in like ten years I plan on buying a log cabin deep in the woods so I have a place to run if shit really hits the fan. At my hypotherical log cabin in the woods I would have like a years supply of food, water, guns, and ammo. Is this a good plan? It would also be comfy as fuck with the fireplace.
Log cabin escape plan
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Pic related is me a decade from now
And I would get one of these
(Keep in mind this is only in the event of societal collapse)
you should go on that building off the grid show.
>Europeans can't do this
>what are the alps, nigger ?
Go on television and expose my entire secret plan??
mm no matter how much provisions you have
eventually you'll run out
it's better to buy seeds and sow them
learn agriculture, raise stock, buy a horse
medicaments, a water source
learn bow and arrow or have a lot of ammo
True I guess. but Europe is way more densely populated
.22 and .308 rifles are a must
if we are talking shtf nobody climbs up a mountain to get shot
Can't forget about America's Gun
wut ?
in bavaria you can legally own a semi g3 in .308 with a suppressor or a .50 bolt. Drillings are the best hunting weapons for overall performance
Yeah but you'd probably have to be in some government database of gun owners
>implying the gov cares about one guy in shtf
>implying a law man climbs a mountain in shtf
don't buy it, build it yourself like a real man:
Log cabins are full of insects, mice, all kinds of vermin. Reality is far ftom your comfy dreams. Wait till you have to fix your toilet/pipes during winter.
t. Log cabin owner
how well does double dooring and anti-insect nets work ? Any tips ?
That sounds like a pain in the ass but probably worth it
>buying a log cabin
I can tell you wont make it
This is a really small one but still has the aesthetic I'm looking for
dont buy dumbass, build one, way cheaper and much better, also make sure to fence the area, and don't use wood my man, trust me.
do you live where the winter can kill you?
if shit really hits the fan a cabin would be a bad idea. No matter how deep inna woods you go someone is going to stumble upon it eventually. Look into above ground bunkers that can be covered with greenery to camouflage your location, they look kinda like hobbit holes
Yes, I'm actually in a blizzard as we speak
I have nets on all windows and double doors. They stop blood suckers and the occasuinal fly, but you can't do much about the fuckers that borrow in your wood, especially the ones coming from the soil.
You need a concrete base, never build your house straight on the ground. Sadly, you also need to treat the wood with chemicals to stio the bugs eating it.
Put mice poison in all rooms that you don't live in and put sticky glue traps in the ones you do inhabit. The glue traps are suoer effective, caught 4 rodents last year and found two more dead in my basement from the posion.
It is a LOT of work. Daily maintenance is a must. It's far from the comfy living I imagined when I inherited the cabin. It is nice to live there for a couple of months, but doing it all the time would be a pain. Log cabins demand 5 times the work a regular house does, even when new.
>buy a bunker
I've lived in cabins both in summer and winter, none of those problems existed.
Yours is a shitty cabin.
Sorry for the typos, I'm a phone poster pleb
neat he had the same problem in our old wood house with wasps, fucks thse cunts
> in like ten years
Omae wa mou shindeiru
I hope you have a hypothetical job to go along with your hypothetical plan. Shit is expensive. And the survival skills to back it up. Don't hold nay hope of convincing a woman to come with you.
>Genetically malformed
Get a Catahoula instead. They're just as smart, and smaller, less upkeep to keep healthy.
Also enjoy getting Waco'd because of your "puppy farm/drug den/terrorist cell"
>daily maintenance is a must
Then how do people buy cabins in the Poconos and go there like once or twice a month on weekends?
>american german shepards
get an altdeutscher schäferhund for the real deal
our police and military uses them
Or do that. Seriously, owning an American bred German Shepard is a horrible idea. I think even our police forces import them. On the flip side, Catahoulas are bred in the US and are great from tracking and defense.
They do a lot of work each time they go
maybe because they only use them twice a month ? amerimutt...
You are running behind. Smart people already have rural property.
>if shit really hits the fan
build it now so you know where to go if it does
desu landowning the best thing you can do rn
There's a lot of empty places in Northern Canada/Michigan
I have no money right now
>in 10 years I will do x
You sound like a 10 year old you dumb faggot. You should be focusing on our fight not you fucking off to a woods where you will die anyway.
Your best bet for buying property is scrub land in Wyoming or the Dakotas. Don't expect a comfy place in the Rockies. Most land is owned by someone already, the government more often than not. Though I do know a guy who bought several hundred acres in East Texas, build a connex home and buried it. As far as I know there's a swath of plains with a wind turbine and a man living underneath the ground somewhere out there.
Light coming through the gaps.
they have maintenance people do upkeep
What can I do? Clean my room?
you're the faggot who wants to run off into the woods when shit hits the fan without knowing the first thing about security and concealment. Just search for abandoned cabins on jewtube, if those can be found than your meme log cabin will be too
Mud huts!
