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You're hours and 200 threads late to the game, faggot.

I don't see any threads on this, defuq.

Maryland is like south Africa. Total shithole, who cares.

Hmm, just before that march with the crisis actors. Surely a (((coincidence))).

today's narrative is how the resource officer was a big hero

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WEW what a surprise, as soon as Sup Forums realizes it's a white shooter they totally ignore the event since it doesn't fit the narrative. literally laughing my arse off at how pathetic you are, trapped in your little bubble

>A 14-year-old male student, whom the sheriff had earlier said was in critical condition, was in good condition after (((((treatment))))))

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you are so wrong buddy boy sweetie pies

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Why the fuck is this thread getting ignored?! IT'S ANOTHER SCHOOL SHOOTING, WTF.

And when blacks do it there's no national coverage at all.

The Maryland shooting destroys the left narrative, shooter obtained a handgun illegally (How is that possible) and was stopped by a god guy with a gun before he could do more harm. This will be out of the news cycle by Thursday, it btfos the gun control talking points.

We have Bloomberg on the TV at my place of work. They only mentioned it in passing.
>mfw the media cares more about the shekel shuffle than school violence

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Here's a fun fact that I think I should share.
When law enforcement trains teachers to deal with school shooters one of the first things they tell them is, " If someone wants to come and start shooting on campus there is literally nothing to stop them".
What's sad is that it's true, the only places where you won't hear about school shootings are in places, ironically, like Chicago or New York, where their schools have guards, checkpoints, camera's etc.
This is a problem schools created for themselves and that they refuse to solve for the sole reason to keep vocal parents' retardation from thinking security is akin to a prison.

This will never stop until we take guns away from the law-abiding citizens.


Bloomberg is a financial news outlet

Give up your guns. You no good mutts

>pol is totally not controlled

Was the shooter black?

no one died except the shooter, not happening

Shooter and victim were, black on black crime never makes national news, black on white crime even less so.

Looks like Hogg has got to work overtime

Well then, as a Maryland resident, I'm really happy that the resource officer rushed out and plugged the nigger.

They control the flow of information.

>two injured
Not even a high score

What kind of people attend this high school?

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Great Mills is a nigger neighborhood

Is it? I live in Howard County.

I was referring to the Alabama shooter last week, I haven't heard anything about the identity of the maryland shooter yet.

this gets me every time
>It has been reported that the boy then shot himself in the abdomen while putting the gun back in his pants after accidentally shooting Arrington.

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>be american

>as a maryland resident


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Sorry I'm nobody's daddy.

Plaster this all over the BrowardSheriff Twitter.

"This is what happens when you do your job."

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>only two people

that is not a mass shooting

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I just got out of a liberal shill thread where the fucker actually said "tippity top kekkles".

Who the fuck says something like that? That is the gayest shit I have heard in a fucking week. You motherfuckers know exactly why this board sucks. It is you guys stinking it up with your shilling, and then pretending to be mad at the state of it. Hey, everyone, whenever a liberal shills, just remember they say faggy shit like "tippity top kekkles". It will put things in perspective.


Amazing that in such a black school the shooter is just another white anime loving faggot


Whenever shootings like this happen, I just accept that it is yet another libtard false flag perpetrated by gun-grabbing leftists (or their stooges) intent upon using the atrocities they commit as justification to effect yet another push for more gun control in their ongoing efforts to disarm Americans.
Notice how they always happen in "gun free zones", the purpose of which is to lessen the chance that an armed private citizen might too easily put down the attack with a privately owned firearm.
It also gives the police enough time to arrive and take the perp into custody so he can be safely transported to his retirement home in Dubai... er, I mean, jail.
They do this shit whenever they want to start or continue pushing another one of their disarm America campaigns. You will soon hear about the shooter's arrest and/or death on the fake news. Then he will either be retired to Dubai or something for a job well done as he was promised, or actually eliminated... according to his perceived future usefulness to the cause. And if this one doesn't work, they'll try another one.

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Anti gun is essentially anti white
It's the last thing the old fashioned Americans (whites) care deeply about and the last thing in America that isn't from the NWO

Don't worry it's just a drill