WW3 Confirmed 2019
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good knowing you lads
>Capable of nuclear holocaust
Hmm. He must have come from Clinton's timeline
>that hand pose
really makes you think
>Winning Lotto #'s
Pick one future man
whats that thing hes doing with his hands?
Hey Sup Forums why are the time niggers invading? There's like a new time traveler in the MSM/"Legit media" every week or so
Time travelers RAUS
If we don't do something we'll end up like that Gooback episode from South Park
Most legit piece of news I’ve seen in a while well done
>Agent born in 2043
It's good knowing that humanity isn't destroyed during WW3.
ironically it gets wiped out in 2044
Maybe after the nuclear war, I can finally get a new GPU
If this guy was a time traveler, why wouldn't he just kill Kim Jung Un to prevent the war?
That's not how it works
>Speaking english not arabic
Fucking fake
how does traveling back in time work, exactly?
You create a "branching" universe where the universe you travel to doesn't affect the future of the one you just came from. It's the only real way to prevent grandfather paradox.
When you travel back in time you create another timeline, an alternate dimension. It's impossible to go back and influence events in your own timeline since they have already happened.
hear hear
It doesn't
You can theoretically go to the future though
It does work, but I don't know how, I believe it involves wormholes.
Fun fact: Memory, as in the sheer fact that we can remember the past & it's relative experience is living proof of wormholes.
Why can't Satan change the past? Because it's a fixed thing permanently recorded by our Universe using gravitational waves.
Why can Satan change timelines? Because the future hasn't happened yet, so you can manipulate the present to change the future. However you can't wormhole into the future, because that time hasn't happened yet, & time is a function of God's laws.
Why can't Satan actually change the past???? Because only God stands in the past, the gravitational waves which logged the past are unmovable because they function according to nature. God is the Beginning & the End, & Satan is only trying to buy time until inevitably being left behind upon our universe's death.
The particle physics behind the quasi-physical functioning of our consciousness involves warping back into time to recall a previous experience. The particles phase through existence in a peculiar way, but one science accurately grasps (or is beginning to at the theory level).
Even though your brain is merely going back to a shred of light energy logged in some random neuron, the consciousness that is in the neuron, aka the light-information stored inside it, operates at the sub-atomic level, so it's pretty easy to understand how this all is not only possible, but also happening at an infinitely large scale.
Is it John Titor?
This is really funny copypasta thanks m8
We figure out time travel by 2043? That's neat
His logo looks like a vagina.
If you go faster than the speed of light, which is theoretically impossible, you could possibly go faster than temporal objects and "reroll" them
Imagine you're going faster than the speed of light around Earth in the direction that is opposite to its rotation. What would happen is that you'd "roll" over its time zones "before" they even happened in the first place.
However, you'd need a vehicule that'd go faster than light and still hold itself together, AND maintain a perfectly circular orbit around Earth to do so.
Didn't scientists find a particle that can travel faster than the speed of light?
>which is theoretically impossible
Enough said
You can still use relativist effects to go in the future
It's ok. He's from the Hillary timeline. Trump saved us.
I’m a theoretical physicist. The answer is no, time travel is impossible. Even photons, which move a the speed of light and experience no time, cannot tavel backwards in time. Strict causality is a prerequisite in particle physics.
>he doesn't know how to drop singularities on the inside of a curve to maintain FTL travel while also orbiting the Earth
come on, homie, you don't turn, you just curve space around your straight line
Would that debunk the theory that we can't travel faster than light? (Im pretty ignorant in the subject)
The future is so bright we won't need eyes and thus neither GPUs, lads.
if this is true this would imply we have time travel technology.
That measurement was the rust of faulty wiring. The neutrino most likely has mass, so it’s slower than light.
That acceleration required to push yourself even a year into the future is enormous and unfeasible for anything heavier than an atom.
Wow! They found the Loch Ness monster!
*was the result of faulty wiring
Full vid of time-traveler larp
But it's theoretically possible !
John Titor claimed to be from 2036.
wtf? It's the same channel from the other larp stories/vids
What's with the UK media and ApexTV?
From 2042 or born in 2043? Which one is it? Did they send back a new born baby?
Important info to survive nuclear war and other scenarios
Well it's what all nerds fantasize about next to space ships
Fuck simple typo.
From 2043 or born in 2043? Which one is it? Did they send back a new born baby?
Nigger, this is Sup Forums, here you don't ask questions
Please kek grant this as true shadilay !
lotto #s :)
gimme big money
Also important
Wait... there a butt thermometers? What's the point of those?
not neutrinos like that other brainlet said, you're probably thinking of tachyons
Do it kim put us out of our misery
Imagine unironically thinking you can explain how time travel works, and being confident that you're correct.
Watching Steins;Gate doesn't make you a scientist, kids.
Finally, here comes the flood v2 to wipe this unholy planet clean from its festering taint. We deserve this, lads. Say your final prayers because we will need our Lord Jesus Christ in the dark times to come
Some further support.
>Watching Steins;Gate doesn't make you a scientist, kids.
if anime doesn't make people smart then we should disregard the opinion of 99% of Sup Forums posters
>why didn't you listen
Extreme logical fallacy alert! Observing the fact that it doesn't increase intelligence is not equivalent to observing that it decreases intelligence. If anime has no effect on intelligence, then, you cannot infer anything about the intelligence of a person based on whether or not they watch anime. Perception of Bulgarian intelligence and education vastly lessened by your comment.
So this it's the power of american disinfo
i wanna fug john titor
I don't want to set the world on fiirree, I just want to start a flame in your heart
what did he mean by this?
Sauce? I need the SAUCE???
Not an argument
>this is what passes for news in the right wings most intellectual paper
Of course it was. You just don't understand what an argument is because you have slav-brain.
Ask a time traveler anything Sup Forums.
Keep going turkroach
You guys have no idea what your talking about
So he's 1 year old
Rectal temperature is the best way to find the temperature of a body
They do it a lot in forensic cases when they need to find how long a person has been dead for
are traps gay
People never seem to see this because if time travel were to ever be invented on our plane there would have never been a point where it did not exist.
It means that Barron and Pence are also time travelers
>involves wormholes
structured singularities
Fake news
If Americans goys want to go war i couldn't care less tho.
No they arent.Now dont you want to ask me anything useful?
Jesus Christ the Express is shit. Might as well be the Enquirer
>California hit by massive earthquake in 2022
Well it's not all bad.
but my mum called me a fag for dating one
Why is the sky blue?
It's about time
Well she is just a bigot, you stay true to your beliefs.
Because of the water,now what?
Digits confirm greatest happening
wrong, spud. the day the time traveler came back in time to would be the day it first exisTED