So, we are getting way more "thicc" and "big" animumango characters in the past years
Japanese people stopped eating just rice/fish/raw vegetables and got buff?
They are desperate to promote fertility?
What happened?
So, we are getting way more "thicc" and "big" animumango characters in the past years
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they're still rare
it's just some designers have that fetish and you share said fetish (hence why you actively try to find them).
Actually, the Japanese are topping the Asian size and cup size for a while
Thank you satan for these thighs.
Never understood the appeal of thighs till now.
Thank you
You can really never trust pictures you see on the internet. I've seen shops that look just like that.
Also don't post fucking non nip 3dpd on Sup Forums
You just need to lurk /jp a little to see a billion pics like that, stalking high school girls is like the japanese pokemon Go
>they're still rare
Wrong. Over the past decade, the prominence of busty and "thicc" characters designs has been skyrocketing. This is something you would have never seen in the late 90s-00s loli age. Japan is on the rebound.
Glorious, isn't it?
What the fuck are they trying to accomplish there?
user, they are very most likely younger than you.
Tongue excercises
I see what the are they doing but for what purpose?
To lose weight. The entire manga is about doing simple exercises and stretches to lose weight.
So you use the tongue thing to arouse males and then exercise with sex, right
>busty characters
>only over the past decade
You're clearly new
No, nothing lewd happens. The elf is a fat cunt with no self control.
Don't even try. There has been an uptrend focus on busty characters in anime and manga. No, that doesn't mean they didn't exist before or that there weren't other times where they were popular. Busty was popular in the 80s and 90s when the lolicon movement was gathering steam until their popularity peaked in the 00s. No we're in a new age of thicc.
So Ogre is best girl, right?
Is that a bulge?
Yes, of fat
Maximum puffy
The pathogen that causes this in America must've made its way there. I hope you like shit like because that's looking like the human future from here on out.
Idk if Elf wasn't around Drow would be pretty high tier and that Werewolf
>anime sells its soul and puts in a bunch of fatties to appeal to roundeyes
>roundeyes just pirate everything anyway
Japanese taste is literal horrid trash, pas season they gave the worst anime of the season "award" to guru guru
>implying hasn't already sold it's soul years ago.
>coffee and milk died for this
thank christ my boy fue hasnt turned gay
it's amusing, though, that they'd stoop to using fatties just because that's what makes americans comfortable
It's too bad she couldn't have been a main character. She got sidelined to a villain and almost every shot she's in is set up to hide her belly.
What are you even talking about.
They put fatties in stuff because the chubby chaser demographic in Japan is slightly bigger and outspoken now.
>they wouldnt let Kaneko realise his vision
I am sure we would have gotten more chubby fanservice if he had gotten his way,
This is what I thought, too. Isn't there a law against being fat in Japan, anyway? I think this has all just been for fetish purposes.
The law only applies to company workers I think.
Everyone else is excempt. It's why the fat jav industry is booming right now, they can get away with it.
He probably had to make some compromises. He did get Charlotte's breasts sloshing behind her corset like he always wanted for Murakumo but couldn't because the technology isn't there yet. And it's really too bad that he never got to make his chubby valkyrie game. People say that eventually turned into Senran but there's very little chubby fan service but for a small scene or two.
If you insist satan.
Losing weight for women is a simple matter of going for a jog after breakfast. For men you need to jog before breakfast. Male and female bodies treat fat differently. Males burn it when low on food energy. Females burn it when high on food energy.
There's nothing wrong with wanting an 18 year old mom.
Big fat
There is greater appeal for things that otherwise don't exist in their culture. Why do you think all hentai girls have relatively massive boobs compared to reality or why all foreigners are depicted with blonde hair?
>that episode
The dick in my heart was erect.
Does anyone not like thick women? I always assumed the only people who decry it are skinny people.
I'm skinny as fuck and I'd like nothing more than to try on a thicc woman
Well, in reality, japanese girls are being born with bigger hips and legs, also bigger boobs, I don't know what's going on but if this continues well I'll be happy.
ah, I see you're a man of culture as well
Total opposite. Skinny guys love thicc girls and fats guys love lolis.
