ITT girls that won against cock
Pic not related, right?
Dude she beat the cock so hard she became the god of cocks
>goddess of sluts
>won against the cock
>Rejected by Gil
>Cried to the Gods to do something about it
>they sent the great Bull of the heavens to fuck Gil's shit up
>Only to have its ass thrown at her face.
She sure won against cock.
I'm still mad
>tfw you only find NTR in artist's repertoire
Here's an actual example.
To be fair, cock was an idiot who forgot everything after three steps, so it was really easy for her to win.
Also, the cock episode was boring shit.
>sees everyone crying about how "traumatizing" Tachibana is like it's evil incarnate
>reads it
>it's fucking great both the vanilla and NTR
>wasn't anywhere close to being the nightmare people frequently called it
Are vanillafags really this weak or am I just more desensitized to this stuff than I thought?
sexy bitch, i want u
I'm a vanillafag and it was alright
What does count as winning against the cock? Enjoying it without losing your mind and ahegao? Being the dominatrix of the relationship? Have the man being the one who lost his mind due the sex while the woman licks her lips?
It's funny how FGO presents Ishtar as a complete loser and the butt of jokes.
It's not a nightmare and any user who claims so is a faggot. I just hate how it lulls you with vanilla shit and suddenly switches to NTR. Keep the two things seperate
i want u so bad girl, damn
At least one of them did?
To be fair, considering who the author was, people should've known better.
It's like all the people who get mad at Takeda Hiromitsu for ImaReal.
All I find when searching for "tachibana" is doujin artists I already know, what's the full name?
Tachibana-san-chi no Dansei Jijou
took about 15 seconds image searching with iqdb and saucenao
It's more like the Tachibana book defeated the vanillafag's pitiful pencil dicks.
Most of Sup Forums that read at the time can't get hard to vanilla anymore and that broke their souls.
Thank you for sacrificing these 15 seconds for my own ineptitude
Making the guy cum.
If you have any male pride you would never cum to something as low as a vagina.
Cumming to pussy = weak fagget, you might as well be a woman.
holy shit man that pelvis is out of this world. I love it when it looks like there is a little bit of flab down there but not on the stomach or anywhere else
Does she mention Gil in any of her F/GO dialogue?
She wouldn't not dare to back-talk about her master like that
>tfw mootle will be 30 soon
>mfw so will I
So, why is Ishtar piggybacking Rin's body again?
She can only inhabit pigs or whores
Constantly. She despises Gilgamesh since he rejected and insulted her marriage proposal, breaking a standing contract between the kings of Uruk and the gods. Ever since that, she's tried to make his life a living hell. Babylonia on other hand has her act less like an archenemy and more like a tv sitcom archnemesis. But her proper archenemy is Enkidu, who even tries to kill her when they attempt to help the protagonist in Solomon, and seeks to throw animal parts at her in My Room dialogue.
She is so ineffectual in her attacks that she gets humiliated, overlooked, and treated as a joke throughout Babylonia. Whether it's Gilgamesh and the people of Uruk treating her as a daily pest at worse, getting hilarious injuries when she's defeated, shrunken to miniscule size, not being part of the goddess alliance like she thought she was, having her sister's tests always insult her, losing the Bull of Heaven, getting a sign placed on her that says "I'm a useless goddess"
Gods/Goddesses are too powerful to be summoned by the grail. They can however bypass that limitation by possessing the body of a mortal, which limits their power to only being on the level of their host. Hence why Artemis couldn't instantly solve the situation in Okeanos, because she had herself summoned as Orion, but Orion is simply not as powerful as Heracles.
Because waifu gatcha
>"It's surprising that guy would lend his power to someone…… Even more surprising than the true identity of the culprit behind this incident. What am I talking about?Isn't it obvious. The one who gave me the cold shoulder, that selfish Goldy with terrible preferences!"
Babylon pretty much confirms she still likes him.
Has to be in sex user
That merely means she's come to adore and worship the cock so much she's been granted goddess status to forever pay it tribute. A fine candidate she is.
Go back to India.
bitch lasagna open bob,, ok I rape you next week
Crotch tattoos will never be not awesome.
Artemis is still very powerful though in that her arrows can literally never miss. Even if she uses bad posture, even if she doesn't properly aim, even if she just wistfully shoots, her arrows will always hit their mark.
Regular breakfast in the Rin household.
One win against literally thousands of dick-worms doesn’t count all that much.
I will never understand why people got so salty about this one. Am i supposed to feel sad for the fucking shota not scoring 3 milfs?
I'm just sad that those cool dudes went to prison after, unless someone lied to me.
Does anyone have a timeline for that shit? I can't make sense of it.
What about girls who transcended beyond such binary worldviews?
The gang leader is in the house 6 months AFAIK, the others are not so probably they got busted.
Is he still banging the ladies? I mean, they don't resist so when you think about it he's just a harem MC.
*6 months later
Only the milf in that novel epilogue.
So it's still secret somehow or she's doing the "sacrifice" instead of the daughters.
but only against Shinji
Stay mad. I bet you like them pale with a pancake ass.
No one can beat the cock.
Not the cock.
How in the hell did she beat the dick?
>people read it expecting ss with an OL, big titted nerd and neesan
>gets cucked by three Chads
I loved it
they were not stolen!
i'll fucking murder you lying piece of shit!
she didn't win against it, she was denied one and became completely obsessed with getting it
>won against
>she loves it
I don't think you know what the meme means.
Nope, can't beat the cock
This is seriously something I want answered.
She can't get one much less give it even a single scratch.
Underrated dubs
This book has drove me crazy and back all in the same night, 3 times around.
Always great.
I worship Ishtarin's feet.
But she beat the pussy
Only minor gods like Stheno and Euryale can be summoned as themselves no problem
I can't imagine the butthutt rinfags had over Ishtar. FGO devs don't like her with all the horrible treatment she gets. The recent race event is more Ishtar btfo.
Meanwhile the Sakura clone trio are all amazing and then Parvati, while having meh art, isn't a slut goddess but rather of love, marriage and faithfulness. Then we have HF just been released and gaining popularity.
FGO just needs a Luvia servant as the final nail in the coffin.
then low and behold you're dead.
Well, Ishtar was stated to be much more of a bitch originally. Ishtar with Rin as her vessel ends up being influenced by Rin to an extent(The same way Parvati is influenced by Sakura) that she is actually a better person than she was originally because of Rin's childhood influnecing Ishtar.
Takeda did have some vanilla original work though so it was fair some people didn't see it coming.
>girls that won against cock
Me too buddy.
Wasn't this long established? Sakura is a sweet wifely girl who's a non-virgin "slut" because of crazy circumstances. Rin is a flirty, outgoing, bisexual girl who's a "pure" virgin because uh.
Rhino confirmed whore
Since when do we have fucking pajeets browsing Sup Forums?
That is losing not winning. She lost her chance of owning his dick now that he is dead. Winning against a dick means draining it until it is not capable of standing erect. If you can knock the owner out, you are a pro.
>can clone self
>kill one of the clones who almost lost to the cock
What if both of you got knocked out?
Cock a best.
Then it is a draw. Better luck next time.
The novel which follows the exact same plot and even has illustrations shows quite clearly that the chads aren't in trouble and even implies they're gonna rape and break the two female cops.
That's what they call true love.
The doujin and novel are two separate universe and have no connection with each other.
>rhino meme
>a criticism of ufotable's design, not Rin
Why is everyone who hates Rin an anime-only secondary?
Luvia pleases flat chested twintail girls for money
Still few and far between
That doujin
Here's a pro then.