Why aren't you Christian bro? We built the Colosseum and Rome!
then I bet living in a cabin is a lot harder than you think
have you ever went out to cut wood after a fresh snowfall, friend? it's fucking exhausting and hunting can be more or less difficult, depending on how you look at it
but in all seriousness, just stockpiling enough wood for an entire winter would be a feat of it's own.
Log cabin Innawoods is so patrician. I can't wait either. Water is a big hurdle where I am in Arizona.
>buy a log cabin
nigger you better get ready to fucking BUILD YOU A LOG CABIN
its not even that insane an idea.
you need a few axes and saws and the ability to camp out for a few weeks
building cabin in the woods with gear you packed in is something people have been doing for literally HUNDREDS OF YEARS.
start doing youtube research
go to estate sales and buy some old axe heads and teach yourself to sharpen them
scout a place like logger land... or an unused national forest somewhere.
comfy cat
this is now a comfy forest thread
How will you get there? Live there full time? If you don't live there will your supplies be safe?
I bought a prefab house in the top of a village that's inside a forest. Thanks to the wimax technology I have internet and I'm only 50min away from a bigger town with all sorts of big markets.
The town population is mostly hunters and woodcutters, very conservative and take no bullshit from any urbanites. They'd make a good militia if some shit goes down.
All I'm missing is a dog and maybe an emergency generator and I'm gucci.
you could even build something the way the sami do...just lean branches against each other and fill the cracks with moss
Come on OP is just some dumb jobless kid
There are tin sheets inside there.
>buying a log cabin
First mistake is you not building it yourself. NEVER gonna make it
ya, its still the same design the sami use. and they have lived in the upper north for centuries
Looks comfy tbqh
hmmmm comfy bed
should build your own cabin instead of buying one, that way it is exactly how you like it and situated for maximum comfy views. plus you will learn a lot in the process and be better prepared to fix it yourself if shit hits the fan, no more electricians or plumbers to call after the bombs drop
maintaining a source of meat in a post apoch is a problem....
keeping chickens not so much its the ROOSTER you need for more chicks...
if someone could design a SOUND PROOF rooster house to help stay camo it would help everyone quite a lot.
What are the best places around the world to prep?
comfy dog and fire pic
Any metropolitan area, really.
How about making fucking money making a group on non-larpers to further spread out instead of running off like a bitch?
my fantasy is to have a cabin in the woods with a library in it....
If you have a horse and dog, how are you going to replace them when they inevitably die? Keeping a large enough population of dogs and horses for sustainable breeding would be incredibly expensive.
That's beautiful
for serious?...
the pacific northwest
already tons of people here secretly prepping and ready for STHF.
come join us anglo and rebuild civilzation
only Oceania and South America will be safe if shit really lights off. Even then we risk being nuked or poisoned from fallout.
That's the plan, the log cabin is just a backup plan incase whites are like 20% of the population in the US
a hobbit home?
step 1: buy RV
step 2: buy land
step 3: buy lumber etc
step 4: build
step 5: use RV so you can live on the land until house is built
step 6: retrofit RV to be survival rig
step 7: survive
10 years? God I fucking hope I don't have the wait that long, I wish society would just hurry up and collapse already.
That kot
the problem is..if you can believe this.... wage laws....
we could fight back if we could fucking hire people at dirt cheap prices like everywhere else in the world...
we need groups of men working together BUILDING SHIT working towards the future...but every part of modern society makes this difficult because of all the rules and regulations
the only way man can progress is to step into the unknown
but you know who the most based germans are, don't you?
My Senpai owns a little spot on the lake in upstate Ny
Used to go all summer long now I'm lucky to spend a month out of the year.
But realistically if SHTF I'm running into the city any making world politics happen not hiding in the woods waiting to die.
Do you even read books?
Alaska area is definitely on top of my list. Been watching 'Building Alaska' on travel channel for almost a year/ Very comfy
belgian malinois would be another appropriate choice.
Whats wrong with a nice big whitetrash camper? Like the one that guy from Kill Bill 2 lived in. He looked happy.
>he looked happy
>died as a fat, lonely drunk in the middle of the desert
At least he didn't pawn the Hattori Hanzo sword.
Not sure if these places are 'safe' or not. But as you can see they only have a few small roads in them, and the rest is just Forrest
Yukon Territory is a good choice. A moose can last you the winter, especially when combined combined with trapping. During the summer there's a lot of wild edibles and an abundant supply of fish. There's lots of firewood available, and the trees are smaller, so easier to fell with an axe.
Kamchatka Peninsula is definitely one of the top spots. Very comfy. But Sakhalin appears to be a complete shithole.
You cannot hide, they will Ruby ridge you