I am fat yet I love both.
Too many burgers went there I guess.
Gotta have a balance. I like thick women....but not fat. You can have curves and not have a massive belly. Shits gross.
I was kind of referring to skinny women in particular. Booblets, no hips and such. Like, you know how Hotaru has curves and that coffee girl has none? That kind of woman is who I imagine would be the most jealous of thick women and most likely to vocally dislike the meme.
>This is something you would have never seen in the late 90s-00s
jesus fucking christ do you even watch anime? how can someone be this wrong.
Kill fatties with fire
Manga is a boom industry and more and more artists are getting their stuff serialised, both in print and online.
Japs aren't embracing big girls, it's just that artists who like big girls have more opportunities to get their work out to a wider (heh) audience.
Was there a chapter this month? Or is it on break until December?
There was. It was a pretty low-key chapter, though: no lewds, and a rather mundane story about Erufuda learning how to cook her own french fries.
But THIS was the very last page. Jumbo-sized elf incoming, maybe?
Wasn't that last month?
Was it last month? I thought it was this month. I didn't recall seeing it in October.
Elf-san drops on the last or first day of the month.
Either way it's two weeks until the next chapter.
Thank you 'ol Scratch.
The answer is probably higher Fructose intake in part thanks to HFCS.
Fructose WILL fuck you up.
>the corrupt agribusiness lobby is dumping HFCS into our food supplies in mass quantities
>it's screwing over our health in terrifying new ways
>it's also giving girls meaty thighs and bigger busts
I'm conflicted.
>got buff
Being a lardass doesn't make you "buff".
>giving a shit about 3D
Sasuga nu/a/
It's become corrupted the same way fat bitches say they're "curvy". Thicc is tits, hips, and ass, not your fucking flab.
we've come full circle boys
That fucking Aimaimi reference.
History repeats itself.
your 3d antics are absolutely irrelevant to me
>>it's also giving girls meaty thighs and bigger busts
You don't understand bigger busts and shapely (not fat) thighs are due to some other poisons in the enviroment (stuff acting like Hormones most notably thyroid ones).
thank god
>Japanese taste is literal horrid trash, pas season they gave the worst anime of the season "award" to guru guru
No fucking way. Really?
>pas season they gave the worst anime of the season "award" to guru guru
That island should have been nuked back to the fucking pleistocene
Have you preordered Homu's game?
Xenoblade is fun.
But Kukuri is the thick goddess of the year, how contradictory!
Satan's whole point is to temp you with the forbidden fruit user. Dont let her win
In Maoyuu's case Satan's forbidden fruit was Satan herself. Did any adaptation end satisfactorily?
Obesity and overweight are directly related to your susceptibility of getting heart disease, the leading cause of death in the US. Don't glorify them.
>getting heart disease
No idea, never watched it only read the manga and haven't even started on the ln from the point the manga left off at so nothing to compare
But only for 2d, especially for wiz
is usually some BBW tiered nonsense. Any girl over 150 unless she is some amazonian warrior is just a fatty
It's funny you should mention this. I know a few DFCfags and they're all overweight. Meanwhile a friend or two of mine that started working out over the last year or two have turned into thiccfags. The "low test" meme is no meme. The higher your testosterone, the more you want it. I experienced the same thing after I got in shape.
skinnyfag here
I can only get off to full figured women
to clarify, full-figured in this sense is a woman with large breasts and wide hips. Ideally she would be thin in just about every other sense.
BBW is disgusting. Fat should be limited to the ass and titties as god intended. Fat stomachs are simply off putting
Disgusting. Fit is good, not fat.
When will faggots with no taste realize that no one finds this shitty forced meme funny ?
what do you think causes this phenomenon user ? Perhaps a lack of a real parental figure in 's life ?
christ it's like a set of tree trunks
Its called FAT user. Stop trying to sugar coat everything fatty
wait, so it was a dude, I was starting to think it was a chick considering how popular among dykes the show was.
The fact that they keep trying to relabel fat as other things like curvy or thick shows that they know it's gross.
I'm waiting to see if I can import it and still play in english or what the deal is on release day.
this one of the last movie's I really really liked before I stopped watching movies.