Was he controlled opposition?
Was he controlled opposition?
he's a fucking jew
you have to be opposition to be controlled opposition, friend
he probably would have done an alright job, at least better than the orange retard
Was the Jew the controled opposition?
user I think you already know the answer
>The socialist Jew would have don’t a better job
apart from all his faggy racial and gender equality shit and make college "free" the rest of his stances were pretty decent.
No, he and Rand Paul are the only two anti-Fed politicians left in government. This is the most important issue of our time. While I would strongly prefer just ending the Fed, yearly audits would be an important step in the right direction. Also, before I get lambasted, I voted for Trump in PA, so fuck off.
“Too much of the Fed’s business is conducted in secret, known only to the bankers on its various boards and committees. In 2010, I inserted an amendment in Dodd-Frank to audit the emergency lending by the Federal Reserve during the financial crisis. As a result of this audit, we learned that an institution that was created to serve all Americans had been hijacked by the very bankers it regulates.'
He had no other stances user
>Millionaire jew campaigns on criminalizing millionaire jews
>Was he controlled opposition
raising the min. wage, making corporations actually pay tax, shortening the gap between rich & poor, combating climate change and something to improve your dogshit healthcare. they all seem pretty good to me
Yes. He ran knowing it was rigged against him. He stood idly by like a stupid fucking guppie, knowing full well that Hillary was getting the nomination. It's well-known Bernie should have got the nomination and Hillary stole it. If Bernie wasn't controlled opposition, he would have caused a fuss that would still be in news cycles today. Instead, he's living in a new sweet beach house.
>but dat's commie talk!
This is the only legit argument I've seen, and I actually agree with it. Watching him suck up to Hillary back in July, 2016 was hard to watch.
There's only one possible reasoning I can think of that can be semi-excusable, and that's the idea that he endorsed her to help his future prospects. In other words, he's probably going to run in 2020, and if he does, the media can't use the bullshit line of:
>"He's not a real Democrat! He didn't back our nominee Queen Hillary 4 years ago"
It also helps him get the moron Democratic Hillary voters on his side for his 2020 run since he bowed his head.to her in 2016.
was? is!
Opposition, yes. Controlled, partially. I think someone from the Hillary campaign showed him the Vince Foster death video, and he got scared. But now that Hillary is on the outs he’s trashing her.
all the edgelords on Sup Forums pretend these things don't matter because they still live in their mom's basement and don't have to worry about health care, housing, minimum wage, etc.
just wait until the shit hits the fan and president cheeto isn't so fucking funny anymore
Oh, he was real committed alright. (Took $600,000 to take a dive.)
This is the real funny part. Millionaire Jew runs against the 1%. And the libtards FELL for it! Embarrassing.
I think he was and was personally chosen to make Hilary look like a contender. (((They)) didn't expect Bernies policies resonate with young people like it did.