The bible has stories of demon possession like on several occasions Jesus healed people who were demon possessed. I would like to know what demon possession looks like and if it still happens today.
Is it possible to be possessed by a demon?
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They have the world in a net. This place is part of it.
I feel possesed when beating my meat
Wrong board.
Of course it still happens, but society has fallen so far that they seem normal
That woman on the train who starts punching the man sat next to her. You'll have seen the gif posted if you aren't new.
I was possessed.
Op's mom queefed mad puss juice down my throat and I swear she now inhabits my body.
Ok son, just go to a country that is currently facing war and see how much god is real for those people. There is no god, there are no evil spirits, we happen by chance and our galaxy will fuck with andromeda galaxy time in which we either die then or we shall die when our sun explodes.. such smart deisgn..
Stop deluding yourself with primitive things.. look outside, only primitive people believe in a god because they need a scape goat for their fuck up and chose to limit their conditionbecause god has this in store for me bullshit
It's not fucking real, you are a fucking animal trying to navigate in an artificial world. You have been brainwashed by the elites to be a good goy so you won't make it harder for them to live.. just go to church, marry a bitch, have a bunch of kids and go in debt you fucking idiot .. now do this on repeat for generations to come and don't ever do something different or you will go to hell because god loves you
that;s drugs for you
>2018 anno domini
>not doing daily prayers
>not carrying an image of St Michael on your dogtags
Do you WANT the devil to fuck you? Christ preserve us!
that kid had ptsd or some sort of anxiety issue
Nope it happened suddenly, she was fine until then.
That is often how drugs work
btw demons are evils you allow to happen to yourself.
for instance... poor dating decision leads to anxiety
then break up depression or sydic and crazy happens. therapists and reading are the only way to get the "demons" out.
observe your past and seek to repair your traumas.
God and Christ protects those who believe and accept. Strong faith is needed.
*tips fedora*
(((Science))) calls it PTSD, "just what drugs do", but in reality, both make you susceptible to demonic possession. Those bad trips? They're real.
Nowadays they put them in the mental institutions and say they are mad.
When a person hears voices that command him/her to do evil things or to hurt themselves then you can be rather sure that it's demonic.
And you've certainly met some crazy guy on the street who shouts and screams just by himself and then starts to argue with no-one. These people are possessed.
If that were true then you could fight withdrawal and bad trips with Gospel, which has been tried, and did not work. Now, you have two options, you can tell me the Gospels are not the Word of God, or, you can admit you were wrong on the internet. I have a pretty good idea which route you will take.
I'd like that add that if someone has a mental illness but the doctors can't find anything physically wrong with him, then it's probably possession.
If you don't believe the gospel in your heart then it's not going to work.
>present a false choice
Who says you can fight all possessions? You think we can make a good man from Soros? No.
Our sun isn’t big enough to go supernova though?
The priest is the one who needs to believe, this is actually written in Daemonology books from years ago.
Don't be so dumb as to back yourself into corners where you only have two ways out then?
post vid
thanks m8
there are somethings that you cant defend yourself for without a watchmaker's students
I like to believe they are other dimensional consciousnesses but have got nothing to do with religions, more like irregular forms of energies
Yea, every weekend I see them. Just look at any video of a drunk woman getting angry. There is no humanity in those eyes. No logic or reason (not that they had much to begin with). Plus, they refuse to drink water, probably worrying that it may be blessed holy waters.
They call it 'spirits' for a reason!
Schizophrenia and epilepsy are genuine ideases, you tit
Christians cannot perform exorcisms, those powers were given only to specific disciples of the early church. But a person can cast out devils from himself if he hears and believes the gospel.
>Is it possible to be possessed by a demon?
>shows gif of most anons mornings sperging out until mom brings the tendies
>Christians cannot perform exorcisms,
>But a person can cast out devils from himself
so no one but every one?
Before he believes the gospel one's not a christian.
I do not think your grasp on english is anywhere near the level you think it is
Demons and evils are intended as ideas and metaphorical ways of living, possessions are merely mental diseases
I remember the vid about that psycho fag
Pretty sure he posts on Sup Forums now
>completely ignores content
>attacks one improper pronoun use
You know you just forfeited the argument, right?
It isn't "one improper pronoun," this syntax is fucked and either he's deliberately being a disingenuous troll or he doesn't understand what he's saying, fuck me for wanting to believe the good in people. You used to be cool, man. what happened, Shamil?
Care to point out the syntactical error, my burger friend? And if you're referring to his use of truncated sentences, you should weep for your absence of future.
>Is it possible to be possessed by a demon?
Theyd have to exist for that to happen.
It's as real as quantum physics. It's just not as "magical" as one may explain it out to be. It's science.
That kid admitted it was fake.
Are there more military people on Sup Forums than I realized?
Too deep for me. Thank god for the enlightened youth that we all feel obliged to listen to and respect.