>Christopher Wylie is the self-described gay Canadian vegan who’s come forward to explain how he, as a young and brilliant data scientist, helped create Steve Bannon’s “psychological warfare mindfuck tool” and ultimately helped bring Donald Trump to the White House.
>Wylie was instrumental as chief data analyst for Cambridge Analytica, the data analytics firm once run by Bannon, which is now at the center of a firestorm on both sides of the Atlantic over how it used Facebook users’ information to influence both the European Union exit campaign in Britain and the 2016 U.S. election on behalf of Trump.
>How he fell in with Bannon and Cambridge Analytica is the subject of much discussion right now. He describes it as somewhat unwitting as he grew frustrated after moving to London and working with the Liberal Democrats in the UK (who rejected his tools and advice) and his stalled ambitions at putting his ideas into practice.
>It was Wylie’s idea to apply military methodology to social media and use it within the U.S. political system. He was instrumental to the entire mission of the firm.
>Cambridge Analytica would allegedly go on to deceptively cull user information from millions of Facebook users for the purposes of helping the Brexit campaign and the Trump campaign. And that’s what brought Wylie into the thick of something he says he now regrets and is doing what he can to help expose.
>Wylie says the company tested Trump slogans such as "drain the swamp" and "deep state" as early as 2014, before Trump announced a presidential run.
Why are they now making a pink-haired liberal fag out to be one of the key people who was involved in Trump's campaign?
How a fag vegan liberal was responsible for Trump getting elected
Other urls found in this thread:
>pink hair
>brains behind Trumps win
>mfw the left are so bad Trump didn't even have to do anything to win but exist
>mfw the same type of person Sup Forums hates gave them hope
>mfw no face
This timeline is too weird
I want off someone get me off
If it helps he is almost certainly full of shit desu
So are liberals now blaming Trump's win on his propaganda? What? That like blaming your feet for losing a track race.
I wanted someone to get me off too, so I called your mum.
That's what I'm hoping. If by some chance it turns out true then I don't know what to believe in anymore.
It's not that big a deal. Saul Alinsky was a rabid leftist, but Rules for Radicals is essential political reading for anyone on the right that wants to make an actual impact.
they need to try and keep it rolling till the midterms
>a faggot stealing credit for the work of Sup Forums.
Yeah so maybe the left should realize their assumptions of what traits are always left leaning are wrong and should reconsider who they burn at the stake.
lol, a gay literal pink haired faggot helped to come up with all of the stupid ass memes that people in /PTG/ constantly screech on about like "Drain the swamp," "lock her up," "build the wall," etc. All catch-phrases designed to target the dumb conservative base and you fucks ate it right up like the dumb fucks you are.
yeah, okay
Yeah those memes weren't here for years or anything
Stupid shareblue faggot
>All catch-phrases designed to target the dumb conservative base
And it worked
Conservatives are stupid, and Democrats are too stupid to take advantage of that and lose 4 of 5 elections in the US because of it...Sad.
I thought the stormy thing was the stupidest narrative the liberals could come up with but now they really outdid themselves with this one. bravo.
they’re trying to take credit for our memes because they’ve given up on trying to understand HOW to meme.
>Why are they now making a pink-haired liberal fag out to be one of the key people who was involved in Trump's campaign?
prolly has something to do with the fact he worked for facebook
>Exploit Facebook Data
So, marketing?
I cannot say. I have never communicated with gay. May be they are on depressed mode all the time but do care for greater good.
>mfw the hero of Sup Forums is jewish Seth Rich
Reality is a combination of what you know and what you “know” is fake
>tfw dont even have to blame newgrounds anymore
Because we all know the higher ups obtain and use personal information to shape opinions. They don't like it when someone else does it against their agenda.
The main problem I have with faggots is that they openly attempt to subvert heterosexual relationships. Go ahead and be a degenerate, I don’t care, but don’t spread lies (especially to young impressionable minds) about how your way is “superior” or “natural” when it’s just a perversion/corruption of nature
It matters, and that's powerful.
I keep forgetting the ones who did the work of all those "russian hackers" is actully us. Lmao.
So “Russian” is liberal slang for gay dude
TPTB are trying to escalate the tension into open aggression, Berkley was a testing ground for this.
This is how it works:
Candidate A gives millions to internet marketing company X
Candidate B gives millions to internet marketing company Y
If Candidate A wins everybody shouts "OMG company X is the leet haxxorz"
If Candidate B wins everybody shouts "OMG company Y is the leet haxxorz"
>Giving a single fuck about privacy.
>Still having a Facebook account.
i thought it was the russians who elected drumph?
There is no off m8 you should know this by now
its just data
You forgot:
>was molested as a child.
>his parents used the abuse to successfully lobby for a change in laws.
I’d assume the legal change was a good thing. It’s notable because the average normie doesn’t have that kind of legal clout.
The biggest redpill of my life was when it dawned on my that 80+% of the people who make up the "idiocracy" as seen in that movie were on the left and not the right. Sure alot of right leaning people are kinda shitty and retarded in thet traditional steryotypucalk way liberal faggots paint them but liberals/progressives are worse.....way WAY fucking worse. Id rather live in a trailer park with cleetus than with those fucking scum.
>I'm outraged my Facebook data was used by third parties. I'm so shocked!
Anyone that acts surprised that companies and political organizations were using data from Facebook to influence behavior is a fucking retard, boomer, or is being disingenuous.
Ockham's Razor.
Liberals will never give conservatives any credit for anything.
