Never thought of it like that...
Dude... he's right
what the fuck is that
Who is the fag and why should I care?
>Millions of dead Kulaks
What the fuck is this shit? Sick bastards.
Idk lol
Marx was... right?
When will we learn? :,(
This is BS. I'm not a girl but I always thought I didn't want kids as well. Now I'm 25 and the possibility that I don't have kids is very real and it fucking sucks. I know it's anecdotal but there you go
Ok so is he a Jew or just trying to marry into a Jew senpai? Still don't get what his significance is.
Guys he's sad, maybe if we become a communist country we can cheer him up!
>a person at the age when most people don't want kids draws their future version not wanting kids
Really makes me tink
Who cares lol
Truly the rebel we don't deserve...
Who is this faggot and why should I care?
Unless he's just killed himself or is a shooter at one of these high schools I seriously don't care what one faggot kid is posting on Facebook.
You're right who cares lol
Dude. Do you ever wonder if you have a yankee doppelgänger that has your exact thoughts right when you do?
Glad to help : )
If I do then fucking give me your citizenship you lucky mother fucker. Get me out of this shithole.
>there's too much food for everyone
>this is a bad thing for some reason
Let me know when we can start killing these rats.
Captain Mexico is cool...
What about the Finnish guy who killed 550 commie scum?
lmao who the fuck is gonna be willing to eat shit like this janitor in commie world without being forced by violent threat
>age 85
>implying there will be anyone that gives a shit enough to talk to this person
abundance oh nooooo.... that sucks LMAO
these are fucking great
Can't wait till the author actually is 35
Look bro, you're just dumb, ok?
Why are socialists always retarded losers who want to kill themselves.
what are these people even suggesting?
nobody being allowed to make sexual advances?
Who tf is this?
Find me a ticket to Japan and it's fuckin' yours, man.
>abundance is worse than severe shortages
are these the same fags who genuinely believe theyll be card-holding party members in their glorious communist state?
The communist is an insecure, jealous, resentful baby who identifies with a woman cartoon.
Big Suprise.
Yes they have the darkest memes
the ironing