Dating an asian girl is like being on easy mode, they settle for anything. But the tradeoff is you pay for it with ugly beta kids. Find a real woman who can give you white babies, not some gook that marines fuck about a dozen of every week. She's not special, search you heart, you know this to be true.
Reminder that your asian gf is a mass-produce insectoid
They will post memes of the 5% of Asian girls who are attractive and fatties of other races to 'disprove' you. That said, white/asian pairing isn't often done out of maliciousness, but lack of options for the white guy.
It's an act of selfishness. Find a fat white girl if you have to and raise decent kids, but racemixing is the problem, it's can't possibly be part of the solution.
If white women see there are alternatives, then they will clean up their act a bit, so you should be happy. I'm not going to stop you from marrying some white whore, but you aren't going to stop me from marrying an asian girl and having a bunch of hapa babies. You are too pussy to keep your women accountable, that's how I know you are too pussy to do anything to stop me.
Based. Bump.
Nobody here is related to the Chinese.
Lol stay mad Stacie
A Vietnamese chick who comes from a rich Catholic family wants me
Educated, traditional, religious, petite, kind, cute, caring, all that
I imagine this is per course with a lot of them, too
White girls used to be like that too
In the 1950s kek
This but they know.. and they want to cope with their failure
well duh, who the HELL would even consider white '''''women''''' to be an option
It’s over. Evolution is calling for asian neonetic genes in humans. The days of the Neanderthals are long gone.
White women changed.
Fuck you ugly white bitches I'm going to marry a submissive asian qt and she will breed my high iq offspring.
Are American women of high quality? how many look like pic related?
>Plan to save the West
Deport white roasties to Africa to be raped killed sold to slavery whatever
Replace them with Asian qts to increase fertility rates and change the value system of society/eliminate feminism and gender equality
>Find a fat white girl
Oh wow OP is an obvious roastie. Who would've thunk.
She'll just eat herself to 300-400lbs.
The future is hapa
And who would do such a thing?
Why do the Indo-Europeans look Asian?
Can't tell if that's a flip or a mexican
Asian women are weird.
They don't shave
Don't know how to cuck
90% of them are ugly as fuck
>Don't know how to *cuck*
you ain't wrong
You're right memefag (Sven?), they don't know how to cuck and it must be weird to you.
not if she's japanese friendo
>Don't know how to cuck
Cuckolding is the only way to save a marriage!
Finally someone gets it right. Panface soulless insectoids are not fucking prime breeding material you retards.
Not attracted to them at all honestly. They all look either like bugs or frogs.
I thought he'd wake up if I opened the image but he d-
Looks like a praying mantis I caught once. The kind that bites off their mate's heads and gets long black parasites.
You’re not alone. Most of them don’t have feminine bodies. That’s why all the pedos on here like them so much.
Enjoy having schizophrenic children.
It's okay if they're Japanese.
agreed, this is what a real woman looks like
only pedophiles like asian girls
I don’t know where this submissive thing comes from. You can’t be a NEET and expect to keep an Asian woman around.
It really is.
Hitler didn't refer to them as 'Honorary Aryans' without reason.
All too predictable. Stay mad weeabo.
right on, sister
these nerds can't handle women like us
>Reminder that your asian gf is a mass-produce insectoid
100% this. black grills are undeniably the patrician choice.
I am dead.
This is the future of the white race.
We need more of this in our genes.
Fucking hell he wasn’t approving race mixing when he said that. Hitler was a faggot anyways.
Afaik obesity is like 50 % more common among hapas than whites.
It's not racemixing if they're Japanese.
The Japanese are an exception due to their superior genetics.
They stink and their skin looks dirty
Stop.. Don't go there man, he was a saint
hapas are so fat and ugly, they can't compare to a white goddess
stay pleb
This blonde sloot has the perfect physique to get BLACKED.
I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them.[4]
Wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole, I can already smell the sweaty dandruff hair and chapped, flakey skin.
Predictable replies again
Brown skin looks dirty. Just accept it. Whiteness is the pinnacle of beauty all around the world.
The downsides of racemixing have nothing to do with superiority/inferiority.
This meme has never been funny
That's what most brits/americans look like.
There's always Northern Chinese which came before the Japanese
He gets it
You do realise that not all white women look like that? I would much prefer if you went after traps.
That girl is fugly tho
Even chinks bleach their skin to imitate us. Asians are naturally yellow-brown.
Anyone else know what's the matter with the nolife losers who spend 24/7 on Sup Forums spamming the same pics of chinks and negresses while shitting on white women?
I swear I see the same pics every fucking time I'm on Sup Forums and this has been going on for monrths even years.
Good, more for me
Indians do the same
what you would prefer is completely irrelevant, you have no power or control over anyone else's choice of mate
and I'm not surprised that a finngol is advocating homosexuality
i dunno senpai, white bitches be fuckin cray
They are probably shills from places like leftypol. If we look at actual statistics white men and women are surprisingly similar.
Eat more vegetables and you'll be lighter.
+ chicken too ( collagen ) + water
That is literally everything that it has to do with.
Didn't Hitler say your country was honorary Aryans too?
All women get crazy but some more than others. Asian women will just pester you to death.
Homosex > racemixing. I plead you to not racemix as it would cause some extreme damage.
Yep, we wuz mongols and sheid according to germans before that.
No it doesn’t. There is a good screenshot floating around which explains this.
Aren't you a product of race-mixing?
As a proud 56%er, we should all fuck into one race (minus niggers and kikes)
>I plead you to not racemix as it would cause some extreme damage.
>No it doesn’t
Mental gymnastics. Japanese genes can only improve the genetics of the white man and you have admitted this. The only thing you don't like about it is that you aren't used to it yet. But the Japanese would not have evolved in the manner that they have if evolution were not onto something.
>Homosex > racemixing.
yes, let me take advice from a homo
you are the product of racemixing btw, finn
T.white roasty toasty
Racemixing is bad.
Fuck race mixing. You either go full White or full Asian. Mongrels and mutt mixes are incoming train wrecks heading for disaster.
Indeed. Beta boys who love reptile women need to leave.
When you have sodomites in this thread saying it's preferable to fuck a white man than to fuck an Asian or mestizo women, you know your race is something that is not worth fighting for.
Every new white baby will promote that homosexuality is implicit white identity.
A white future is actually worse than a mulatto one, because at least blacks know the sodomite as a cancer unlike the white
Give me one reason, faggot, to purposefully make my life harder than it needs to be.
Besides, both of my parent are white, and I'm still an ugly beta. So, cry me a river.
You don’t understand biology so please stop.
I am not a homosexual, but obviously you just have a problem with white women so I figured that you’re probably also androgynephiliac.
Why does this happen all the time?
Every WMAF relationship I've seen online or IRL (apart from ones in the movie memes or advertisement) always has a pasty, skinny and God ugly white guy or a middle aged, divorced white man with equally ugly, brown, short thai-tier wives and gfs. The Qt Asians people post here are nothing like the real bottom tier Asians that throw themselves at white girls for an easy green card.
This sets apart from AMWF relationships. Both have respect for each other and are fairly attractive. They see through the race meme and love each other for who they are. As more and more whites fall for the nigger tier Asians that shower them in attention never received in their lowly existence, white girls will choose to snub the guys that call them "roastie" and continue to pursue the unrivaled lovemaking an Asian can do.
>Inb4 muh dik comments.