>Guys, the sloganeering for Trump was nothing short of genius
>Fuck conservatives
>I know, it must have been one of our guys, that's the only thing that makes sense
>If we season the cock with sugar it'll make it easier to swallow since we were FUCKED and FUCKED hard
I think that's one of the tenants of Rules for Radicals
Does his shirt say PLEASURES and have a baby smoking on it?
>>It was Wylie’s idea to apply military methodology to social media
>military methodology to social media
Does anyone have a link to any documents, PDFs or sources that go more into detail about this? I've seen them posted before; the "how-to" of military methodology (or private sector) of using social media data. This seems like the foundation of meme warfare. Midterms are right around the corner so this type of information is critical to success
Wait, what? I thought it was Russia who hacked the election? And now you're telling me it was some Canadian faggot?
discord gg/dmQNdj2
add a .
do you really believe a few well placed faceberg posts and ads had that much of an impact?
do you really think this pink haired fag created and engineered psychological warfare?
do you really think that Cambridge Analytica is the only company that had access to Faceberg and was given internal tools to help data mine the site?
do you really think that this isn't a sad attempt by the UK to delegitimize brexit and drumpft?
people are upset because CA was using the governments own tools against them. I would suggest this had almost no real world impact on either Trump's win or Brexit. I don't think you can quantify it, but you can certainly politicize it and make it seem like nefarious forces are out their on the internet manipulating you and, thankfully, Theresa May and the HEROES over at MI-X are going to keep you safe from the big bad meanies on the internet. just gonna hafta monitor what u say and do citizen.
That right there is an xman
Quentin will fuck you up
checked for the illiterate finn, this faggot just helped with the effort along with the awoo posting neckbeards from /ptg/. the hacking was allegedly done by russian sources linked to wikileaks through these private intelligence companys. he admits to phishing emails like the one john podesta got hacked with
This isn't really news, we've known that campaigns have been doing this sort of thing for the last few election cycles. Trump's campaign was just better at it.
that poor kid is going to get raped for a decade.
> how dare a gay man not support an Islamic president, doesn't he know where his best interests are?
Does this faggot think he invented catchphrases?
Just another overpaid idiot who doesn't really do anything.
the sheer number of narratives pushed to try to deegitimize Trump is astonishing. birther tier accusations are however not the domain of fringe conspiracy theorists these days but are being aired on MSM sites like CNN/MSNBC et al. - what a time to be alive. I have come to think Trump might actually be a saint. if they sent that much energy and capital at character assassinating me, they'd have found enough dirt by now - and I'm just a regular dude. the absence of actionable shit against trump speaks volumes.
Come home gay men. You were always meant to be conservatives and now they're kicking you out of the oppression olympics. Now you're even below WOMEN in the oppression olympics! You belong in the Republican Party.
I guess we should all just get some sleep
it's a edgy hypebeast clothing brand
Bitch wait till 2020 comes around and we end up with a psychotic feminist from New York who gets into cat fights with the legal system.
Yeah, really wish Hillary was president right now pushing gun control and invading Syria. Fuck me, right?
yup. the anti-semite neo nazi propaganda website
is one of a few spearheads in getting justice for a bunch of dead jewish Americans from Seth Rich, to Parkland victims.. and working with 3 letter agencies as a ((((thinktank)))) to investigate the austin bomber to get justice for black american children and hispanice elderly women....
The Democrats' strategy is to target those that are literally too dumb to earn a living and exchange votes for benefits. They are all about making use of the dumbest Americans to win elections. You see the world backwards and upside down because you lack the awareness and mental competence to perceive and process information without being provided context by the mass media propaganda machine. Completely void of original or independent thoughts, you're an empty shell that only exists to perform menial labor and repeat things that other people said before you. There is no reason for you to exist.
>tfw pol was saved by a gay Canadian and most of you fuckers are ungrateful losers
Where do you think they tested them?
so he was 20 when he knew trump was gonna run? therefore he started testing terms he knew trump would use?
Reality isn't a "narrative", friend. Enjoy the ride.
>Where do you think they tested them?
Exactly. This place is a puppet dancing on electronic strings
HAHAHA you fucking idiot. "How Sup Forums tricked a faggot and facebook into a trap story about CA doing something legal which ultimately leads to the fact that facebook steals all your data and basically any faggot who makes an app and also use that data because facebook allows it infact thats all facebook really is, mark suckyourfaceberg collecting everyones data and selling it for profit. Even if that means singling out people with dissenting opinions to be executed by communist governments."
can also use that data*
>HAHAHA you fucking idiot. "How Sup Forums tricked a faggot and facebook into a trap story about CA doing something legal which ultimately leads to the fact that facebook steals all your data and basically any faggot who makes an app and also use that data because facebook allows it infact thats all facebook really is, mark suckyourfaceberg collecting everyones data and selling it for profit. Even if that means singling out people with dissenting opinions to be executed by communist governments."
what the fuck is this gibberish
They realized that Sup Forums is similar to their propaganda show "Mr Robot"
This is setup, that guy had normal colored hair just a few weeks ago
does "self-described gay man" mean people don't believe hes gay?
>the dyke hacker from that shitty game helped Trump win
Because this is the first ever example of electioneering and only one political party in one country ever did it
>The New Watergate
>Gay Canadian
Is there any other kind?
Its called a rant because you are such a stupid faggot.
Do you believe everything these shit websites pump out?
Hopefully the next election cycle they run with kill all the faggots kikes and subhumans and I can cook you in a bonfire along with the rest of your tribe.
If clickbait articles on Facebook were enough to change your vote you shouldn't be allowed to vote in the first place.
Never though a gay vegan faggot could be /ourguy/, he's a good boy now.