easier than that. QAnon didn't predict shit, so he went off the rails and starting bombing shit
no, we've see three this week, learn to count
Lol I fucking KNEW Q user was disinfo/discredit op. They baited you all into supporting him and now that you've all dove in head first into Q-posts and spreading that shit, when it comes out he is the bomber, you're all going to at the least be discredited, and at the most be branded terrorists.
Not a shill, but I'll say this is shaky. Much like everything else Q says that was supposedly a prediction, it's nothing concrete.
Don't forget to tell me how all his earlier messages from months before that didn't come true were secretly cryptograms for people to unlock that say nothing in particular either! Pls donate 2 my patreon t. boomer-minded 40 year old dumb women who talk about Q on youtube, btw this is totally real and not a distraction psyop look at our nice easily digestible mystery to solve and don't research pizzagate :))))
Q user here, didnt bomb
>anyone who doesn't believe this bullshit written on the web is a shill
Australian critical thinking in action.
Who did?
Q here. it was done by a white separatist named leonard betts
Its the kikes running the (((alternative media))) Israel
leonard betts here, i can confirm QAnon is the Austin bomber
Leonard Betts
Any other info besides name?
BREAKING: Reports of new bomb at FedEx facility
HAPPENING! Q predicted that
A sixth undetonated bomb just found at another FedEx building
Really makes you think...
Yeah lurk more faggot
John Barnett is a person of interest
don't you ever tell me what to do. I am the future.
this is the name of a character from the x files.
there is no info because it's a fictional character.
he didn't predict that. You're a fucking numpty.
the most important thing we must do, is fight the future
Oh and on a serious note, could easily be kikes behind these bombings to get a warrant to find out who's behind Q.
Austin bomber? More like the AUTIST bomber!
No shit, it's a fictional character, just like Q.
>t. John Q
I never understood the appeal. Esoteric bullshit and Nostradamus level vagueness. I should have spoken up because it sounded like bullshit from the beginning.
What does Q rhyme with?
Q is Alex Jones?
Did he mix Caveman with Super Male Vitality?
Ebay is complicate in the pizzagate scandal.
Would be hilarious to see this larper get arrested.
Bombs started before that post, retard.
Alex Jones says the bombed is the zodiac killer
i never said they didn't, you fuck wit.
Large if in charge
to be fair the only times Q is popular now is when he gets lucky enough for something to vaguely line up with his posts. Otherwise they stay in their containment 8ch board and only boomers and tracy beanz (boomer brain ho) give a fuck anymore
can someone make a bingo chart using texas map? I'm asking for a friend
The bomber is Wayne Lambright
Boomer accusation is a shill tactic ^ dont give this guy your >Yous so he doesnt get that fat shareblue 0.03 shekels
no its not
Fake news the bombings started on march 12. The Q post was march 17. Pack up your things and delete this post
this, report this boomer faggot and end his LARPing once and for all. This faggot can't just come shitpost on this board, drag boomers here from all corners of the internet, and then proceed to blow up innocent people.
dw people clearly want to believe this shit so they'll happily do all the mental gymnastics required.
Someone report that maniac!
Fake, he said boom 3 times but there were 4 bombings.
It's Q he literally admitted it with that message
Q is literally a schizo madman serial killer and should be traced by the authorities
It's not LARP he's a psycho bomber.
I'm already at the FBI tips page. I hope they comb over everyone claiming to be Q
Stop larping
threat was made 2 days before the bombing
It's proof that he's the bomber or it's enough to connect him to it which would result in an investigation
Book him
Is that you Q? Stop bombing people and give up
It's fucking Austin. Degenerate fat haven with anti American attitudes. Don't really care about that degenerate city. Probably one of their own trash off her meds
Hi Jerome nice LARP thread enjoy the visit from the FBI.
Maybe we should stop bully him?
He's already killed people. He's a murderer or at least a suspect in murder.
It's right there black and white clear as crystal.
He has to be investigated by the authorities because it's pretty damning.
To be fair the Shertz bombing doesn't fit the pattern. The Austin bomber didn't have premature detonation or use the mail. The Shertz bombs were in the FedEx system, detonated prematurely, and one is, allegedly, undetonated. Could be copycat.
Am I the only one sick of the Q larper shit? Is it something nupol just follows or something?
I'd keep my nose to the news if I were you.
Apparently he's not only a LARP but a killer.
I suspect mental illness but let the police/FBI deal with it
Maybe the Russians should turn him over to the Americans like they said they would
Q = Snowden
if Q was snowden then Q would actaully say smart things. Q has said zero smart things so he's not snowden
seems like all of his bombs were unstable. im pointing towards a young person doings this. youtuber faggot
Q predicted that you would all call him a LARPing faggot.
>Screenshot this post.
I member that post. HMMMMMmmmmm
Snowden is CIA.
and QAnon is still a moron
its another psyop to distract from the last failed psyop
Q predicted this
Snowden is Russian.
Wouldn't surprise me, really. If Q isn't a con artist, then he's obviously delusional.
nice a q thread
If the serial bomber is QAnon...
And Sam Hyde is the serial bomber...
nice try, shill.
Q has literally never been wrong.
He's gonna get tackled by the FBI by the end of the week or less
stupid idiot should've never planted those bombs
Did someone say avocado
Fuck, OP is right. I contacted the FBI
Websites match up.
nice tabs
>how to unrape sister
simple, just get her a vagina transplant
Someone on /k/ said it could possibly be the work of the Adamwaffles.
Jerome Corsi is going to be pissed.