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Show your real flag, faggot.
Do not reply.
Where was the mass shooting?
Link it.
Quit being gay
>not wearing a recreational nuke, open carry.
>two injured
>shooter shit dead
Keep reassuring yourself that Ahmed isnt going to assfuck you again.
Your absence of link leads me to believe there wasn't actually a mass shooting.
OP defines two people wounded as "Mass shooting".
Nah, someone witha gun shot the fucker dead.
>mass shooting
>two people
Wow, so much mass
>2 people
>mass shooting
How many wounded or killed in this "mass" shooting?
>it's okay because only two children got shot this time
>only two children got shot
oh, it's nothing, typical hillbilly picnic
Why should I care?
man the left sucks at memeing
Are you really trying to get your shitty rip off smuggies to catch on here?
How hard are you trying, its been a few days since I've been back here and youre still at it?
thank god I'm a centrist
I'm now going for surgical strikes.
>mass shooting
Has to be at least 3 people killed.
>Only 2 kids injured
>school cop (good guy with gun) dropped the tango
Saged, gas yourself euromutt
>bans guns
>criminals have more guns
Depends on what the propaganda goal of the one collecting the data is.
In Maryland there were 2 injured and the shooter was killed (sadly for OP, by a school resource officer with a gun)
dead amerimutts is always hilarious
LOL yeah buddy, the whole lefts claims to be rational centerists the whole time they push for leftist/marxist ideals.
This is why your memes suck... because you cannot even be honest with yourselves so you cannot even come close to the level of honesty needed for humour.
>in know better what you are than yourself
L O L, eat a dick leaf
>talk shit about a country they don't understand
>hides behind meme flag
>closet faggot
nigel, go back to getting your daily acid showers and don't forget to thank your fellow muslime for coming to your island and sharing there seed with your women, before your know it the uk will just another iraq.
According to the NHTSA 35,000 people are killed annually by cars, should cars also be banned? Not to mention, they are regulated far more than guns are.
I don't know, man but with you, fucking mutts, I'd ban them for good measure
>divide and concur
>No refutation, just more projection.
>posting far left "memes" as a "centrist"
whew lad, I really hope you are larping to drive people right, because that is exactly the effect you get.
Getting pretty sick of my liberal (i am liberal) friends all refusing to acknowledge what side of the spectrum they are on let alone any problems with the direction that takes society in.
>hope you are larping to drive people right, because that is exactly the effect you get
ok big boy, try to not get an aneurysm
We should've let the Soviets rape their way into your country too, and if we did, I'm glad we did so.
he mad
Can you even read? That meme makes absolutely no sense in this context. I was reacting positively to a meme that is at my expense.
>Be American
>Get Shot
no I can't :( my parents are american, I guess this is the reason I'm so retarded
The shooter was killed by an armed school guard.
Giving people more guns literally ended this shooting.
Say it loud and say it clear
bump for a great thread
thank god I'm a centrist
Yeah, lots of very persuasive content. I like the cringy desperation of the smuggie ripoffs too. 2/10 bait.
Damn, we cant let Trump near the nuclear codes. Thanks based user, im going to turn my gun into him.
So what happens when the security guard goes apeshit and starts shooting people?
>t. mutt on vacation
Leftists call the cops to shoot them with their funs.
Nothing of value was lost.
actually we megapedes are pro gun control, our aim is to become a socialist country like the EU.
> Niggers do nigger shit
> Blames whites
Okay Sargon.
come on user, you don't have to be a leftist to find murrican memes funny
Ah, just another bait thread by a meme flag
> Replying to meme flags.
>literal nonanswer
Need another smuggie, STAT
>frantic goalpost moving
>Guns kill about a hundred people per year.
>Traffic, abortions etc are killing thousands
I sleep
There could be a school shooting every single day and I still wouldn't want to give any ground on 2a.
>fetus is a human being
name one human characteristic of a fetus
You're a Russian aren't you?
I've never seen that .gif.... speaks volumes.
LOL wowowowow
Arms legs brain eyes etc.
just like a monkey, are monkeys human?
This. Also, what the fuck is up with late-stage Millenials? Are they just upset that Gen Z is going to gas them or what?
Then the government is to blame for hiring such an unstable human being for a job that dangerous. Kind of like how law enforcement is to blame for the terrible way they handled the previous school shooting massacre
Name one characteristic that makes a human a human but not a fetus
That's memeflags for ya. Also sage that shit!