>Boomers bought stock in a "Social Media Company"
>Boomers bought stock in a "Social Media Company"
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Dude literally sold a lot of his stock knowing this shit is worthless
A social media company that had never turned a profit before they went public.
((Merchants)) never lose
money for the campaign ??
>Priscilla Chan
jesus fuck
Lets hope the jew dies of super aids during his 'philanthropic' initiatives.
The humble filter salesman was right again
It was common knowledge by 2015.
Faceberg dot calm was created in the early 90's alongside classmates dot calm. All Zuck did was took the idea of both sites, merged them and called it THEfacebook dot calm. So original right?' Facebook didn't go anywhere in the 90's because the only people on the net at that time were smart enough to know you don't put your personal shit online. Rule 1 stay user. Rule 2 nothing can be deleted from the net so be careful what you upload. Rule 3 reality and the internet are to remain separate, never combined. Those were the days when those rules were really respected.
Then he bought facebook dot calm off the original owner for like 200K because it already had serious investors.
Zuck is doing an exit scam and is gonna laugh all the way to the bank.
>facebook is fun and safe
It never was. Its just another tool.
"anything bad that happens to people I don't agree with is good"
congrats OP you are CNN
I've been in since mid $40's and if you think I'm not buying this dip, you're retarded.
Is there a boomer equivalent of a pink wojak?
Fuck off leftie, go back to fb
> If you think i'm not buying this dip you're retarded
Decade long Fx and Stock trader here. Take my advice if you want to keep your money....stay away from fb, it's a junk stock and this scandal just made it worthless
So how much money did you have invested in this? lmao normies investing in stocks
>So how much money did you have invested in this?
How the fuck is your question relevant to anything you or I have said?
>Muhh normies investing in stocks
I've made over 300% in FB in 4 years
Buy the dip, goy. This is your chance to buy fb stock
They should have invested in anti-social media. It's a growth industry.
Which shitcoin is this?
>300% in 4 years
Wow you really are a winner dad
>Keeping fb stock while the ceo unloads on you
>Keeping fb stock after the censorship backlash
>Keeing fb stock after gab and steem take off
Keep holding, idiot. You might make 1000%
Check out this ((expert testimony)). Facebook has been sacrificed to continue the Russia Narrative, the systematic MSM coordination will eventually end.
You faggots can both see
fucking garbage to invest in. Good riddance to this fucking rubbish.
a)Your chart stops at 2016
b)Why would you hold the stock if it's being used as political weapon?
c)Do you know the difference between Revenue and Profit? Please tell me you do if you're buying stock in anything
Look at this financially illiterate nigger scoff at 75% returns.
I'd go nowhere fucking near that shit
Facebook is run by and owned by the Jews, not Russians. Anyone wanting to attack Facebook is dishonoring the 6 million Jews torchured, raped, mutilated and finally gassed in the Holocaust.
You have no point of contention and are shilling with zero basis. Continue to serve your MSM overlords by acting as a shill / indoctrinated pawn.
>tfw /biz/ is so cucked by the cryptojew that we have to discuss stocks on Sup Forums
>not buying the dip
Looks like it's time to pull out my gun
sigh, see
Watching Facebook suffer makes me giggle, but I wouldn't celebrate too much. Do not forget that Soros declared war on Facebook and Google earlier this year.
Remember that despite mass censorship, a lot of alternative media does get spread on Facebook - This is how Trump won. The last thing we want right now is fewer people using Facebook and other outlets that would help them find these things, as all CNN wants to do is ramble on about hookers and Russia. If people stop using social media, the only news they will get is from their televisions.
Also keep in mind Zucker has said multiple times he is going to run in 2020. The Democrats do not want him to do that, especially owning Facebook. a powerful social-networking outlet that they used to help Obama win against Romney, and Podesta also used Facebook data to try to get Hillary to win.... only, nobody anticipated the wave of backlash and spread of alternative news.
wtf man guns are scary death machines, i thought canadians were better than this
given the amount of upset and all, i think people just learned about fb selling user data.
>not buying the dip
When will you poltards learn the very basics?